Sunday, August 26, 2012

Albert and his family need a Tan Minivan

Because their late-eighties minivan is dead and smells, this family of six needs transportation. By going to this link-, you can help secure them a new vehicle.
Their income sucks the major wang, so I just don't know what else to do in order to help them get reliable transportation. Any help anyone can offer would be appreciated, and helping spread the word is huge assistance.
I don't believe anyone needs to put themselves back a lot, but every little bit will help. So, please take a look at this and help us out. Because if they can achieve some level of independence through having reliable transportation, they can achieve even more.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Early online writing with Helium

Some of the earliest writing I've done online was with Helium. While I haven't written for them in some time and don't even recall the password in order to do so, these early articles can be seen through this link: For those interested in my writing, this is another location where some of it is located.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tangled in Climbing Nightshade

Of the three novels I have published, I have a special affinity to Tangled in Climbing Nightshade. While my first novel is one I have great confidence in, The Egocentric Predicament was rather dark. Not that I mind dark, since the theme of Egocentric was a confrontation of Human Trafficking, which is humanity's worst evil, but it seems many were discomforted by the dark.

I would ask those out there to reconsider and give the novel a try. I am sure those finishing it would not be disappointed. I know this because those who have finished it were glad they did. The Egocentric Predicament was published in 2008, and is available at*24adc608a4d4335a1575c341fbaf7811634e6084. Or, you can contact me directly to obtain it, as I have a few copies on hand. For anyone desiring a signed copy of this book, just let me know. I will send one to you for only ten dollars (mainly to cover shipping costs). For those who like e-reading, this is available  on Kindle.

Okay, back to Tangled. Tangled is primarily an e-book, published at, and is only $1.99. Within smashwords, I had greater flexibility in terms of costs, unlike I did with PublishAmerica. So, this is not available in print or paper, but is available in numerous forms of e-book, such as files for Kindle, Nook, pdf, and even Word.

Tangled in Climbing Nightshade is themed to confront the issue of Family Suicide. We all have heard several stories of someone in the family going berserk and killing everyone in the family before committing suicide. The issue with this is that we're left with an unsolvable mystery because those who were in the know of the problems are now all dead. I decided to pursue the mystery through this novel.

Yes, it does approach the level of darkness found in Egocentric. Of course it does, since this is a dark subject. But I feel all adjusted people would want to understand this situation better. So, Tangled offers my perspective on where this might come from, but through a novel's setting and format.

For those who are familiar with some of my work, I believe you'll find the cost of this (two bucks) quite the bargain. Since this first became available a couple months ago, there has been only one copy sold. I would like to see the numbers climb some, since I put nearly two years into the work. Please check it out and consider the two bucks for what I believe will be an unforgettable experience.

Just go to and search for Tangled in Climbing Nightshade or Roddy J Dryer. I promise you that you will be glad you did.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sentience & Civilization

Sentience and Civilization is the title of the fiction I am working on now. The thing is, although my other three novels are published and out there to be seen, this one is actually my first work of novel length.

I first started Sentience & Civilization back in 2000. I was working at Disney at the time and had the idea. It's been so long now that I cannot even remember when I first started this work, but I've returned to it and then shelved it several times.

Sometime around 2006, if I remember correctly, I finished a second draft of this work. The thing is, the document was more than 325,000 words long. You see, this was originally intended to be several volumes (likely five), and sort of a Magnum Opus. But I shelved it after the second draft because I wanted to work on other projects and, as a result, improve in my skills before pursuing this.

New options in publishing would allow a work of this length to make it to market, so I want to complete the work.

Sentience & Civilization is a science fiction story, taking place several hundred years in the future. It will likely take me a good two or three years before it's done, mainly because it will likely exceed 400,000 words and be several volumes long. Because I don't get a lot of time to write, largely due to my working hours, it will take some time.

Spoiler Alert: Sentience & Civilization is a Scifi story featuring numerous races and species from throughout several galaxies who discover Earth and seek to help save it, and its primary species, from self destruction.

Watch for it in the future, should we survive the Mayan prophecies.

Roddy's Travel Articles

Go to and check out the Disney-related travel articles, including the 11-part series, which is Roddy's Best Disney World Guidebook.

There are also several articles highlighting tips and information for those seeking to visit the Mouse.

Roddy's Yahoo Articles

Go to in order to see the latest in Roddy's Yahoo articles.

The articles here range from short stories to political commentary, opinions, and humor.

Check it out. Do it now. Quit screwing around and just do it.

The works of Roddy

For many, discovering the writing of Roddy J Dryer is still something to experience. There are two novels published on, and my first novel, The Egocentric Predicament, was published by PublishAmerica. Also, there are numerous travel-related articles at, as well as Yahoo! Voices.