This Writer Believes the Legal Issue is a Corruption Issue
There are numerous locations throughout the country, particularly in many, many cities, where the butterfly knife is not allowed. You can't have one, and you had better not be caught with one. The Butterfly Knife, which is an epithet of the Balisong knife, is illegal, banned, and considered a dangerous weapon by an ignorant and arrogant legal system populated by the very people who make it ignorant and arrogant. There is simply no way of getting around the fact that this knife is illegal because of the arrogance of people who think they are the superior elite, when in fact, these people have been duped by Hollywood and other showboats into thinking a knife (ladies and gentlemen, this is just a knife, very much like any other knife) can somehow take down the civilization they already believe is under their thumb.
To illustrate what this knife is and does, the Balisong knife has two handles counter-rotating from one another in order to enclose the blade between the handles, or to provide a reliable, open handle securing the blade. It is this function of this knife causing this writer to state for the record that this function makes this knife the safest and most reliable knife in terms of folding knives one can own. It is just that simple.
The overbearing corrupt within the legal system banned this knife decades ago after seeing Hollywood demonstrate the dramatic function of the knife. Through quickly flipping the knife opened and closed, it looks really cool and fun. This is likely what caused the Nunchaku to fall into the banned categories. Further, because of the dramatic appearance of this knife, Hollywood placed it in the hands of villains and bad guys and orcs and should have placed it into the hands of their versions of evil politicians who steal lollipops by plunging this knife into the necks of babies. That is just how much this makes any sense.
Some have gone on to say that it's bizarre the butterfly knife is illegal while numerous spring-loaded folding knives are completely legal and widely sold at the counters of convenience stores. Well, the argument to that is the same argument against banning soft drinks above a certain volume in ounces- the consideration is beyond the purview of the law and not in the spirit of this nation. If this is We the People, By the People, and For the People, why would we commit such overbearing restrictions against ourselves? The very nature of it is psychotic.
But in this instance, a knife is a knife is a knife. A knife is what it is, despite the attitudes of the corrupt who convinced themselves the people are theirs to own and control. So, for any level of the government to step from their Ivory Towers and tell us what knives we can and cannot have is a notion pulled from the Stupid Precinct of the Twilight Zone. It doesn't require a significant level of intelligence to understand why people shouldn't be running around with Samurai swords strapped to their backs (although it should be a social faux pas as opposed to a legal issue), but the butterfly knife is about the same size as any other legal folding knife.
For those with a three-digit IQ: The butterfly knife is about the size in terms of blade length as any average paring or steak knife.
Because the handle rotates around the blade and then can be locked with a latch, this makes it virtually impossible to accidentally open. Further, when this blade is opened, one is literally holding it locked opened, preventing the blade from accidentally folding closed, possibly onto the fingers. Many folding knives that do not lock open are inherently dangerous because they can accidentally fold when used, making them dangerous. Ergo, the Balisong or butterfly knife is not the dangerous weapon of monsters, but in fact one of the safest folding knives obtainable.
Why would the Nanny State desire to ban what is certainly one of the safest folding knives in existence? What, would it make these people happier if it came in Safety Green and Orange? The only answer seeming to come forward is blatant ignorance and arrogance.
In summary, this treatise is an argument not just for the legality of the butterfly knife for the reasons stated above, but also to argue against the inexcusably poor legislative behavior on the part of people who promised their constituents they knew better than that. For these people to step aside from their place and from the spirit of this land in order to state an object is illegal because some Bruce Lee Wannabe makes it look groovy resides at the height of corruption. This is akin to banning classical music because some serial killer in the movies was fond of it. Are they going to ban Beethoven's Ninth Symphony because Alex and his droogs enjoyed the mayhem while it played?
The fact that this knife is still banned in any way at all and not available anywhere knives are sold is a failure on the part of those who stand for American rights, so the issue should be revisited.