Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Why I Believe Ted Cruz MUST be Our Next President

I can tell you that I am not a one-issue voter, but I will allow one major issue to sway me closer or away. I’ll pay close attention to what’s said and what’s going on, but I don’t often root for someone or dismiss someone based on a single simple point. But with that being said, I have to say that because Ted Cruz is the only, I mean the only, Constitutional Conservative in this race, he has to be our choice and this is why.

Bernie Sanders sinks this in better than Cruz himself. Sanders and his blatant love for Socialism is garnering massive amounts of youth into his corner, but this is because this youth doesn’t possess a basis of reality when it comes to the horrors of Socialism. None of these younger voters understand what Socialism is because they haven’t witnessed it in the way those of my generation and earlier have. I grew up during the Cold War era and I was there in Germany when the wall came down. I still have a piece of that wall that I personally gathered shortly after the opening of the infamous Checkpoint Charlie.

My point is that these kids of today are enamored by a Socialist because Socialism always sounds great when touted from the podium to those ignorant of what it is. So, because we’ve gone so long without anybody in Washington truly caring about our Constitution in the way Cruz does, I fear that if we continue further in our history without someone demonstrating this level of passion for it, it will soon disappear into myth and legend in much the same way Socialism did. However, the horrors of Socialism have faded out to be replaced by the same old rhetoric unsuspecting citizens have fallen for before. What could happen to our Constitution could be similar, but it will harbor only discord and distrust when mentioned around those who no longer understand it for what it truly is. Rather than being seen as a forgotten stanchion of liberty and freedom, it’ll be labeled as a slavery document written by terrorists who brought a coup against the government standing proper.

I have paid close attention to Trump and really liked him at first, but it’s clear the Constitution will never really matter to him. He’s been at the top of his world his entire life and now wants to wrap up his golden years on top of the world. But he’ll never shake loose the habits and demeanor that placed him and his company in such fame, and we should be more than tired of politicians who make their position all about them. I fear Trump would attempt to run the Presidency in the same manner as he has Trump Enterprises, and there the only one who truly mattered, ever, has been him. Further, those whom he dismissed for not worshipping at his tower report a bitter side of him and his minions.

Hilary Clinton is the single most corrupt politician alive today. It’s tempting to say Obama is, but he’s been nearly open and forthright in his desire to crush this country without blatantly tipping his hand to the Impeachment process. So Hilary is truly the most corrupt, so much so that it seems there’s no end to what she’ll do and say to get elected and no end to how far she’ll go without tipping her hand to a Grand Indictment Committee.

I was so relieved when Jeb finally quit this thing. We all know we didn’t need any more of the Bush legacy and therefore we don’t require any more of the Clinton one, either. Fresh blood is what we need and, yes, we got that with President Obama, but I’m not sure if the country can sustain any more of his fundamental transformation.

In fact, I’m confident it won’t. Either Trump or Hilary would be the other side of the same Obama coin, and Sanders wants to literally vilify all coins, honestly earned or not. We’ve already gone down the Socialist road far enough, with all the dastardly PC and nobody knowing anymore how many genders there are or where they should relieve themselves. This country desperately needs to have someone turn the tide back to common sense and Constitutional principles and soon or we won’t have anyone younger than Bernie who knows how.

If you think I’m wrong or being dramatic, consider this. China has been one of the dastardliest governments since applying western socialism to their methodology, and today they are one of the world’s most feared superpowers after just a few generations of annihilating millions of their own people to appease the perversion of one man, Mao, and today every Chinese citizen is but a pawn and kidnapping victim to their supremacy. The Chinese have no say or influence over their own lives. There are approximately seventy-five people ruling all the remainder of the Chinese population.

Look at Russia. The people of the former Soviet Union no longer openly tout communism but the lives of the Russian people still belong firmly under the boot heels of the leadership. None of them know any other way, and the citizenry is content to worship the on-high and bend to their will, even though they really cannot articulate why they should.

Look at Cuba. Traitors and monsters such as Michael Moore give their blessing to totalitarian regimes such as this one, but Cuba is still a repressive and third-world dictatorship in place to appease two guys, the Castro brothers, even though our President (damn, I can’t wait until you are gone, you vulgar piece of shit) jokes, laughs, does the wave and fellates the images of Che, a murdering monster, all the while giggling about how liberal fools worship him despite how much he wants to see them die in anguish.

Admittedly, a bit of opinion injected in here.

But the fact that North Korea is a living nightmare is not an opinion. An entire country of people is held down under the cruelty of one family and their latest inbred fool, and it’s been that way for so long that should South Korea knock away this Jong idiot, those people might take decades to recover from being subhuman puppets to one demigod. To further this all we need do is look at Germany. For several decades these people were divided by a hard wall (proving a wall can work just fine) and when it came down, those from the East were caught up in such a culture shock that refugee status was placed on those coming across as soon as the avenue was opened. And…look at Germany today. Through foolish political correctness on a guano-madness scale, they have allowed a Nazi-worshipping invasion force from the Middle East overrun their country. They stand there with their hands in their pockets and openly allow these Satanic invaders to rape and kill their prepubescent daughters with impunity.

This is where we are going if you do not place Ted Cruz into the White House. Hilary would hold your daughter down for the rapists much in the same way she did for her husband. I cannot honestly say Trump would do this, but if this country doesn’t toe his line the way he demands they should, he very likely might be worse than all of this. He was raised and made incredibly famous to be a megalomaniac. The Presidency would solidify his belief he is superior to everything else and this could push him over an edge should he garner scrutiny from the people. He’s done great in life and he is approaching seventy. He can relax and enjoy the fruits of his labor from here on out.

Bernie Sanders is a Kim Jong Il wannabe and if you cannot recognize that, you may very well learn the hard way, with your life while watching the greatest country this world has ever seen burn down around you.

While I recognize my exquisite political analysis is superb, I don’t want to find out the hard way I was right all along. I would rather see this country return to some common sense, appreciate what we have as the finest country ever, recognize honest labor begets honest income and recognize, finally recognize, the government is inherently stupid if not downright evil, and we stand tallest when we stand united.

So, I ask that all of you who read this do some homework and take an honest look at what you have going on around you. If you do not want to end up being a North Korean wannabe, vote for Ted Cruz. 

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