Is it just me, or is the idea of police officers and law enforcement in general becoming a horrifying menace to society a bad idea? Perhaps I'm just a whiny sourpuss, but my mind goes towards law enforcement being viewed as a positive thing by good and decent law abiding citizens rather than heinous fiends bent on mayhem. Sadly, rather than our officers falling fairly into the cliche of 'our very best', more officers are unfortunately categorized into 'our most feared'.
If it was rapists, molesters and other fiendish criminals fearing cops, things might be okay, but that is not the developing trend. Instead, if the average citizen is pulled over alongside the roadway without knowing why (I know I wasn't speeding, so might I have a tail light out or something?) they can fully expect this particular officer and the other four about to show up will soon be running their hands through everything in the car for some trumped up reason except for any respect for the Bill of Rights. Or if they were simply at, say, ten miles per hour over when the limit is highway speed (forty in a thirty is honestly excessive) then they can expect to be treated as though they threatened the President.
So much for the rule of law.
Furthermore, while our wonderful country is forced to endure sociopathic scoundrels throughout state and federal political office continually trying to usurp our supreme law of the land (hint: it rhymes with ponstitution) for their own nefarious quest for global domination, it doesn't mean the law enforcement officer automatically becomes a mindless henchman. But law enforcement continues to honor improper policy enforcement even when no law is at risk of being broken. Being that, the incidences of officers becoming so heavy handed in response to the slightest infraction is becoming the norm in itself.
Now, before anyone gets their undies in a twist, please allow me to state that I am quite aware this is not a pointing accusation at all officers. I am more than aware that most people choose a career in law enforcement because they believe in the value of the rule of law and societal order as opposed to itching for the opportunity to thunk American skulls and violate their frightened little girls in order to make people pledge allegiance to the traitors. I can be a jerk but I'm not an anarchist.
But I, along with all of America, have real and genuine concerns. I know that when I was a soldier, my compatriots and I were informed we could never follow an unlawful order. If a superior officer ordered me to, say, perform a code red (an ass beating) on another, my responsibility is to, first, refuse to comply and then, second, report the instance to my chain of command.
I don't violate everything about who and what I am and then step forward with the cowardly excuse of, "I was doing my job and following orders." This was a courageous aspect of American exceptionalism. As Americans, the rule of law in a just society overrules all notions of individual superiority.
First, people who have committed no crime and show no threat should not have to feel their sphincter tighten at the sight of law enforcement. If one is doing something illegal or is causing a disturbance, then the sight of law enforcement might cause one to sober up. But we should not be hearing officers salivate about the notion to kick in someone's door for the groovy opportunity to beat old women and dislocate the shoulders of all the children.
We are not there quite yet, but we can see it from here.
Beyond that, we should be able to expect our law enforcement to stand by the people and refuse unlawful orders when corrupt politicians utilize cops as goons just because they feel they're above the law. In fact, the most powerful elected official amongst the local government is the County Sheriff and it is his job to uphold the law, too. So, it is not unfair to ask law enforcement to stand by the United States Constitution, both in writing and law but also in spirit.
In this country, the free people employ representatives to stand and govern for their best interests as outlined by law and the Constitution. That Constitution stands as a ball and chain to prevent unwieldy and corrupt powers to take too firm a hold on the free people. Does anyone have a clue as to what enforces that and ensures it is not usurped and nullified? It would actually be the people themselves, should they stand. But in the climate of today, that would be seen as threatening. What is sad is that it ought to be our law enforcement rather than the average people against the goons falsely labeled as law enforcement.
Part of that is law enforcement supporting their country so that the common citizen does not have to rise with arms in hand and revolt. But the second amendment is there so the people can rise if necessary, but it should be at the side of law enforcement, not against them! Furthermore, if the people have less enforcement in their treasonous government, what does the treasonous government have? Nancy Pelosi in chain mail? If one thinks with some sense, the only corrupt government with power is the one turning the people on each other.
United We Stand. Divided We Fall.
Law enforcement is the key to upholding or dismissing the founding principles of this land. We don't need law enforcement becoming communist goons or mindless stormtroopers shooting protesters in the public square. The law holds the peace, but the law can get out of check when it repels the supreme law and overtly cowers the people just for the benefit of the corrupt and predatory.
So, I ask our law enforcement to review who and what you are. We do not need skull whacking bullies to keep the peace. We don't need scoundrels scrambling through grandma's undies on the side of the highway truly hating America while claiming to hate drugs. Oh, and we are all more than aware that you guys are not searching for drugs or any other illegal thing when you do these roadside searches without due cause. We are quite aware this is your way of sitting on the chest of America and dangling spit in its face for your own amusement. Do these actions facilitate your tumescence for when you get home to the pre-teen tied up in your garage? Let's stop playing games and openly admit you do this because you hate this country. You have the stones to do it; have the stones to admit why you're doing it.
The situation is simple in that we, as Americans regardless of who signs our paycheck, should be united as Americans or seek the unveiling of the facade.
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