Sunday, January 13, 2013

Science & Faith- As Above, So Below

After giving this some thought, I have found I cannot help but to support the faith and theories behind religious and spiritual isms. But my reasoning doesn't have to do with the Bible or people’s firm assertions of what is right and wrong. Rather, my spiritual beliefs and faith in the place of God is based on the very things many people find turning them from these beliefs.
It’s funny how so many people have looked towards science and rational discovery as a vehicle to dismiss the existence of God and, therefore, the value of religion. I find this strange since the more I learn about how the universe and the world works, and how all things great and small work together on a precarious balance, the more it seems the notion that it is somehow an accumulation of random occurrences just appears naïve at best.
When we consider what science has learned of how the galaxies function and hold together, and how the methods operating our home galaxy foster the possibility of life here on Earth, and then how complex and sophisticated life is and has been for more than three billion years, and then how the function of the planet itself allows for life, and then how the solar system’s construction allows for life here (did you the know the gas giants help suck up a lot of meteoric debris through their extraordinary gravitational pull?), and then how our position within the galaxy allows our solar system to operate in its fashion, and the magnetic field of our world along with the atmospheric density of the planet fosters great protection for the life below…and then we must consider how science must only be scratching the surface of what can be known.
I do understand how difficult it is for some to give blind faith to religion; I am one of these people and I find religion a difficult subject. But I cannot help but to believe with absolute conviction there is a Universal Consciousness operating within, throughout, and above all of this. To assume it came together randomly as opposed to Intelligent Design is so hard for me to grasp.
Now, the Biblical teachings of what and who God truly is can be hard for me. It is difficult for me to believe in some invisible man in the sky. But, if my assumptions are correct in there is a Universal Consciousness, then I must concede that this God has placed a method of us understanding Him in a way He has chosen. But, one might ask, how do we explain the various religious dogmas, beliefs, philosophies, and pursuits? There is Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, and on and on. They’re obviously different, and within each there are different sects.
Look, once upon a time, mankind was not so united on a global front. Getting from here to there was a significant undertaking for a long time. So, might have this Universal Consciousness reached out to those according to their cultural specifics? Or, did they reach out to it, feeling innately to be a part of it? Beyond this, why do people who look at the Bible and other religious texts as having missing parts (explain the dinosaurs, Jesus) demonstrating a sure-fire clue that they’re just plain making it all up? It is so difficult for me to accept the atheistic notion that there are only the three physical dimensions and that we’re just meat come together as a result of various random effects. The clues signifying this is radical denial are just too voluminous.
It could be that religion and spirituality is evolving and growing in sophistication as we do. That is a bitter pill for the faithful, but my purpose in this treatise is to explore a mystery. So then, how does one explain the corruption of faith, such as is being suffered in the Muslim faiths? How they assume Allah looks at the infidels as something to be destroyed (when He made them like they are) yet assume this same Creator supremely fucked up in placing a clitoris on the female so it is their job to lop all of them off? There are questions just not presenting their answers, but they do point out there isn’t anyone with a firm enough grasp of the actual truth.
I assume (I cannot state this with conviction and faith) that the Universe somehow developed a self awareness of a sort and a consciousness. There is a plane somewhere there that developed a form of sentience. But I assume it may not have always been like this and that this Consciousness does not have all the answers, but is working it out as time moves along. Perhaps God is not omniscient like we want to assume, but He needs to figure things out as He goes along. Maybe, just maybe, God is evolving, too.
As for Evolution, why do the religious want to doubt it? I bite my lip when people arrogantly state evolution says we just came from monkeys so it’s just bullshit. Well, first, it doesn’t say that whatsoever. We have to eat, sleep, bathe, eliminate, and do other things specific to the mundane, physical world, so why must we think God didn’t adopt evolution as a means of creating His Creation? He might have very well started with simple life way back in the Cambrian or whatever it was and then came up with bright improvements along the way (and that’s just here).
Have you asked why we are sentient and self aware (we’re not as much as we like to think) and why we’ve developed our minds and command of our world like we have? Could our intelligence and ability to create technology be a consequence of evolution resulting from the last great extinction? Might the Universal Consciousness assume that since this world could be struck out and somehow destroyed that there should be a species capable of achieving migration from the world, or saving it entirely? Geese fly south for the winter, but we cannot fly into outer space the same way. We must have technology. Ergo, our technology is a natural consequence of evolution and nature because the Universal Consciousness worked it out that way. It is fair to say the neon lights of Vegas are just as natural as the stars or the bellies of fireflies.
In one simple sentence: There is nothing supernatural or unnatural, ever. There is only the natural, and if it exists or will, or has, it is natural. Our space exploration is as natural as the migration of whales.
But this Universal Consciousness doesn’t seem to favor many species. More than 99% of all life that we have ever known to exist has long died out. I believe it is fair to state that if we do not get our shit together and work out our troubles, the Universal Consciousness just might decide to try again with someone else.
This is why we have a space program and a nuclear weapons program. Whichever one works better is the one who gets to stay. Why would God care? Just allow the insect world to develop a sentient species and try again. I believe the one fatal and all-consuming error of religion (forgive me) is that God does not single us out any more than he does any other creature. We assume we’ve had some favor because of our place in the scheme of things, but then, we can only assume. The difference between arrogance and ignorance is minuscule, and we know so precious little. Just imagine how our place in the eyes of God will change should we discover there is really life elsewhere. But life on other planets, particularly intelligent life, would not shake my faith in the Universal Consciousness; it would cinch it down unlike anything else ever could. But those guys in your randomizer and smoke it.
The point is that Nature and God come together so well that I cannot understand how people look to science and dismiss God, or how the faithful look to science and dismiss the assumptions and theories? If there is a God, and then Bigfoot and Martians, ghosts and mermaids, then they are of a Natural consequence. If there were truly dinosaurs, they were a creature of God, too. One does not cancel out the other.
I believe that one of the great challenges humanity faces now is the acceptance of the culmination of these isms. If we cannot do this and we must continue with the notion that they’re separate, then our place in the scheme of things might suffer. This is why I loathe radical political Islam; it could be the very last straw for our existence at all. If it flourishes over us, we will flourish no more.
So, could this final challenge be what has been predicted in the End Times and by the various celebrity prophets? What could justify any attention given to prophecies?
If the Universe works as I theorize and that this Universal Consciousness pervades it completely, then it surely could see these events taking us one way or another. If I see you reaching for a salt shaker and then you ask me, what am I doing right now, I can suppose you’re reaching for the salt shaker. If you grasp it and state I was correct, I would have accurately prophesied a future event. But this one would be so mundane because it is so obviously based on empirical evidence that one’s incited to yawn. But how does one suppose Nostradamus and his vision is based on wacky superstition and not an actual empirical view unseen by us, as he might have a greater touch on universal empiricism. How do we do this to any of the prophets not allowed by our personal faiths?
I believe the missing link between our spiritual faiths and our empirical knowledge is the key to our survival. We must recognize this link if we are to truly succeed and not go extinct. Only time will tell, but the Mayans predicted this time was a new era (those who thought this was the end were incorrect; it doesn't take much faith to recognize that) and this new era sees these two polarities clashing in a way unlike any other time we know of in all of history. We now live in a time when these two will either cancel one another out or come together, united as a One species greater than the one prior.
As above, so below.

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