Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Donald Trump- The 45th United States President. My Thoughts...

Twenty Four hours prior to my writing of this post, I was absolutely confident Donald Trump didn't have a snowball's chance in Hell to win this. I was confident the same BS games played by the Democrats against Bernie Sanders would affect Trump the same way, and that's not mentioning the blatant bias perpetrated by the media, entertainment in music, TV and sports, and the various social media outlets. I had to be up early in the morning, so I had no idea what was occurring or about to occur while I slept. 

I have to say I was more than surprised when I woke up this morning. In fact, I was stating the day before that should Trump win, I would be quite surprised. I was and, admittedly, still am a bit surprised by this. I will state I voted for Trump so my surprise arrives rather pleasantly. 

With that, I have to state I am mildly surprised also by the outcry from so many on the Dem/Liberal position. Of course I understand they wanted their candidate to win; I'm not that naive. But what I fail to comprehend is how people convinced themselves a Trump Administration would be the end of all they hold dear and important. After all, Trump doesn't have ANY prior record of political corruption (or political anything, for that matter) outside of providing campaign donations to virtually every candidate who came along. Thus, the guy really is a blank slate from which we can apply some new ideas and still have room for Constitutional principle. 

I should openly admit, however, I harbored dark and gloomy dreams of what the future would have looked like under the shadow of Hillary Clinton. It isn't the D attached to her name since I find party line philosophy rather bizarre to adhere to since these party positions too often drift from Constitutional principle, which is the supreme position, regardless of anything else. Rather, my concern was, first, her shocking comfort in conducting business via blatant corruption, and second, her supporters being so supportive and blissfully ignorant of this corruption. Hillary Clinton could crawl out of a sewer grate with the blood of shrieking children dripping from her face and they simply wouldn't care. This woman wasn't just corrupt but she reinvented the corruption wheel. She and her husband achieved more dirty politics than any twenty of the remainder of the corrupted bunch. 

I was fearful Political Correctness was going to eat us alive from within. Take note that most strong countries and societies that have failed did so because of internal conflict and mayhem as opposed to any external factors, and we haven't demonstrated any exception to this rule. But Trump doesn't come across as snuggly to the PC Factor as his predecessor, who wielded its divisive chain with verve and a smile. I was fearful that the trend to dismiss all that is traditional American would be driven into the dark in order to make way for Illegal Aliens, Islamic Invaders and flag-burning liberals who demand all for free while demanding no accountability to anything else. I was fearful our Constitutional Rights were on the coattails of the rule of law, which was being driven into obscurity by the policies of the privileged. I feared those like me, who fall into no minority category, would become the ultimate dismissed category. 

So, if I had a worrisome fear of the future under a Clinton Administration, do Liberals, Progressives and Democrats have a genuine reason to fear Trump? They might have some valid concerns since the PC card isn't going to have the mileage it did, but their freedoms aren't at stake. I assume the free college option might be pushed back, but I cannot help but to think a man whose business successes and economic prowess should serve to offer opportunities the Democratic agenda of nearly a decade dashed onto the rocks with reckless abandon. It won't be easier to spit on uniformed public servants and burn the flag to the witness of applauding spectators, but the opportunity to be free people might provide better things to do. They may not be able to pin the Race Card on everything under the sun, but they might discover that card harbored no face value. 

It should be noted it's a bit early to start with the backflips and cartwheels. Trump is not, I repeat, NOT a traditionally conservative guy, and I doubt he harbors much of any substantial understanding of the United States Constitution he'll soon swear to uphold and defend. I feel confident he'll wing it much in the way others before him have without referring to the Constitution when in doubt, which means we're sure to see bluster and confusion whilst muddling through decisions they'll want seen to pass regardless of reality or principle. I want to be wrong on that, but who is the last President who really cared about the Constitution with passion? I'd like to say Reagan but he allowed various Federal Bureaus to continue during his time in office despite their clear violation of the Tenth Amendment. The Federal Department of Education began in 1978 if I'm not mistaken. It and other departments like it are direct violations of our rights, yet they stand without threat of dismissal. 

So, what is it about Trump that got him this far? Well, first of all, those who are Republican and Conservative voters have made it abundantly clear they're more than done and fed up with politicians of any sort. There were well over a dozen others in the running, but they were all career politicians, which is a demographic that demonstrated a great talent for offering the land of Oz and never having to lift a finger in order to honor any offer. But then there was a guy who had to honor his word in order to get to where he was. He might be a vulgar cad and cuddly as a cactus, but it isn't as though the population of politics is peppered with the pinnacle of human ideals. They might wear nice suits and sport hundred dollar haircuts, but they're about as bloodthirsty as they get. So, why is it so bad to have someone wander in who smiles when he sucker-punches someone in the balls? Honestly, it isn't great to have that, but it would be recommended to have someone who isn't afraid to enter the cage. Besides, this guy isn't used to losing, shrugging his shoulders and not caring about the loser label. If anything, his personal ego should serve as a good buffer from failure. His ego is almost certain to demand he prove to be one of our finest Presidents. 

From there, let's just be intellectually honest and point out there isn't a person in existence who can turn this around for the benefit and satisfaction of everybody. Hillary Clinton viewed those who weren't Liberals and Progressives as nonredeemable deplorables,  Bernie Sanders vied to ensure we found ourselves looking to Venezuela for some good ideas on how to get out of the Hell we created. While I cannot blame Millennials for liking him, he was more than old enough to know Socialism and Communism only lead to Dictatorships and destruction of humanity. He ought to be ashamed of himself and I'm glad to see he'll dissolve into obscurity without being able to cause further harm. Cruz and Paul were fantastic Constitutional Intellectuals, but sadly the majority of people today don't find the appropriate value in that anymore. Why? Because the above mentioned Federal Department of Education ensured they grew up not having any idea of what that meant. And while I voted for Trump, many others who did so are now discovering that decision brought about a burning when they pee. They only did it to stop Hillary, but not to further or reinstall true American ideals. Many do feel Trump can help bring back the America we've all loved and hoped for, but since he doesn't cite the Constitution habitually, we can only assume. 

I'm glad Trump is there for a few reasons. I certainly didn't want the old rulers (Clinton, Bush, or Obama) affecting the future anymore, but I'm hopeful when I think about someone in the position who hasn't been a career politician. That in itself is bound to factor in one way or another. I really, really, really rooted for Cruz before Trump, but even he spoke too much like the average politician. I like that Trump doesn't pull punches as opposed to digging for seven-syllable words to help distract the glazed-eye viewer while prepping to obfuscate and scoot along some verbose agenda hitherto not brought up yet that day. He's more than happy to refer to the federal government as a swamp that needs to be drained. That sounds sweeter than stating he'll propose legislation and seek some sort of referendum, whatever the fuck that means. Rather, he states he wants to make America great again, and I'm not sure I believe him fully, but I believe he believes it.  

Eight years ago, when Obama was going to be the guy, I worried about some of the things he said but I had hopes he would carry through his plans. I hoped he would prove to be one of the finest Presidents this country ever witnessed. I hoped he would unite the country in a way only someone like him could. But no. He decided to run the country into the ditch and create divisions that will take generations to repair. He decided to sit on the chest of the country and dangle spit in its face. These unfortunate series of events were not consequences, but part of his Alinsky-like plans. So rather than becoming a historically profound and wondrous President, he's sure to go down in history labeled as something worse than Wilson, Johnson, or FDR. I firmly believe he's happy with that. 

So, with Trump, I have high hopes. Now, since we have almost no evidence he'll seek the Constitution as a guide, we can only cross our fingers and rely on his business instincts. If anything, most career politicians only know how to take and ruin and never create, but Trump has created more business and jobs than all the other living politicians alive combined. That speaks for something, of that I'm sure. But they, meaning the government who now sees the Republicans almost fully in charge, must get this right. Because if they screw this up, that party will crumble to the ground. They'll never have the chance to prove themselves and seek forgiveness and another chance ever again. From there, Socialism and eventually full-blown Communism will fill in the gaps, and the United States of America will end as we know it. 

No pressure, Mr. Trump, but the future of the greatest country to ever exist in the history of the world and all of humanity is now in your hands. You win and we all win. You fail and that failure will spread for decades at the least. 

Like I said. No pressure.