Sunday, November 10, 2013

Protecting Children and the Vulnerable Through Concerted Efforts

There is no other way to put this; our society is breaking up to the point that our innocent, our children, our young women and our morals are in constant danger from harm, attack, persecution, and even forced slavery in a time when slavery in human history is at its most prolific and successful. More than 2,000 people in this country are reported missing, each and every single day.
We have to recognize there is no law enforcement anymore; just goons in blue doing the bidding of communist heathens or insulated wealthy who benefit from innocent persecution. The incidences of attacks on the innocent are continual while they continually seek to disarm and yank all individual power from the people. The Progressive rhetoric is that protecting yourself is the act of crazy people, yet the Progressive agenda benefits from Human Trafficking and the persecution of the innocent more than any other group.
We cannot afford to make any assumptions anymore. We cannot assume those around us are decent; we should always assume exactly the opposite. In fact, to assume humanity is anything less than pure evil is beyond irresponsible. Further, to assume humanity is anything less than pure evil ought to be considered an active setup to harm an innocent person. Now, this writer is not stating there are no exceptions, just that there are no ways to securely recognize the exceptions.
Some might say we must change our laws in order to make the punishment fit the crime. So, if a child is raped, the perpetrator and those involved must endure a heinous punishment. If a man beats a woman or child to death, he must be beaten to death. While I understand the passion behind these notions, we must recognize they are not the answer. They are not the answer because giving law enforcement (a continual part of any problem) and lawmakers that sort of power would soon lead to torture for something as simple as a speeding ticket.
Instead, we have to recognize the problem for what it is, which is a human failing. And because (I do hate to admit this) law enforcement, lawmakers and politicians are human (barely), they cannot properly protect anyone while operating in those roles. They would only serve to fuel the problem. So, we must be vigilant and protect our own from humanity through humane and intelligent means.
It does seem daunting to think this is where we are, but it is where we are. To complicate matters, not all humans are evil (but I think you already knew that). But because of the state of the world, it would be egregious to assume anyone is not evil unless proven otherwise, or if you know them that well. Even then, innumerable people have been shocked to horror. How often do we hear of a step-parent or boyfriend beating a child to death, or raping a child? Daily, that’s how often.
It's just that with human trafficking, drug trafficking and all the violence associated with it, weapons trafficking and all its drama (and these are the three largest organized crime industries out there), the saccharin-sweet attitude that humanity offers more good than evil is little more than naive. Sure, there are plenty of wonderful people out there, but this offers the same old story- the world will be destroyed not by those who do evil, but by those who witness the evil and do nothing. And the fact is that too few people desire to act against evil. But they'll donate to causes and carry the occasional picket signs, though.
So, we live in a world where there are innumerable amounts of bloodthirsty predators seeking the blood of your vulnerable and the only one who is going to care or take action is you (and other like-minded people). And if you don't, nobody will and that's exactly what those predators desire.
But you alone is not enough, so there must be a resurgence in protecting our own through concerted efforts operating at local levels. We must join as communities, with knowledge, conviction, and a significant lack of political correctness in order to protect what and who is most precious to us. The law won't allow us to destroy the predators, but there's no law against starving the predators from what they seek. If we stop allowing them to prey on ours, they'll have to either move on or stop, and allowing them to move on is just as wrong.
Those who prey on the innocent must be prevented from gaining the innocent.
How could there be an option to that sentence?
By simplifying the philosophy to simply starving the predators from their intended prey, that predatory aspect will either have to diminish or become so ravenous that it must expose itself in order to quell the hunger. In easier terms, we must determine to protect our innocent (and our kind) from what seeks harm. We have to dismiss all assumptions (of the benefit of the doubt) and protect our children and vulnerable as though we are confident they are being hunted by monsters emerging from every shadow.
Should neighborhoods and communities do this, these numbers of missing and abducted people as well as victims of HT and other crimes will diminish. But we have to make these endeavors if we truly care. If we do not, then we can fairly assume that a predatory consumer of our own kind’s weak and vulnerable is what we are.
Make a choice.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Pay Per Mile Taxes- An Unadulterated and Purely Contrived Lie of Arrogant Proportions, Posed by Corruption's Finest

In short, the entire story around the issue regarding the Pay per Mile Taxes, other than this is a genuine agenda by the government, is a complete crock.
The argument as I understand it is that the government’s present methods of obtaining funds in order to maintain the roads and various types of infrastructure, which is mainly the gas tax of nearly nineteen cents a gallon, is just not nearly enough tax income for the government to do these jobs. This is so unsupportable as an argument that it’s just laughable. This is a government that literally throws away billions upon billions of tax dollars, from scams such as global support to the never ending need for more luxuriant lifestyles for government to, well, there is no stop to government waste. The simple and honest truth is that this is the government’s way of continuing its abuse of power in order to pinpoint the location and activity of every single American citizen and, frankly, anyone doing anything in this country they despise. But because this is a monster of such enormous proportion that, if it is not brought to a stop quickly, could turn into a monster coming that closer to completing the government’s circle of absolute control over the people.
Sure, some would say that this is a paranoid attitude and that the government has its valid reasons, but for how much longer do we give the obvious and entire BS story of the government’s actions verity when it is becoming ever clearer that this is the most corrupt government this planet has ever witnessed? Furthermore, who in their right mind would assume the government would settle for tracking the mileage driven by an automobile (an ability already in place, since every act of maintenance on a car or any vehicle includes annotating the odometer reading) and follow through on the promise that the technology wouldn’t be used to GPS track an automobile and the individuals within it? Who is this naïve?
Those who know of me are aware that I make my living as a professional truck driver. I, and my colleagues, trace the roadways of this country at every moment of every day. If there’s anyone who knows road construction is about as difficult to avoid as avoiding McDonald’s arches, it would be the truck drivers of America. But that doesn’t support the argument that the money isn’t there. However, seeing one unnecessary widening and creation of superhighways through some small rural neighborhood after another when a simple two-lane road would more than suffice is an indication that some fool doesn’t know what they are doing…or plenty know exactly what they are doing.
Yes, there are numerous projects going on everywhere, where entire intersections are being rebuilt and simple, two-lane roads are being widened into six-lane divided highways when there is little more than local traffic and a few farm tractors. Furthermore, what’s paying for these useless high-speed rail systems that are sure to go the way of Amtrak?
But it simply seems obvious these arguments are redundant to those recognizing this is simple another effort on the part of a Luciferian government to continue its pursuit of absolute control, corruption and despotism. Beyond that, it’s yet another example of how easy it is to convince the idiotic Liberal that we have to throw yet more of your virgin daughters into the mouth of the volcano in order to appease the Rain Gods. They are claiming they would never pursue placing GPS tracking devices in vehicles because that would be a violation of privacy and an example of government overreach? To buy into that would require a special kind of stupid.
This is not mere government corruption and overreach anymore; this is in-your-face and sitting-on-your-chest-while-dangling-spit-over-your-face corruption and heavy-handedness on the part of an entity that believes you and everything else in existence belongs to them. You don’t have to like it, bitch, but giving in and tucking your tail to where it belongs would make things a whole lot easier on you and that pretty little seven year old girl of yours, now huh? Big Brother is large and in charge and you had better board the serf train and learn to love it. But because we like to show off the smiles you serfs paid for, we’ll call this a pay-per-mile tax rather than what it is, which is a leash law.
Beyond these obvious points, let’s take a look at how this would have to be enabled? All new vehicles from here forward would require the technology (if it isn’t already activated, such as through OnStar) and all commercial vehicles would require it by a specified date. There would simply be no choices until such a time came that some American felt the gumption to disable the thing on their vehicle. That would merely be seen as criminal intent and coped with as such, placing such acts under that umbrella. Toe the line and play nice or you’ll be branded.

That is simply Big Brother getting arrogant, and who could offer evidence that this is not where all of this is going?