Monday, September 24, 2012

7 Things to Avoid Series of Articles

For those of you who are interested in my articles, some of you found some comic relief in the 7 Things to Avoid series of articles.

If you don't know about these incredibly astute and finely written pieces of literary art, they're merely humor articles focused on one subject or another, but written in a rather silly fashion. The one that seemed to catch the most attention was 7 Things to Avoid While on Fire, although it was not the first. The first, if I am correct, was 7 Things to Avoid While Driving. 

There is a very helpful article entitled, 7 Things to Avoid When Eating Seafood, and this article comes quite recommended, particularly for those of you who enjoy seafood. Hey, your pants are in jeopardy. How? Hint: Ewww...

There is a festive, holiday article for April Fool's Day. For a laugh, go to to scroll through all of the articles and find this one on the seventh of June. Oh, April Fools! No really, it's for the first day of April.

There are plenty of you out there with diet concerns (but not me, as these abs set off the metal detectors at the airport), so there is one called 7 Things to Avoid When on a Diet. This one is guaranteed to boost the heart rate of the reader.

Because of the state of the economy today (thanks to the Communists), there is an article called 7 Things to Avoid When Unemployed. There's also a life lesson in the article, 7 Things to Avoid Around Chuck Norris, because I wouldn't want to see any of you get hurt.

We're only a few months away from the end of the year, so there is an article entitled, 7 Things to Avoid on December 21st, 2012. We could all be dead before the end of the year, so lets know what to do, even though we'll all be dead.

Floridians will particularly enjoy and find useful the article, 7 Things to Avoid Regarding Bob's Barricades. This is important for those who value their car. But anyone, especially those who could use some tutoring when it comes to proper writing, would benefit from 7 Things to Avoid Regarding Cliches. But then, for those Floridians, the article called 7 Things to Avoid with the British Floridian might ring a bell.

Although many of us look forward to the Zombie Apocalypse (I think it would be a darling sporting event rather than issue), there is an article entitled, 7 Things to Avoid Around Zombies. Then, the latest article of this series is entitled, 7 Things to Avoid in Entry Level Management. This one is essential for those who are familiar with today's young and sometimes bizarre line of management graduates.

So, for those of you who might enjoy a good laugh, check out these articles. If you don't laugh, particularly while reading the On Fire one, you just don't know from funny.

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