Sunday, February 7, 2016

I Didn't Know the Sponge was Supposed to be Wet

I didn’t know the sponge was supposed to be wet.”

We all recall the infamous line from the movie, The Green Mile. Doug Hutchison played the miserable Percy, who quickly had it in for one of the inmates awaiting his execution date. While practicing the routine and procedure on how to execute via the electric chair properly, certain steps are taken, including a wet sponge, surely to conduct the passing volts more efficiently, positioned under the metal cap placed on the head. Electricity is then to pass through the body and this would be done better when wet.

But Percy, because he was a perpetual little dick possessing of a puddle-shallow personality, found the opportunity to be cruel just when cruelty was at hand. It was Percy’s job to wet the sponge and place it on the inmate’s head during preparation, but he placed a dry sponge on the man, knowing hilarity was sure to surprise onlookers very soon.

The unfortunate man died a horrifying death in front of appalled witnesses in a way only Stephen King could contrive.

But we knew the other characters wouldn’t buy into the BS story and they dealt with Percy. They witnessed a man die tragically and unfairly, and intended to make sure who was responsible answered to what went wrong.

It is this aspect of that movie that comes to my mind when I hear those in the government and media continually defend the Islamist agendas. I say this because I am more than confident these people in these organizations are more than aware that the Islamist agendas and intentions are far from peaceful and very dangerous to all who are not them. After all, the information contrary to the peaceful assertion is plentiful directly from the Islamists themselves. In fact, the information moving globally and communications directly from Islamist organizations specifically state that Islam is now directing towards a global movement to sweep the world with Islam only and to annihilate all non-Islam faiths and cultures, that no other manmade law aside from Sharia Law will be allowed to exist anywhere on this planet, and that all infidels must be properly converted or destroyed, and that all non-Muslim women and girls must be reduced to sex slavery as their purpose of existence.

This is not opinion or hurtful accusations from those opposed to the cult. These are the open and forthright intentions of Islam and their people, and they’re not shy about pointing it out. In fact, the only ones twisting the information are the media as well as various governments around the world, including that of the USA. But that shouldn’t come as a surprise, since we now know Barack Obama is extremely sympathetic of the Islamist Movement to turn this world into Planet Islam and outwardly critical of anything opposing that agenda.

I should point out it isn’t really fair to criticize unwitting Liberals who devote Blind Faith to all Liberal Media and their gods in the Democratic/Socialist Party. After all, these people are accepting as fact what is told to them by people who openly claim what they say and print is fact. If you are a Liberal, why wouldn’t you accept the Mainstream Media communications as fact, let alone what is said by those in the present-day administration? Sure, the actual facts to the contrary are so everywhere that one would assume these people would actually have to duck to avoid them, but actively avoiding the truth to support Liberal agendas is the mantra of the Liberal Cult much in the same way as it is within the Islamist Cult. So, Hollywood people such as Ben Affleck and Michael Moore may not really know the actual truth when it comes to the intent of Islam to destroy all that is good and free in the Universe. They may not truly recognize the pure evil that comes from anything remotely attributed to the Cult of Islam, therefore we must look at them with pity and hope they come to their senses some day soon.

Don’t hold your breath.

The more sobering fact is that despite their claims and demeanors, the government is more than aware of the true intent of Islamists, and the media is at least as informed, if not more so. So with that in mind, what is it they are trying to do? We know for a fact the media is more than happy to stand before a camera with blood dripping from their hands and faces; we witnessed confirmation of this with the Ferguson, MO debacle. Those who find the truth valuable know what occurred between the criminal Michael Brown and Officer Darren Wilson (although I also admit this story has become so muddied I don’t know if anyone knows the full truth anymore) was a justifiable shooting on the part of the officer, but the media found it more entertaining to twist this into a racist issue and destroy a community for the ratings. With that point, could it be they are misleading the public at large when it comes to the intent of Islam, joining hands with terrorist groups such as CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) who twist the truth via taqiyya, which is the accepted method of Islamist lying to convince non-Muslims that their intentions are peaceful until they’ve gained the necessary power to crush their enemies? One must ask what benefit the media would have, but it is easy to assume that Islamists running over a community while raping and killing to further their evil intent would make for great ratings when watched by the media crews. After all, ratings equate to great money.

However, isn’t there any ethical component left to our media and government? Would they allow Islamists to further their intentions for the sake of it or do they have yet an even more sinister ulterior motive? I am hesitant on tipping my toe into the tin-hat conspiracies but it’s difficult to avoid the truth unfolding across the globe. There is something nefarious at play behind the scenes and it almost certainly has to do with incredible violence and destruction on a global scale, but I admit I haven’t figured it out yet.

Now, for those of you who have read this far into this and are not necessarily onboard with my assertions, I have to ask you do some homework. I am more than aware that the Mainstream Media does not adequately cover the insanity occurring in the Middle East and Europe when it comes to the Islamist decimation of all that is not Islam, including an actual holocaust sweeping across the Middle East that includes genocide, sex slavery and human trafficking of Christian females, crucifixions of Christian children, and the widespread hunt for all Muslims not onboard with the Caliphate’s intent to push the plan to annihilate the non-Islamic world, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. One would assume the so-called right-wing Fox News would cover it, but know that the Saudi Royal family owns a significant percentage of Fox news and has a say. As for media organizations like CNN, they too often make it clear the transparent truth rubs their agenda the wrong way and has no stable place in their actions. Those media sources you desire to trust are simply not trustworthy by any percentage.

But that doesn’t mean the information isn’t out there. Breitbart is a valuable source as well as the Conservative Tribune. But I want to redirect you to some reading that will help invaluably in your true understanding of what’s occurring in the world around you and how this Islamist Cult intends on destroying everything you hold dear and true before ultimately destroying you. Know that these but scratch the surface of what is available to you.

Say what you will about Glenn Beck, but his book, It Is About Islam is invaluable in understanding the treacherous nature of this cult. Another tremendous source of information comes from a book entitled, InsideJihad: How Radical Islam Works, Why It Should Terrify Us, and How to Defeat It. This book is written by a man who is a Muslim and was once radicalized under the wing of the present-day leader of Al-Qaeda. This is not opinion from an outsider but a wondrous source of information from one who comes from that world. I also recommend reading information about Islam, the Koran and ISIS from the books of Robert Spencer.

Listen, you can continue down your spoon-fed ignorance path perpetrated against you by those who don’t care about you, or you can arm yourself with valuable information. I, too, was once duped by all of this. When 9/11 first happened, I saw it live on TV. I had no clue who was responsible at first and then when those who did it were exposed, I also bought into the notion this was a splinter-group from the lunatic fringe of an otherwise peaceful religion. However, as information and clues to the contrary kept coming into view over the coming years, I was not among those who chose to continually dropkick the truth away to fellate the prettier fallacies. I decided to accept the truth for what it is.

For the sake of all that is good and decent in the universe, I ask you do the same.

Look, friends. The media and your government, who is charged with the responsibility of your safety and security as well as the communication of the facts, knows this sponge is supposed to be wet. They know with intimate knowledge the truth behind what the Islamist Cult really is. You owe it to yourself as well as all the innocent of our world to know at least as much. But I wrote this because I am appalled at the sheer level of intentional ignorance all around me (who have the audacity to call me ignorant among other things when I disseminate the truth) choosing to adhere to false fantasies simply because they don’t adhere to PC doctrine and, well, they suck. But the truth can be painful at times. However, ignorance is not bliss and if you do not get onboard with knowing what is openly planning and training to destroy you, you will be destroyed by it.

Some could say I shouldn’t care about those who just don’t care, but the bigger truth is that this Satanic monster that is coming after us is so big that those who adhere to the truth are not populated with enough people to combat this alone. So, don’t wait until it is too late. We don’t have to repeat the history and nightmares of the WWII Holocaust again and then see that monster sweep the globe just because we want to party with the fun people on the Left.

They know the sponge is supposed to be wet. Do not believe their claims of peaceful intent from the ravages of the Islamist Cult.