Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Money God

It amazes me how, in this day and age and after all that has gone on regarding budget issues, recessions, crime, unemployment, financial crises, and threats to cut Social Security and other benefits, why haven't more people asked some rather simple but poignant questions.

Questions like: why does money and finance have to work this way? Maybe, just maybe, the way we do this finance and economy thing needs a tweak. Why are there people worth tens of billions of dollars in a world literally risking annihilation because of a significant lack of economic prosperity?

Isn't funny how some talking heads go on about 'take control of your destiny' and 'grab your life by the horns' when the vast majority of human beings on this planet can find little more than simple labor, often because they’re constrained by their individual budget. But they're working hard, right? They're working honest, right? That’s how you get ahead, right?

There is a big, ugly gorilla in the room being intentionally ignored, and his name is Mammon. This god of money has our entire species duped. While the vast majority of us are duped into thinking this is all there is, the others are duped into covering that gorilla ass in exchange for some serious benefits.

The truth of the matter is that, while the people in control whine about the crises and financial debacles putting our world at risk, they know what they're doing and doing it just the way they intend. Nobody with an average intelligence should accept these lies anymore. The solutions and potential improvements are simply too numerous to count, too easy to implement, and too obvious to deny.

But why does this not occur? Human predation. It is just that simple. It has nothing to do with any of the economic woes and dramatics they claim; it is simply and easily better for those in power to wield power through economic and monetary weaponry.

When they say the world is at stake unless we figure something out, they are lying. The economic, monetary and financial issues are a human issue and no other separate or higher external entity is forcing these methods on us. The only ones doing it are the very wealthy and that's the end of the story.

Now, your boss or company owner is likely quite sincere when they cry uncle in these issues, but those wielding global and national influence are not. The Terminator franchise was correct in that a human creation would control and continually threaten humanity, but the creation isn't self-aware. Those operating its controls are the ones doing exactly what they desire.

We are right where suckered, ancient tribesmen were when they were solemnly informed they had to hand over yet another virgin daughter, who was to be thrown into the mouth of the volcano at dawn, to appease the rain gods and save the crops. Never mind the horrific night she endured at the hands of her captors before this final torment. We are continually informed the way things are now are that way because there is no other way...yet the wealthy of today are the wealthiest ever and today's poor are more numerous than ever. It does not add up.

What to do? Well, the obvious questions need to be asked, repeatedly, to start. We need to make it clear we know this economic system is ours to tweak towards a greater benefit to the whole, even if those who benefit don't like it. They cannot present a force or entity overpowering us with this, so we can freely claim it should be modified to benefit everyone (reasonably and with intelligence), and resistance to modification is only due to reasons of power and manipulation based on predatory behavior. If we call a spade a spade and point right at the gorilla, then at least some measure of coping will have to be employed.

We're not buying into your rain god bullshit anymore, and our daughters are no longer yours to harm. In fact, we have a few hard feelings to sort out...

The primary challenge here is gaining enough widespread support and a minimization on the part of minions who believe whatever they're told. We simply have to inform the influential that we know they have more than enough influence to influence our situation in beneficial ways. We all know we must act with intelligence and that those working entry-level positions cannot live a millionaire lifestyle, but the attitude that ‘there just isn’t enough to go around’ is a blatant lie. I am not saying we should provide the wealthy less in order to give the poorer more; let the wealthy have all they want while we pay more for honest work.
We would simply have to make more money. And no, we don’t have to reduce the value if there is more; that is another contrived lie based on protecting the elite. Doesn’t it make sense to boost the economy in such a way that fewer people are struggling so we can see more spending on the part of more people? I know that everyone have zillions to spend would inundate the supply and create chaos, but the status quo as it sits now is nowhere near any better.
Overall, let’s have the common man point to his political servants and point out what we know is true. From there, we can put our heads together and make some positive changes. But for as long as we allow them to shrug their shoulders and play dumb, things will remain dumb. 

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