Sunday, June 2, 2013

When Good People Do Nothing

The statement has been put so many ways but it always means the same thing.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. Dear Readers, Einstein said that one.

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless- Martin Luther King

Silence in the face of injustice is the approval of injustice- Ginetta Sagan

It seems the evidence is clear that the world is comprised mostly of good and decent people, but the evidence is equally clear that the world has gone the way of Planet Batshit because these so-called good people refuse to do anything effective about the evil all around them. In fact, the evidence is overwhelmingly clear that effectively everyone refuses to actively work towards a better world.

While there are certainly good people working towards some sort of solution to many of the world's worst problems, it also seem more than evident that these efforts possess poor, poor mileage. There are those who speak out and protest numerous issues, but those issues continue to propagate because (and it amazes me that I have to point this out) mere protests and verbal disagreements do not hold the power required to affect a positive change.

Yes, there is some evidence that raising awareness does help to a degree, but another symptom is that those committing their evils merely need to reorganize in order to step away from the awareness. This is how forced prostitution ended up on sites like Back Page; people felt that forcing young girls to sell their bodies to strangers in order to avoid another moment of brutality was untoward on the open streets under the light of day.

But the problem didn't go away; it merely went where it could operate even more profitably for those who enjoy it and profit from it. Thus, the sale of kidnapped young women and girls for the sake of forced prostitution and for the profit of the slave owners who control these girls is the second most common organized crime, directly behind drugs. And what is even more bizarre is that many former drug runners and sellers are turning to Human Trafficking because it is so much easier and the product can be sold again and again and again.

Human Trafficking

We do need to continue with this subject matter in the greatest of detail, mainly because it is easily supportable that this crime is the single greatest evil in the world today. I ask that my readers do not turn a blind eye to this tragedy, but actively seek the information as it exists in order to bring both awareness and a greater potential for action against this.

If people know what it is when they see it, they'll be more likely to affect a change. For too long, the witnessing of very young girls acting as prostitutes on a corner was seen as them being tramps and whores by birth, when in fact these girls have been forced by their captors at continual threat of their safety as well as the safety of their families. These girls have been forced into the crime of slavery right before the eyes of the public, who turned their backs in disgust.

Finally, the world is waking up to this, yet so little is being actually done and those who commit and partake of this crime are virtually doing cartwheels up and down the street because of how easy the crime is to continue with and keep going at max profit. After all, while more and more people are becoming aware of this, the effective amount of them who are taking part to stop this are such a sad few. In fact, many of my readers already know I truly believe and support the theory that the government and high echelon law enforcement are not just complicit in this crime, but actively supporting it. Just like the Reagan Administration pushed tons of drugs into the open market (during Just Say No) in order to fund the Iran/Contra debacle, the world's governments of today are surely supporting Human Trafficking as a wondrous means of keeping an otherwise stagnant economy thriving.

How dare I make such a claim? This is the number two organized crime in the world. The average consumer of this crime is all around us as the everyday guy who desires cheap sex for a cheap price. The demographic has made it clear that younger and younger girls are what's wanted. Now, if these dirtbags who are otherwise the everyday guy can find these girls and turn this crime into one of this immense popularity, then there's no way law enforcement is somehow 'stumped' as to what to do about it. They are actively NOT doing anything about it and that is as obvious as daylight. So, there must be a reason they're not doing anything, and it's too easy to assume law enforcement is in on the crime.

But the greatest crime is that the world over has become more aware of this than ever before, but it's still going strong. How does a race such as humanity turn a blind eye to the forced slavery of its most innocent and defenseless and just continue forward with vacation plans while concentrating on how to perfect the pizza? Why aren't we on our feet and actively seeking the rescue of these innocent victims?

Because we would be seen as the criminals (and would be treated as such) if we took an active stance, and everyone is far more afraid of that than seeing that eleven year old girl turn her fifteenth trick of the day while handing over every cent she earned to the monster who earns 200 grand a year without a high school diploma through marketing his stable of kidnapped children.

I'll ask it again: What are we?

Pet Overpopulation

I don't want to go on and on about this one, but it deserves attention and should be mentioned. I don't have to say a lot because the situation speaks for itself, but this is a monstrous mess. The shelters in every single city in the nation (and around the world) is full of unwanted dogs and cats, but every dipshit asshole living within proximity of these places is more than happy to allow their animals to continue cranking out more and more unwanted progeny. Cats are literally worthless in that they cannot be sold (unless their of a special breed) and so often can't even be given away, simply because there are so many of them that we literally don't know what to do with them all, yet the unchecked population continues to rise.

The dog is the perfect example of the subject of this blog. The dog is not a creature of nature but a thing created by humanity for the benefit of humanity. How odd it is that we look at the dog as Man's best friend yet treat this species the way we do, all the while the entire world watches and doesn't even shrug. This is how we treat our friends? No wonder aliens won't talk to us.

The dog is such a wreck because this poor creature has been so poorly inbred in order to create greater and greater examples of obscene abominations, yet everyone looks at these freaks and goes, "Aww!"

They are not cute; the cuter they get, the more of an abomination they are, because they perpetrate a continued act of evil against their own kind. There are literally millions of unwanted dogs while the dog breeding and selling industry continues to thrive. This is Planet Batshit at its best, my friends.

Child and Spouse Abuse

Not only are our most innocent being sold into sex slavery, but even more of them are tormented and tortured and even horribly beaten to death everyday at the hands of parents and caretakers, and this has been going on since the dawn of time. But what do we do when we see two grown adults stomping the shit out of a little child?

"Yeah, give the snot one for me."

Dafuq? Okay, spare the rod and spoil the child was horribly misunderstood. A child being raised with discipline and consequences is smart because all adults must live with an understanding and appreciation for discipline and consequences, and all adults were once children. But does a ball team send out a team of goons to beat a ball player who accidentally misses a catch? If not, why do we treat our children this way.

And it just astounds me that the world views the horrors of the Muslim culture as mere culture when children are regularly brutalized in that culture, all women have been savagely mutilated against their will, all to be considered worthy by their captors, and all their females are born only to be beaten and savaged and raped by their cowardly males, and the rest of the world shrugs and calls it culture.

You know what? Fuck you. There's no good reason in the Universe to support this heinous condition, but all the world does it, anyway.

We feel saddened when we hear of what a child suffered for years at the hands of an abusive parent or guardian (a laughable label), and we never hear of the actions until they became so severe that the evil spilled over into the eyes of the public. But each and every incident is treated as an isolated incident. That is such bullshit, since anyone with sense knows full well it is going on all around us, at all times.

Anyone who knows me knows I am a full supporter of equal rights, rights to privacy, and Constitutional law. I cannot support Unconstitutional searches, but I believe we should simply be looking out for the citizens who are not old enough to vote or make their own way, and we should take the time to ensure they are really okay. This doesn't have to be an inquisition; the rights of the child to live properly should not be usurped by the rights of the parents. That is not living equally by any stretch.

We all have equal rights under the law. We're all created equal in the eyes of our Creator. Unless we're a child. If you're a kid, everyone else loves seeing you stomped when you failed to know better than to piss off whoever is stomping you. Oh, and by the way, fuck you until your suffering hurts our feelings.

Familial Suicide

While this is not nearly as prevalent as child abuse, this has become a trendy fad at times. What is meant here is when a family member, often a parent and often the father, goes crazy and thinks it's a good idea to kill every family member and then commit suicide, effectively wiping out the entire family.

This one is a tough one because it is hard for the public at large to see what's happening, but I feel confident that the extended family of the victims saw the signs. Just like with the above subject of child abuse, there is nearly always someone who know what tragedies are occurring, but somehow finds it better to turn a blind eye. In the case of these families lost to this madness, there are others households with family members who knew of the anger and madness in the other home, filled with their loved ones.

While I will openly admit that it is hard to cross the boundary of privacy (I grew up in a house full of abuse and I know many family members knew of it, and I knew of it) but we must recognize that we need to get better at recognizing the vulgar double standard of what is and what is not just. Just because we're related to them, it doesn't mean we should see the madness as somehow justified in order to support some offender just because they're related. This should be recognized as heinous arrogance.

The dysfunctional family is the norm and the families not enduring said dysfunction do not exist. Everyone gets it. But if you saw a man go over and slap the hell out of an innocent woman in the supermarket for no apparent reason, particularly if it was apparent these two did not know one another, then how does it add up to allow the guy to treat his wife this way?

It does not. This is merely an act of good people doing nothing in the face of evil.

Political Corruption

This is clearly everyone's favorite, but that is exactly what makes it so inexcusable. What can I say that anyone reading this doesn't already know? Anyone with any sense knows the madness occurring within the political arena is utter madness, but it's actually become a subject of humor rather than seen as the fastest train to Hell.

Let's go right back to the act of heinous arrogance. People tolerate the corruption and criminal acts of the Obama administration because they support the Democratic party and hate George Bush. Welcome to Planet Batshit. People supported the crimes of the Bush administration because they supported the Republicans and loathed the Liberal agenda. Not any better by any stretch.

I cannot support the Liberals or Progressives, as you'll see below. But right and wrong cannot be replaced by right and left, but that is precisely what's gone on. The result? The United States of America, which was once a free nation governed by its own, has become a Socialist police state with its citizenry afraid of every shadow. And what's even better is that people still buy into the lie that the entire fault lies in the lap of "That party over there."

Well, they don't really buy into that; they simply find it easier to pretend they do in order to look the other way from the obvious corruption destined to bring the world closer to the brink of calamity.

We laugh and scoff when we see North Korea and other dictatorships hold their own people hostage, but it's beyond sad when we watch the Benghazi scandal, or Fast & Furious, or whatever else and not demand a complete uprising on the part of the country's people. Not an uprising of arms and other craziness (who are you going to fight?), but an uprising of voices and fingers pointing into the faces of the politically influential and saying, "You are full of shit and everyone knows it. You need to get fucked and get lost."

We need to force wrestling tights onto the politicians and toss them into a steel cage, and then unleash our favorite wrestlers on them until they submit. I would pay good money to see The Rock bounce Diane Feinstein off the mat with one suplex after another. To see him dropkick her over the ropes and into the chain link would prompt tumescence that could cut glass.

I have no doubt there is so much more to add to this, and I'm sure I will with future posts. But I think I have gone on enough to indicate that our silence in the face of wrong is in itself wrong. Turning a blind eye to evil is more heinous an evil than what is no longer perceived.

Don't be afraid to be an asshole. Speak out against the wrongs, the evils, and the injustices with clarity and confidence.

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