People can say what they will about smoking or other unhealthy habits, but the truth is that cigarettes and tobacco in general provides a very nice and pleasant short-term gain, helping one alleviate depression and feel calm. But we know the long-term effects are not so pleasant, with cancer, COPD, and other maladies caused through exposure over time.
What captures my attention is that someone somewhere thought about the conundrum and decided we needed a product that brings those short-term gains without bringing about the long-term disasters. They realized the silly notion that everyone should quit isn't gaining a lot of traction (although teen smoking numbers are way down, which is a good thing) but they had the wherewithal to see the health troubles cannot be ignored.
People over time tried different means to alleviate the health costs through light cigarettes and clever filters, but eventually people had to recognize that the cig is a cig. However, clever and entrepreneurial minds thought it over and discovered a way to give the consumer just what they desired in a high-tech piece of equipment. The electronic cigarette contains a small but effective atomizer inside that draws the moisture/humidity from the surrounding air and condenses it into a smoky-looking vapor. This water vapor resembles the smoke quite well (although not so much when the humidity is down), so the appearance of smoking can't be denied. From there, different methods employed by different products infuse the vapor with a flavor and small dose of nicotine (if desired but not demanded, as nicotine-free smoking is an option!), with the flavors being from tobacco to chocolate and other flavors.
What fascinates me is the creative spirit and entrepreneurial pursuit to come up with a solution to the problem that lead to creating what is actually rather high-tech and clever. Captain Kirk didn't even have one of these. I have seen futuristic movies detailing how discarded smokes would be destroyed by lasers when discarded, but none of those movies I saw approached this in this way. What this shows is the imaginative and creative aspects of problem solving (and recognition) knows no boundaries. The only thing I can think of that comes close to this in fiction and other grasps at the issue is synthehol in the Star Trek series, where the artificial alcohol consumed at the lounge loses its intoxicating effects when the lounge is exited. That is a neat idea but still not as ingenious as this.
So, while some may think this is a step back from finding the body a temple, I find it a tremendous leap forward in the continual quest to better life and seek improvements through innovation and a concerted effort to solve the problems as they are. The electronic cigarette doesn't contain the silly denial of the reduced tar and nicotine of lights, and it isn't a pathetic compromise of a filter that can do but so much. The electronic cigarette approaches the subject with maturity and a healthy lack of prejudice, demonstrating there are those with very fresh thoughts and the ability to, as they say, think outside the box.
I was a smoker for a long time, enjoying cigarettes, pipes (I loved my pipes) and even the occasional cigars, and I also enjoyed smokeless tobacco for quite some time. But I was tired of the lingering thought of the potential for a gruesome death and I was certainly tired of the ridiculous costs. But presently I have three different eCigs and vaporizers, and I like them quite a bit. I have a rather large vaporizer that requires what's called eJuice but find it unsuitable for travel as it can be a bit messy. But I am fond of it at home. I have two other eCigs I keep with me as I travel and find them pleasant, but I have found I am on the prowl for an even better version. These things are certainly gaining in popularity, as it appears there are so many versions and options available today, with even some looking just like conventional pipes and hookahs. Gotta love it.
While I am aware some are displeased with the notion that this is where technology flows, I find the acceptance of humanity being what it is as opposed to some Utopian version thus far unattainable to be a breath of fresh air, even when infused with water vapor flavored with apple and a tad of nicotine. I am quite impressed with this invention, much the same way I am fascinated by the eBook. I have a Kindle and love the fact that I can keep numerous books with me and not have to worry about the space and weight. I know those eBooks aren't the best for the physical stores, but they utilize technology to solve the issues many suffered with traditional books, being space challenges and the issue of weight and so forth. Who doesn't have several boxes filled with old books? That eBook helps so much.
And I really like living in a world where I can enjoy my eBook while enjoying my eCig, with neither destroying my health or compromising on how many books I have with me.
In short, hurrah to those with ingenious minds and the ability to demonstrate we can still pursue a better humanity and world once we recognize what it is we really desire.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Police Officers of Today- What Are You Becoming?
Is it just me, or is the idea of police officers and law enforcement in general becoming a horrifying menace to society a bad idea? Perhaps I'm just a whiny sourpuss, but my mind goes towards law enforcement being viewed as a positive thing by good and decent law abiding citizens rather than heinous fiends bent on mayhem. Sadly, rather than our officers falling fairly into the cliche of 'our very best', more officers are unfortunately categorized into 'our most feared'.
If it was rapists, molesters and other fiendish criminals fearing cops, things might be okay, but that is not the developing trend. Instead, if the average citizen is pulled over alongside the roadway without knowing why (I know I wasn't speeding, so might I have a tail light out or something?) they can fully expect this particular officer and the other four about to show up will soon be running their hands through everything in the car for some trumped up reason except for any respect for the Bill of Rights. Or if they were simply at, say, ten miles per hour over when the limit is highway speed (forty in a thirty is honestly excessive) then they can expect to be treated as though they threatened the President.
So much for the rule of law.
Furthermore, while our wonderful country is forced to endure sociopathic scoundrels throughout state and federal political office continually trying to usurp our supreme law of the land (hint: it rhymes with ponstitution) for their own nefarious quest for global domination, it doesn't mean the law enforcement officer automatically becomes a mindless henchman. But law enforcement continues to honor improper policy enforcement even when no law is at risk of being broken. Being that, the incidences of officers becoming so heavy handed in response to the slightest infraction is becoming the norm in itself.
Now, before anyone gets their undies in a twist, please allow me to state that I am quite aware this is not a pointing accusation at all officers. I am more than aware that most people choose a career in law enforcement because they believe in the value of the rule of law and societal order as opposed to itching for the opportunity to thunk American skulls and violate their frightened little girls in order to make people pledge allegiance to the traitors. I can be a jerk but I'm not an anarchist.
But I, along with all of America, have real and genuine concerns. I know that when I was a soldier, my compatriots and I were informed we could never follow an unlawful order. If a superior officer ordered me to, say, perform a code red (an ass beating) on another, my responsibility is to, first, refuse to comply and then, second, report the instance to my chain of command.
I don't violate everything about who and what I am and then step forward with the cowardly excuse of, "I was doing my job and following orders." This was a courageous aspect of American exceptionalism. As Americans, the rule of law in a just society overrules all notions of individual superiority.
First, people who have committed no crime and show no threat should not have to feel their sphincter tighten at the sight of law enforcement. If one is doing something illegal or is causing a disturbance, then the sight of law enforcement might cause one to sober up. But we should not be hearing officers salivate about the notion to kick in someone's door for the groovy opportunity to beat old women and dislocate the shoulders of all the children.
We are not there quite yet, but we can see it from here.
Beyond that, we should be able to expect our law enforcement to stand by the people and refuse unlawful orders when corrupt politicians utilize cops as goons just because they feel they're above the law. In fact, the most powerful elected official amongst the local government is the County Sheriff and it is his job to uphold the law, too. So, it is not unfair to ask law enforcement to stand by the United States Constitution, both in writing and law but also in spirit.
In this country, the free people employ representatives to stand and govern for their best interests as outlined by law and the Constitution. That Constitution stands as a ball and chain to prevent unwieldy and corrupt powers to take too firm a hold on the free people. Does anyone have a clue as to what enforces that and ensures it is not usurped and nullified? It would actually be the people themselves, should they stand. But in the climate of today, that would be seen as threatening. What is sad is that it ought to be our law enforcement rather than the average people against the goons falsely labeled as law enforcement.
Part of that is law enforcement supporting their country so that the common citizen does not have to rise with arms in hand and revolt. But the second amendment is there so the people can rise if necessary, but it should be at the side of law enforcement, not against them! Furthermore, if the people have less enforcement in their treasonous government, what does the treasonous government have? Nancy Pelosi in chain mail? If one thinks with some sense, the only corrupt government with power is the one turning the people on each other.
United We Stand. Divided We Fall.
Law enforcement is the key to upholding or dismissing the founding principles of this land. We don't need law enforcement becoming communist goons or mindless stormtroopers shooting protesters in the public square. The law holds the peace, but the law can get out of check when it repels the supreme law and overtly cowers the people just for the benefit of the corrupt and predatory.
So, I ask our law enforcement to review who and what you are. We do not need skull whacking bullies to keep the peace. We don't need scoundrels scrambling through grandma's undies on the side of the highway truly hating America while claiming to hate drugs. Oh, and we are all more than aware that you guys are not searching for drugs or any other illegal thing when you do these roadside searches without due cause. We are quite aware this is your way of sitting on the chest of America and dangling spit in its face for your own amusement. Do these actions facilitate your tumescence for when you get home to the pre-teen tied up in your garage? Let's stop playing games and openly admit you do this because you hate this country. You have the stones to do it; have the stones to admit why you're doing it.
The situation is simple in that we, as Americans regardless of who signs our paycheck, should be united as Americans or seek the unveiling of the facade.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Humanity's Space Exploration is Vital to Prevent Our Extinction
This is a post I had written elsewhere some time ago, but I wanted to share again since this is quite important to ponder upon and the old post no longer exists.
news reports have informed us that the future of NASA is in jeopardy and also
that the lead of The United States in the Space Race is now in question.
President Obama has scrapped the plans to revisit the moon by 2020 and numerous
other space exploration programs. The future of NASA is in peril and therefore
the economic stability surrounding Cape Canaveral is placed at an even higher
risk than it was before this announcement, and that region's economic stability
was already in trouble. A significant amount of jobs will be lost. Furthermore,
the economy of the area that relied on that economic stimulation is now facing
times even more uncertain and precarious. These announcements will now present
Cape Canaveral and the surrounding areas, such as Cocoa Beach, the opportunity
to create a microcosmic representation of how the failing economy creates a
snowballing effect leading to further economic recession-like symptoms, costing
even more jobs, failed businesses, and then more people forced to rely on programs
in place designed to assist those facing economic desperation, bankruptcy,
foreclosure, and financial deficiency. So, rather than the government saving
necessary resources and placing them where they can be better used, a
significant percentage will be forced into programs providing funds to those
who are no longer afforded the opportunity to earn it on the job.
These are the obvious ramifications of
the decision to hobble NASA. So instead of spending a lot of depressing time
discussing points and information already widely written about and read, this
article will approach hypotheses and considerations less obvious. Not only will
these theories be further from the beaten trail of common debate and
discussion, but may provide greater weight to the reasons we pursued space
exploration in the first place. Beyond that, the goal is to provide information
and theories that just might prove more intriguing than depressing.
Humanity has been looking to the stars
since the dawn of civilization.
The desire for space exploration is about far more than political popularity
contests or national competition; space exploration and the need for reaching
beyond our world is almost literally in our genes. In fact, it may literally be
within our human nature to pursue this. So, if the need and continual desire to
pursue space exploration is indeed within our nature, then we can assume that
it is a natural fact and a natural aspect of us. Many philosophical tenets
proclaim that everything that exists in the natural world is indeed natural.
This is not a sentence that should be taken lightly; while we may all generally
agree that birds migrating south or salmon fighting their upstream to spawn are
natural acts, fewer agree that the acts of humanity, all the acts of humanity,
are natural, too.
This is a chunky, bitter pill because
it is seems foggy to assume that humanity's actions are all natural,
particularly when humanity does so much that appears to go against the natural
grain. We pollute, destroy, waste, fight, change and mutate what was 'purely
natural' and create urban settings replete with artificial things. We say our
foods may not be natural, our water bottles are destroying vast stretches of
ecosystems, and our actions just might be killing the very planet we live on.
But there are sound theories supporting the way that humanity is in fact
entirely natural and the way nature intended.
All that exists within nature is
natural. This theory can be difficult to
support at face value, but there is actually a lot of evidence to support the
theory that nothing is unnatural if it really exists, and nothing is actually
artificial when seen from a broader perspective.
We mostly agree with the scientific
theories that this planet is approximately 4.5 billion years old, that there
have been numerous 'eras' where various forms of life have existed on this
planet over many, many millions of years, that a series of catastrophic
disasters, not the least of which was the tremendous asteroid that hit
somewhere around the Yucatan Peninsula, came very close to annihilating all
life on this planet. Further, many agree that life evolves to adapt to the
changing dynamics of this world in order to facilitate a greater chance of
These theories do not exclude humanity;
they may have verily found long term solutions within humanity. Humanity is the
first and only living species on this planet that demonstrates a profound
capability in looking at and gaining understanding of the natural environment
around it. Humanity has learned over time an enormous amount of scientific data
and from that data created intricate hypotheses supporting yet more study and
investigation of the natural world, both far away and also microscopic. Other
species adapt to their environments; humanity adapts the environment to itself.
These theories could go on for volumes,
but for our purposes here, we have reasons to assume that Nature recognized
that life on this planet is always in potential danger when secured to only the
one location. Therefore, evolution may have succeeded in securing a greater
chance of survival for the life that has come to be and survived for this long
on this planet. Nature has placed a lot of time and resource into creating life
on this planet, so why take the chance that it could be eliminated in a single
So, how does Nature create a natural
dynamic that may allow for life on this planet to survive beyond the mortality
of the planet itself? By developing an inquisitive mind within at least one
existing species and encouraging that mind to explore and seek greater
opportunities. We know that birds migrate for their reasons and that some
animals migrate for reasons due to reproducing or seeking more abundant
resources. Some animals must migrate or else they will inundate their immediate
environment and place their kind and others in jeopardy. It could be possible
that humanity has evolved in such a way that allows for natural resources to be
manipulated in ways that create technology. After all, the only way for humanity
to achieve Space Migration would be to create technologies that allow
it. The evidence to support humanity's technological achievements aren't
difficult to find; what tends to be more elusive is the 'nature' of humanity's
abilities and achievements and whether these are as natural as the seasons or
somehow beyond the forces that created all that exists within an entire
Space exploration is not just a
scientific pursuit, but potentially a natural means to assure the survival of
life from this planet beyond the mortality of the planet. Nature has a lot riding on the potential of life, so
perhaps Nature evolved humanity to become technologically capable of achieving
space migration. This means that life on this planet does not have to be
secured to but one ecosystem (the planet) but could help propagate life from
this planet and help it migrate to livable environments beyond this planet.
Some could postulate that our moon is basically devoid of life because there
would be no compromise of what's there to take life from earth and transport it
to the moon. That isn't particularly important (yet technologically
incredible), but recognizing that this planet's lifespan is limited certainly
Science theorizes that the planet has
been here for about 4.5 billion years, but may not have that much of a lifespan
left. There are theories that Nature may eventually render this planet
uninhabitable and incapable of supporting life. Hey, it was incapable of
supporting life for a long, long time before it was hospitable for life.
Science seriously studies Mars because there are theories that life may have
existed there once but natural dynamics eliminated the possibilities for the
planet to continue with supporting life. If that is the case, Nature may have again
recognized that life being stuck on one planet without the possibility for
escape dooms that life eventually. With this theory, it only makes sense that
evolution would evolve a means of creating technology in order to see this
through. This would mean that technology is a natural aspect of life on Earth
and that humanity's pursuits of technology are as natural as the chirps of the
Humanity's recognition of this planet's
mortality is just as important as being able to leave it. We tend to focus on cataclysmic and apocalyptic
possibilities. The latest version of this Y2K bug is the possible end of the
world sometime in December of 2012. Sure, it may be that the planet will suffer
incredible trauma for whatever reason that could threaten mass extinction on
this world. Whether it happens or not, it will be far from the first time
humanity has assumed that the end is near. This fear of being trapped on a
proverbial ticking time bomb may be part of the impetus to drive humanity
forward in the pursuit of space exploration and eventually space and
potentially interplanetary travel. Some may see this as science fiction gone
awry, but science fiction was launched in many ways by humanity's continual
pursuit of pioneering new frontiers. Humanity's continual pursuit for new
frontiers has often been forced by the need to grow, expand, and facilitate a
greater possibility for survival.
Another thing to theorize is that it
wouldn't just be humanity that would migrate from the planet. Humanity would
require resources from the planet in order to survive where there are no
resources we've evolved to accept. This means that an enormous amount of
nonhuman life would have to go, too. Furthermore, since humanity has developed
a sense of caring and compassion for other species (no other species has done
this to the extent humanity has), then that compassion may be a naturally
occurring means of nature ensuring the possibility that a maximum amount of
life may survive beyond the planet's lifespan.
Some may argue that humanity's violent
tendencies, predatory and destructive behaviors, and easy denial of the value
of other life distracts from the Space Migration theory. No it does not and this is why: It would theoretically be
necessary for a chosen species from this planet be of an aggressive and
predatory nature. No prey animal has demonstrated an intrinsic need to do more
than seek greener pastures, a broader availability for food, and the need for
secure cover and concealment. Only predators have shown a greater need for
tactical intelligence and courage to pursue their survival. Only genuine
aggressive ambition would have the momentum needed to pursue adventures beyond
what offers sustenance and comfort. Some possible proof to this? Humanity has
been pursuing migration and pioneering into unfamiliar and hostile territory
for a long time, first developing the means to do so through the technological
prowess of the ships sailing the seas. It is important to note that these ships
had to carry all the resources required to sustain those aboard the ships, and
they had to do so efficiently, allowing for the resources as well as the space
for the crew in a limited area that had to exercise space conservation and
smart ergonomics as well as logistical thought to cope with unforeseen dangers.
This was and always has been a serious and monumental undertaking.
The fact that humanity consumes so much
of what it encounters supports humanity's continual need for more, which could
eventually motivate to continue migrating farther, and since we know the planet
is a globe, we're getting to the point where we can only go up, or out. But we
are not blind consumers that inundate everything and we all know that much
about ourselves. Conservation is a real thing, going greener and finding cleaner
sources of energy is a real part of our lives, and caring for the flora and
fauna of our world means more to humanity now than ever before. These things
demonstrate that humanity would not just be a parasitic monster invading other
inhabitable places, but a thinking being pursuing more resources that exist to
be resources. While some may argue that we have caused so much destruction and
even extinction, we must also recognize that evolution is a system of trials
and errors and of checks and balances. We are not ready for space migration
yet, demonstrating that we're not because we haven't achieved it yet.
The ability to leave this planet and
thrive elsewhere will require a lot of time, greater technology, and humanity's
greater development of sentient and civilized thought.
To accomplish these things, all of our
inventions and cultural entities must evolve, particularly our methods of
economy. While so much of human technology,
innovation and creative thought have done so much for humanity's continual progress
and approach to the potential for more space exploration and eventually space
travel, there is one human invention that is presently holding us down, holding
us back, and holding us closer to our prehistoric demeanors and vestigial
methods. That invention is our economy.
Our economy and monetary system went
from trading basic goods for goods, such as pelt for meat or grain for wool,
for example, and then evolved into a method that allows a standardized value
system that allows money to obtain humanity so much. This sense of evolutionary
development has allowed us to pursue so much that meat and hide would not.
We've achieved the obtaining of tremendous resources and then technology. Money
lets one obtain so much and it is a vastly renewable resource. The same dollar
can pass through innumerable hands and buy all of those hands a dollar's worth
of stuff, allowing for an economy that benefits a vast amount with very little.
But now that we've become so reliant on
old and outdated ways with the way the economy functions, it is now falling
behind and preventing humanity from evolving forward. The fact that the richest
nation on the planet is more than 12 trillion dollars in debt lends to the
proof that money needs to get with the times. The fact that we limit education,
innovation, exploration, science, commerce, and just about every single aspect
of human growth and development only because of outdated rules of a system we
created to do the very opposite of just that demonstrates that our
economy and monetary system of today needs an overhaul.
Now, we are experiencing our outdated
and Neolithic methods of economy actually preventing civilization from pursuing
the very historical and naturally unique methods of ensuring that life on this
planet has a chance to survive beyond it, thwarted and threatened by the human
creation that made it seem so possible.
Education is mired with budget cuts and
bureaucracy, innovation and prosperity are limited by economic dynamics beyond
the control of any governing or authoritative entity, and the future of every
man, woman and child to exist for the next several generations is being
mortgaged for snap-judgments of today. There is no other way of putting this or
seeing this: the methods governing our monetary systems and economy are broken,
failing, and only continuing to degrade. The economy doesn't require a boost or
a stimulus because those things are always temporary and subject to too much
risk. They're like trying to put out the fire by shutting down the alarms. What's
needed within the economy of this planet is a paradigm shift. If that does not
happen and happen soon, our societies, our people, and our planet will continue
to be at risk.
The only comfort is that Nature is
still occurring and that the way things are now are only part of an ongoing
process that will continue to function well into the future (and likely beyond
2012). But part of the unique aspect of humanity and what separates humanity
from the remainder of the animal kingdom is humanity's ability to recognize the
threats and the opportunities, the limitations and the possibilities, and
beyond the now. So we have yet to see how these evolutionary gifts that Nature
has bestowed upon humanity overcomes what has become humanity's greatest
challenge- the subjugation of humanity to a human creation.
As long as we view space exploration to
be a trite and expensive science project afforded only through affluence and
intellectual appeasement, we will continue to demonstrate that we're closer to
the Neolithic man of prehistory rather than closer to the humanity that could
achieve genuine sentience and civilization. Some may laugh when they see a
monkey reach through the bars of its cage and grab a piece of fruit that
prevents the monkey's fist from being brought back into the cage. They would
laugh because they recognize the futility and lack of judgment on the part of
the stubborn monkey. So, they should recognize that humanity's fistful of fruit
is its present method of economy and that the only thing in the cage is that
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's)- For Idiots, Morons, and the Generally Ignorant
If there is one
thing we can all agree on when it comes to political debate and the passions
displayed regarding these subjects, it is that these issues are almost never
boring. In fact, there is often so much drama and intrigue within the political
process that one must wonder if we’re observing some sort of TV series. That
thought alone, which is something that occurred to me some time ago (over a
period of time, so I don’t have a specific timeline) has prompted me to assume
that there’s more to our political process and continual struggle within the
two-party system than meets the eye.
In fact, the
more I observe the numerous dynamics of the American political machine of
today, the more I am convinced that we’re seeing a contrived drama. To go
further, I must ask that you brace yourself, because this next sentence is
going to sting: If you’re holding firm to one party or another, or maintaining
a staunch position on either a Conservative or Liberal, or in some cases, even
a Moderate viewpoint concerning the political climate of today, you are a chump.
Yes, you are a
sucker. You have fallen prey to what is the most prolific political sham ever
perpetrated within The United States of America and likely the world. In fact,
the modern technology of today as well as our means of culture and
entertainment within that culture is the prompt for the ruse perpetrated by the
genuine agenda. Simply put, virtually everything we see done by government is a
subterfuge created to dodge the genuine actions of a troupe seeking global, and
human, domination.
The entire
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) debacle was part of the proof in these eyes.
There were considerable amounts of talk for so long about the existence of WMDs
in Hussein’s arsenal, which was the supposed reason for war against Iraq. This entire farce was more proof of the point
and this is why. Shortly after 9/11, Iraq is seen as a potential threat for
various reasons, much of which is because of his history as a ruthless dictator
(which was a genuine situation, if you check your history). Suddenly, out of
some thin air, there is a complaint and concern of WMDs in Iraq. Iraq is
threatened with war if they don’t release information about their WMDs, and
they somehow claim they have none. It’s believed by the US they’re stored here,
here, and over there in that place, and we’re going to show up in just a couple
of months to see if they’re in those places, and if they are…
Well, by the
time inspectors got there months later…no WMDs! There’s something fishy going
on here, we’re here to tell you. So, the Bush Administration and so on continues
on for a tiny bit, going back and forth how this is so huge, and then we’re in
Iraq, hunting down their regime.
But the thing
that confuses this individual is what the hell is a WMD? Nobody knows what it
looks like, smells like, whether it has curtains or drapes, and whether it
comes in checkerboard patterns and has a soft drink dispenser. One is prompted
to wonder if there is a button on it to project a 3D image of Carmen Electra in
a bikini on the moon. But here is what we do know. A WMD is not a nuclear
device. We know this because the nuclear concerns surrounding Iran and North
Korea are referred to as such, not WMDs. It is not a sort of chemical weapons
dispenser or delivery system, because everyone knows that Saddam Hussein
annihilated hundreds of thousands of his own people with chemical weapons for
not toeing his line, and everyone found this perfectly acceptable, by the way,
and certainly nobody’s business but Iraq’s and the hundreds of thousands of
dead people. We know it isn’t some kinky sex toy, because Hussein’s sons were
allowed and encouraged to kidnap, rape, mutilate, and then dump the bodies of
any Iraq female of their choosing, and nobody saw this as an issue, either. We
know a WMD is not a power grid neutralizer, because Hussein continually shut
down the power of numerous towns and cities across Iraq for days and sometimes
weeks at a time, until these people openly admitted to the ground under whose
feet they worshipped that such was holy ground when those feet were there. A
WMD is not a movie projector, so it is unlikely we’ll see lunar images of
Electra, because it was widely known Hussein would record most incidences of
extreme torture and murder of his own people and show these recordings to his
young sons, perhaps while enjoying some Redenbacher and Good & Plenty
candies washed down with a sarsaparilla.
There is a
bizarre assumption that the effort on the part of some groups who are seeking
global domination see the lawlessness of dictators in areas of high influence
as much of a threat as the freedom, democracy, and free market system of the
United States of America, which is why all of that must be destroyed, or at
least transformed. So they drummed up
a story like the WMDs, knowing full well that people would buy into it without
question, and they were correct. To this day, nobody knows if a WMD can be used
to make Snickers bars with cashews and pistachios, but they either believe Hussein
had them, or they don’t, and whoever doesn’t believe what they believe must be
stupid as rocks. Why? Because the powers that be also knew they could sell the
notion that a Conservative president must be a dumb hick and therefore, all of
this is his personal agenda (because, as we all know, our Constitutional
systems simply allow such things, much like giant weather modification machines
on the moon, perhaps named WMD, that create hurricanes and steers them against
the shores of the cities of the dumb hick’s choice) and, well, there you have
it. Case closed. Because, my countrymen, the statements and claims made by the
political wing of your choice are always correct and accurate, and you can
sleep at night knowing your team is working for you.
But that is not
the case. The case is as placed a few paragraphs above, which is all of this
dramatic BS is a system, a single system, creating a subterfuge indicating
there are two sides, a good and bad, at constant battle for the good of the
people. But hey, why not do such a thing? If the world at large is still
willing to seriously consider the issue of WMDs when literally nobody knows
what such things are, even vaguely, then these masses are so dumb that they
need the likes of the perpetrators of their New World Order to keep them from
stabbing themselves in the face with forks when they eat.
Does that sound
like conspiratorial drama, complete with aluminum hats and panicked avoidance
of fluoridated toothpaste? At first glance, it sure does, so let’s take a close
look at why this external appearance is false and the notion of assuming what’s
beneath the veneer is not evil is wrong. Further, we’re going to approach why
the false entity in government perpetrates the popular view that assuming their
actions are anything other than angelic and heroic is to be seen as paranoid kookiness
aggravated by overblown drama and bong resin. This is not true and, in fact,
the conspiracy theorists just might prove to have the most accurate
perspectives of all.
Not that it would
matter by much. We are beyond the precipice of stopping the intentions of these
dominators and this planet is on the verge of immense losses of human life and,
potentially, significant destruction of the planet as a whole. Now, before we
all panic over this, we must take a deep breath and recognize that global
destruction of human life and severe decimation of the planet itself is
actually a sort of cleansing, like a forest fire, and considered necessary by
the global dominators to achieve a better world. So, yes, this planet will soon
see suffering, blood, murder, mayhem and anarchy unlike we have ever witnessed
or heard of before, but the hopeful result is that we will come out the other
side a better species, as prophesied. So, let’s stroll down the lane of clear
observation and take a look at what is really going on, and then explore the
likely and logical results.
First of all,
the entire concoction of severe rivalry between so-called Democrats and
Republicans is all smoke and mirrors. The global dominators such as the
Bildebergers, CFR, and others have created a drama of sorts in order to appease
the public eye while they conduct global affairs without the continual
interruptions and interferences on the part of the masses. The drama changes in
appearance in the general perceptions of other cultures and countries, but here
in the United States, the drastic polarization in our two-party process serves
as the perfect backdrop for the theatrical ruse propagated as real government.
This is in fact working very well since the vast majority of the American
population has the virtual fish hook buried in deep. Now, at first glance, this
accusation may seem contrived and utterly insane, so we’re going to explore the
reasons for this perception, highlighting why recognizing the projected sham as
the false one is appropriate and giving any credence to it is the insane act.
First, we have
to recognize that we’ve all been programmed to think within certain boxes.
Therefore, the simple act of thinking, and perceiving, beyond these parameters
allows us a clearer picture and the understanding of what’s taking place. To
start, the notion that this country, which is one of the most intriguing and
amazing countries history has ever witnessed, is being governed by two governmental
bodies that are bloodied enemies embroiled in fierce battles against one
another for the sake of the country as a whole is an utter fallacy, yet the
very projected ruse we’re expected to accept. Now, why would we do something
like that?
Looking back to
recent decades, we saw a slowly developed distrust of government and its
secretive actions, and a marked dislike in the malevolent corruption. Then, for
a considerable amount of time, we saw a severe apathy on the part of the people
when it came to political observation. It became the common norm to accept that
politicians overseeing all law and government were simply corrupt liars out for
their own greedy benefit and nothing more. We knew with confidence that all
campaign promises and claims were bawdy but necessary lies spewed in order to
gain office, from where the next corrupt politician could further the
destruction of society and its various communities with impunity. This was not
only commonly accepted, but even seen as a wry joke. We find it perfectly okay
to see rock stars as drug addled child molesters and politicians as nefarious,
megalomaniacal, monstrosities bent on world domination. Sketch comedy finds
this as nothing more than fun fodder.
Well, once
these politicians became exactly what the world viewed them to be, they no
longer wanted to be viewed in such a light, so they perpetrated a sham to
project a different perspective. Look back to the 1980’s when there was the
start of this new perspective, first pinpointed at the young people of the day.
It was too common for actors, musicians and others to spread the notion that
everyone needs to get politically involved and not remain apathetic in their
views of government. There were major agendas perpetrated on MTV and other
venues aimed at the young voters. The idea was that everyone needs to be
involved, not just the wealthier fuddy-duddies who think they know best. From
there, the political arena quickly evolved into an attractive and sexy drama,
constantly filled with intrigue and spectacle. Once upon a time, Wikileaks
would have seemed like a plot for a Van Damme movie, but here it is, supposedly
real and just getting juicier.
This is where
one must ask the question, does this much drama and intrigue genuinely exist in
real life? The political arena of today is filled with so much drama and
conflict that TV shows are stressed in order to keep up with their high-end
drama. Shows like Alias and 24constantly have to pick the brains of
innumerable writers to maintain the high, and yet (supposed) real life at the
hands of our elected leaders cannot seem to get their drama under control.
Domestic and International relations are so complex and spectacular, according
to the powers-that-be, that we need numerous 24-hour news stations and a long
string of political analysts and talk show hosts to help us keep up. Then,
we’re asked to hang on to our hats and tighten our belts while these political
heroes constantly keep on the go to prevent global catastrophe.
Then, if all
that wasn’t enough, we have to harbor the notion that there are somehow two
different species of humanity living in the United States of America, and they
both find the other utterly horrific and on the brink of being the apogee of
evil. The Democrats and Liberals, who are the sophisticates who recognize that
we must bring the world together and that we’re not led by ghosts, view the
gun-toting, bible-thumping Conservative hicks and hayseeds as the sure-fire
harbingers of global destruction. Then, the Republicans and Conservatives, who
are the ambitious and freedom-loving high-thinkers who recognize there is
genuine danger in the world that cannot be ignored, and who recognize the Maker
as the ultimate authority and that the United States Constitution is a
divinely-inspired document ensuring the survival and betterment of humanity,
view the atheistic, baby-killing and morally bankrupt Democrats (or, socialists
and progressives out to destroy all mankind) and Liberals as the sure-fire
harbingers of global destruction.
What a big pile
of complete and utter bullshit.
If there was
any truth behind the rivalry and antagonism between these two partisan
opponents, there would not be mere continual verbal ranting in front of the
camera and microphone. If there was an organized entity out there that was
systematically seeking the decimation of this country and its way of life, the
actual government in power would act accordingly, ensuring this entity was
neutralized and brought to justice. But instead, we see two forces, both
supposedly good fighting a grave evil, accusing each other of the exact same
crimes perpetrated in the exact same manner, achieving the exact same result.
Meanwhile, while these two supposed opponents (which is really one entity
working in unison to achieve the systematic destruction of the United States of
America, which is one of the last obstacles to global domination) fight for the
people and their freedom, we’re forced to sit on our hands and watch the
planet’s finest country fall apart and wash away a piece at a time.
There is no
two-party system and if there ever was, it hasn’t existed since the days of
black-and-white TV. The planet’s socialist agenda (the genuine and real agenda
of political power of today) has been firmly in place for quite some time. But
such governments cannot come in under the light of day and tell the planet’s
population that it is to be the property of a select handful of elitists; there
would be blood in the streets and a total loss of societal control, much like
we’ve seen where Communist rule first attempted control, such as China and the
USSR. Since then, while governments and political leaders have since convinced
themselves that socialist and communist rule is the only effective means of
government and control of the masses, they have learned they must wield their
iron fists within a velvet glove. Plunge an axe into the skulls of the
constituency, but smile and tell them it’s a flu shot.
What with the
people of today loving TV entertainment and a continual rise in drama, the
world’s governmental entity created a television show called the American
Political System. Now, we’re expected to see this contrived theatrical show as
real life, when it is about as real as margarine. We’re told by so many media
outlets that what’s occurring in the political process projected to us in our
media is the real deal, and we’re given a choice of which side to be on, like
so much college football fans. You have to decide which side is good and which
is evil and then wear that team’s colors and recite their slogans.
And you have to
accept that your team is being overrun by the other team and that your world is
about to come crashing down. But hey, you can enjoy the sweet taste of blame as
you slather it all over the other guy, because it is all his team’s fault.
Dear readers, I
implore you to consider the situation before all of us and recognize it for the
sham that it is. The perpetrated accusations that your neighbors are such
epiphanies of pure evil so malevolent that Satan shudders when seeing them is
an elaborate but fabricated lie. The oppositions between supposed Left and
Right do not exist in reality. This situation is a ruse perpetrated by a ruling
class not wanting to be seen or recognized while it completes its task of
global domination.
There is a
definite and tangible example that the claims made above are true, and this
example is something each of us must accept and work for every day. This is the
systems of money and economy. The governmental entities in place across the
planet (which are, in fact, a part of one global governing body) all proclaim
that humanity is a slave and indentured servant to the system of economy. That
is not an exaggerated statement. In the world today, we see numerous countries
and societies suffering and witnessing immense suffering due to economic strife
and monetary shortages. The US sees massive unemployment, foreclosures, and
massive losses due to the supposed recession. People are dying and suffering
everywhere. People cannot find employment because there is so little to be had,
mainly because of the economy. The nearly entire population of today’s children
cannot be properly educated because there isn’t enough money in the budgets to
educate them. There is simply not enough money in the world to create jobs and
opportunities and to allow humanity to progress and flourish. Because of the
economy, entire societies and countries such as Greece and Ireland, not to
mention so many African nations, suffer in squalor caused by bankruptcies and
the decimations of funds. People the world over endure severe poverty because
there simply isn’t enough to go around.
This is the
single greatest lie and scam ever perpetrated in the history of all that exists
in the universe.
The powers in
control (swimming in money and luxury) want you to think that the economy and
various monetary processes are beyond human control, like some sort of Godzilla
broken loose and running amok. But the truth is simply that the economy and the
monetary processes are standardized systems that are always running with
clockwork precision, and don’t ever think they’re anything but that. Money and
economy are not just standardized systems of production, distribution and
consumption around the globe, they are also the perfect yokes to place on the
necks of the world’s masses in order to make them do what the governing bodies
want them to do.
The economy
does not ever run out of control on its own power. To assume that humanity
(which created and controls this system) must appease some divine entity that exists
within the mundane world through the manifestation of money and economy is so
ridiculous that, when the sham is recognized, it is akin to thinking Martians
are poised to attack at any moment, and that December 21st, 2012 is
a day that will truly live in infamy.
standardized system of traffic laws for air and road, for the most part,
operate quite nicely. There are often accidents and tragedies, but these are
usually the result of human error and a momentary deviation from the standards.
If everyone drove the way they’re supposed to and actually knew what they were
doing (most people do not know how to drive a motor vehicle on the roadway),
then the system would operate better than it does. But even with most people
being ignorant of how to drive (they know what the pedals and steering wheel
do, but they are blissfully ignorant of the process at large), we can achieve
distances never achievable in the past. One can drive across the country in a
day or two, and fly to the other side of the planet within hours.
If our system
of transportation is so wondrously efficient even with all of its flaws, then
why is our system of economy something we must feed entire peoples? It isn’t.
They just want us to think it is. The notion that all of today’s children now
owe tens of thousands of dollars to the government because the government
overspent the people’s money is so stupid to even entertain with but a moment
of thought, yet we’re told by the authorities that this is exactly how it is. The
notion that we must all endure extreme hardship because the country is in debt
to the amount of somewhere around fourteen trillion dollars is so completely
stupid that we must wonder how bad it will be for the common people when that
debt reaches eighty quintillion dollars.
To whom do we
owe fourteen trillion dollars? China? Really? Then why is China’s debt also
amounting into the trillions? Who do they owe all that money, the Martians?
The economy is
widely defined as a system of production, distribution and consumption of goods
and services fueled by the standardized systems of money, but in truth, it is a
system of influence and control wielded by the powerful over those who are not
in power, and it is just that simple. The economy is not something that spins
out of control and therefore we must suffer uncontrollably until the
authorities somehow magically bring it back into control; this makes as much
sense and incorporates the same amount of intelligence as assuming we must toss
a specific amount of virgins into the mouth of a volcano in order to appease
the corn gods. The rulers of the Mayans who held down innocent victims and
hacked out their hearts to a screaming mass of rank and file are eerily
parallel to a modern government who tells us how bad it has to be and get
because of the uncontrollable recession, and how evil their political
counterparts are for aggravating and even perpetrating the condition.
The fact that
economy is used as the ultimate weapon against the world’s population is so
pristinely logical, much in part due to the fact that the governing bodies are
really just engaged in a manner of business, gone awry.
Think of the
operating manner of any particular business, of just about any size. Almost
invariably, particularly in larger businesses, there is a small handful of
people who wield the most authority and control, and reap the heaviest amounts
of the harvest. The vast, vast majority of the profits go directly to them.
Then, just below them exists a significantly larger population that does their
superior’s bidding, and in doing so, they obtain a portion of the profits much
leaner than their superiors, but much heftier than their subordinates. Then,
below them, there is a mass of lower-level authorities who oversee the rank and
file turning the cranks of the business, sweating the most and working the
hardest, but reaping the least amount of the profits, so they can get whatever
they can and hope to move up some sunny day.
This sounds
nefarious with the way it is put in the paragraph above, but it is realistic.
Plus, it isn’t all that bad, really, since it’s the way things often work. The
people at the bottom, if they’re smart and ambitious, could eventually move
through the ranks all the way to the top. When the playing field is level, this
is basically how it could go. Sure, not everyone starts at the bottom, and not
everyone succeeds no matter how much they try. It isn’t really fair, but there
is no other realistic alternative. In fact, it would work out just fine if the
economic process wasn’t so corrupted. The problem with this philosophy and why
it often does not work and is therefore viewed as unrealistic is that the
playing field is intentionally placed unlevel and the corrupted economic system
cannot allow it.
So, this is how
our governments function, and now with this global government coming into
place, it is how they view the planet. The big shots at the top have all the
power and wealth, and they sip it down to their national leaders, who trickle
it down to regional leaders, who will do what they can, regardless of how
morally bankrupt, to move up while the masses of the world are viewed as
nothing more than entry-level labor. Then, what with today adding up to
literally billions of extraneous labor that is nothing but a liability, severe
actions are being put into place by those in authority in order to cope with
the problems. These actions will lead to the suffering and eventual deaths of
millions upon millions of people before these so-called leaders are satisfied.
The preceding
paragraph hints to why all of this is going on. The world of today is almost a
completely different planet in innumerable ways compared to what it was just a
couple generations ago. When your humble author was born, in the sixties, this
planet’s human population was about half of what it is presently. Yes, the
human population has doubled in a drastically short amount of time and it
continues to grow, despite the depletion of natural resources. Also, the
technology of just forty-plus years ago and farther back was archaic compared
to what’s here today. The point is that those harboring plans of their New
World Order and global domination have no seams in their communication. They
can join and firm their bonds, and convictions, to their hearts’ content, and
they can view the population as a severe liability.
And, as far as
anyone can tell, there does seem to be a real purpose other than just an
insatiable thirst for power. The CFR and Trilateral Commission have made it
clear that the world of today cannot afford incidences akin to what occurred
during WWII. High-tech weaponry and so many more people add up to severe global
chaos, which could spin out of control so badly that humanity as a whole could
be at risk. But yet, we certainly can’t allow the population to proliferate
uncontrolled, for more than one reason. Sure, overpopulation strains
availability of resources, but the dynamics of human behavior demonstrate
people don’t get along well when cramped into tight quarters. The world of
today is strewn with examples of this, and it is a fairly new paradigm.
Humanity and this planet didn’t endure any of these challenges to anywhere near
these degrees a mere century ago. There is genuinely, truly, a very real
problem in our world today that has to be addressed.
So, who is
going to address it? Why, our political leaders and those seeking global
control, of course. These are supposedly elected leaders and people of high
stature. These are mostly the ultra-wealthy and those prominent in government,
business, and finance. These people come together in their meetings and discuss
what they must do to prevent future chaos. Sure, people see these meetings and
summits as conspiracy at their highest levels, and they should and here is why.
These people
have reached pinnacles of success in their chosen fields, but it is still
impossible to claim they have genuine knowledge and understanding of what to do
effectively, so they’re likely to be reactionary and hasty. Look, certain
people fall into certain roles based on their sort of personality category.
Some people become teachers, wrestlers, rock stars, politicians, actors,
comedians, snipers, or whatever it is they are, based on their innate
personalities and environmental effects. We need to recognize that the
personality traits who pursue political and governmental power are not the
sorts who have the best interests of the people in mind. Those sorts of people
pursue other fields, such as medicine, perhaps, and other arenas of human
interest, such as charity and so forth. But the personality trait seeking
political office and governmental power seeks power and influence for their own
purposes, not selflessly and for the people, regardless of their political
We see this
trait demonstrated resplendently through all manners of authoritive power, even
down to simple local cops. Place a person into the authoritive position of
assistant manager at a fast food restaurant, and they believe they have the
authority to strip search an employee. What feeds this monster is that we all
view positions of authority as such without regards to the breadth of that
authority. So, if the fast food manager is our manager, we just might strip
down and bend over no matter how degrading or how many tears are spilt. If we
buy a plane ticket, we mutely accept being felt up and electronically strip
searched. The examples of how we submit to authority, real or perceived,
without regard to the genuine scope of said authority, could go for pages.
So, the world
is slowly being overrun with mindsets bent on seeking more and more power, much
for the sheer sake of it, but then mismanaged with limited imaginations and
degrees of intelligence. After all, people with higher degrees of intelligence
and levels of effective imagination steer clear of government and politics
rather than seek it. This is a fundamental mistake within the basic realm of
human society and civilization and it always has been.
This leads to
yet another fundamental philosophical dilemma that must be considered. We need
to start with the premise that all things that exist do so within the laws and
limitations of nature. There is nothing that is unnatural or supernatural; if
it is considered so, yet exists, the perception is based on misunderstanding
and ignorance. If there is a Bigfoot, he is a natural thing. If there are
civilizations on other planets, this is a consequence of nature. If there
really are ghosts, they are not supernatural, but natural. The steel and glass
skyscraper is no less natural than the beaver dam or beehive. The flashlight in
your hand would be no less natural than the glowing backside of a firefly.
There is nothing in existence that exists outside the realm or laws of nature,
no matter how much humanity’s ignorance and arrogance believes otherwise.
Humanity is as susceptible to the laws of nature as the beehive, the flocks of
seagulls and the clouds in the sky. There is nothing humanity does or is that
has not been dictated by the laws of nature, no matter how much humanity likes to
believe it is above and beyond such things.
So, running
with this philosophical premise in mind, why are things the way they are? Now,
all we can do is assume, but we have a lengthy span of history to study and a
lot offered by science. It is odd that we hear little of what nature has to do
with humanity, particularly since we seem to know so much about the rest of our
world, all the way down to the mating rituals of bugs and whatnot. But we can
take a look at what we do know and try to make some educated guesses.
There isn’t a
major point in trying to run on with how modern man got this far from the days
of the Stone Age, but we do know history has us painted as being rather violent
and aggressive. Then, we also know that there’s been a significant aspect of
humanity that has grown past this. While we know there is so much aggression
and violence around us, we also know there is a lot of peace and civilized
behavior. In fact, the aspect of humanity as a civilized and thinking being
capable of fascinating technology is part of why we often think of ourselves as
being past or beyond the common laws of nature. But this just doesn’t stand up
to scrutiny and therefore doesn’t make sense.
technology, civilization, language, and other traits of humanity that seem to separate
us from ‘the animals’ still have to be a natural consequence. Humanity
achieving space exploration simply must be as natural as geese flying south for
the winter. There will always be those who will argue otherwise, but these
arguments are difficult to support without mere agreement. So, with the notion
that all that is, is truly natural and that there is no separation from what is
natural, then why is humanity like it is?
This article
could go on for pages, offering numerous explanations and examples. So, just by
staying with the article’s subject matter of human activity as it pertains to
politics and the difficulties within, and the common aspects of human strife
and war, we’re forced to try to come up with natural reasons why we do what we
do. One theory offers that since humanity is at the top of the food chain,
something has to be in play to keep the numbers in check. However, the past couple
hundred years has shown a marked increase in humanity abilities and thirst for
survival. This is because our abilities in medicine and technology have
increased rapidly and have surpassed numbers lost in war, disease, infant
mortality, and other factors. However, our drive to procreate has not subsided
with the survival rate climbing dramatically.
It does seem
that humanity is at an impasse. We desire a truly civilized society on a global
scale, yet we cannot find a way past the baseness of human violence and
aggression. Some of this is our continual need for war, and this need is so
remarkable, much in part because of its scope. This is stated because the
supposed highest caliber among us,
which is supposed to be our political leadership, has achieved a mass of
weaponry likely to be the most insidious in the universe. And yes, political
leaders still squabble amongst each other and send their country’s masses in to
annihilate one another to appease the tempers. It is odd how we look at our
children and see our kind’s future, yet somehow their futures are mortgaged for
political ambition of today. And that’s the easy part. Children by the millions
around this world are subjugated to forced labor, forced prostitution
(producing amazing amounts of profit, which is the sole reason governments do
not step in to confront it), and now there are rumors the unwanted children of
prostitutes are being raised as opposed to once being quickly disposed of,
mainly because their organs are being farmed for profit and the benefit of the
wealthy. One common argument of modern humanity is we must kill babies to save
human lives.
Okay, there
still has to be a natural process that makes some sense to the natural process.
This could go on and on, bringing about one graphic example of humanity’s
inhumanities after another, but it would be better to assume we’re going
somewhere with this, and fast. Humanity has changed for the better in so many
ways, but it does seem we’re in an awkward situation with the massive,
expanding population. This author believes there could be a natural
circumstance caused by the global extinctions of millions of years past. This
planet has seen extinctions of massive amounts of species on a global scale,
and the last one was caused by severe extraterrestrial forces by way of what
was likely a comet or asteroid. This author believes that the evolutionary process
that created an immensely complicated and sophisticated world of life during
the eras of the dinosaurs failed to take into consideration these universal
complications. None of the life then was intelligent enough to cope with issues
beyond that species’ survival needs. Because life’s primary function is to
survive and propagate, which it does with tremendous success, it must find a
way to surpass not only the threats to regional environmental conditions, but
global conditions, too. It is supposed that this is why humanity has achieved
the degree of awareness and intelligence it has, and this is an amazing
hypothesis. The claim here is that humanity is an animal much like all the
other animals on this globe, but has achieved a higher position of sentience
and civilization in order to create technology that might facilitate the
survival of life on this planet beyond this planet.
It is this
author’s supposition that this is precisely what we are. However, the process
is far from complete. We are in a sort of childlike or adolescent position
within our approach to this ultimate goal within nature, and this assumption is
made because of our inherently ignorant actions worldwide. We still have
nationalistic notions that this region of the planet must produce better
humanity than this one, and we have religious and philosophical extremists.
Here, we have two glaringly obvious examples that we refuse to cope with, and
one is the extreme corruption within a massive religion. The Islamic faith has
been overrun with extremists who believe their god wants them to annihilate
those who don’t think the way they do. The second example is the entire society
of the United States of America being so pathetically polarized on political
issues, causing this polarization to decimate the planet’s historically most
profound and forward country to date.
It does seem
that we have a long way to go in our political process, so therefore, there
will be far more war, strife, human subjugation, and animalistic violence. We
are on a cusp of animal and civilized being, so today we are not either one
completely. This is a fascinating time to be here on this world, though, as the
entertainment value of all of this keeps us on the edges of our cushy seats
almost throughout the waking day.
Because we’re
still a dumb creature that must learn everything the hard way, but a nearly
civilized species capable of recording our history and passing on lessons
learned from people to people and generation to generation, we’re going to
continue attacking one another for a while longer, but eventually this might
get so extreme and hard to fathom, that it will no longer be desired. Many,
many people believe there is at least one more world war on the way, this
author included, but it could become so horrifying in scope that once the smoke
clears, the nuclear radiation drops to livable levels, and the billions of
bodies are disposed of properly, humanity might adopt the intelligent notion
that becoming more civilized and caring just might work out and not seem so
Until then, all
we can do is sit back, crack open a beer and watch the whole thing go down in
style. While we do so, we can hold on to the hope that humanity is far from
being capable of affecting nature but is a mere process of it, and that nature
and life are far superior to any one species. If this resonates any significant
fraction of truth, life will eventually flourish and humanity will, in a future
epoch, become the true custodian of this planet and become this planet’s way of
propagating its life beyond this planet. Or, humanity will succumb to
extinction just like well over 99% of the planet’s former species and nature
will have to try the process again with a creature that isn’t so touchy and
bloodthirsty. It did make sense, one could suppose, to try first with a
predator, since predators have a greater degree of ambition and imagination,
but if a predator proves to be a mere ticking time bomb, then perhaps what
crawls from the ashes of our destruction might be of lesser aggression and
prove to be a greater success. Let’s just hope humanity isn’t the key to this
planet’s ultimate extinction and that nature found this thing called life on
this planet is a bad idea and that it has to go, and that humanity is the
forged tool set in play to finalize the process.
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