It was yesterday evening when I first heard of the attack taking place. It was about eight in the evening (EST) and I turned on the news to see if there was any news to be heard. As one might imagine, the narrative was all about the Manchester attack taking place at the Pop Concert with Ms. Grande. A terrorist attack has occurred, a bombing, and there are a number of victims, with at least 19 dead at that time. The news reports were talking to witnesses and other reporters in the area, and the background was filled with chaos.
For me at the moment, this was a bit after dark. The day was mainly over.
Before the sun came up the next morning, a considerable amount of backlash and opinion slinging had gone on. In fact, before the sun came up, I noticed innumerable people were quite upset that haters were using this tragedy as an excuse to purport their Islamophobia (despite the fact that ISIS had already claimed responsibility) and that this was only a big deal because those affected were white people.
Imagine my surprise.
What we also had was a lot of people calling for the end to this insanity (and, this has been done after how many similar attacks?) and that something must be done. All the while, actual Islamic leaders in Great Britain were in the streets, on camera and in plain view of the world, stating this was righteous and the Infidels need to get that Sharia Law must be law or this will continue. And, they didn't shoot that savage in the face. Not even once.
How can we possibly think we're going to get past this insanity when we can't organize to expel even one proper calorie to that effect? England isn't going to do a damned thing about the Islamists in their streets openly supporting this insanity, yet they claim they're going to demand justice for all involved. Well, there are those who state we should get used to this since this is the norm of this point in history. There's nothing we can do except work harder to demonstrate more tolerance.
Yet, the Islamists are running out of ways to make this any clearer. They have openly claimed they must have the savagery, chaos and war in order to fulfill the Islamic prophecies and bring about the End Times and establish the proper caliphate in order to eliminate all Infidels and turn this world into Planet Islam. They've been attacking us in mass for so long now that we're no longer sure how long or how many times it's happened, and in Manchester they deliberately attacked children.
Please allow me to make this clear- They deliberately attacked children. Our children. Infidel children. They did this on purpose and then got online and made it clear the Infidel catches on that we either convert to Islam and embrace Sharia or this will continue and all Infidels will die.
But within literal minutes of the attack, all these dumbass infidels can do is turn this into a white thing and cry out the racism that is Islamophobia. Now, there are those who state we must, must MUST stand up and fight back because out of all of these attacks, this one deliberately and specifically attacked our children. But, but, BUT, there simply is no way to do this without either governmental calls to war or blatantly illegal vigilantism, which can go nowhere, and there is no government that will do this. And this is partly because these terrorists learned something (at least someone in the scenario is paying attention) and that is don't attack too many at once. A few dozen at most and they'll put it on the news and fight amongst one another, but they won't really do anything. Kill thousands and they'll get testy.
Oh, I should point out how delicious it is that many claim we must take the fight to those attacking us, but all the while we deliberately spread these people to every corner of the globe.
I would like to propose an idea. I like this idea and I can't see how it could be perceived as rattling sabers or threatening anyone. It is simply this-
The non-Muslim world needs to reach out to the Muslim World and ask a few questions. Who amongst you in the Muslim world actually have a problem with all the terrorism and jihadist calls for the deaths of all that is not Islam? To all of you who desire peace, please make yourselves known and we will stand with you. Who are those within the Muslim/Islamist World who can honestly state they would like to reject Islamic Law claiming all Muslims must fight Infidels and their ways until they are no more, but would like to seek unity and tolerance?
I suspect we'll hear only crickets just before the gunfire and bomb vests start going off.
I like the honest idea, but most would rather stick with the BS lies that people who aren't Muslim just can't tolerate the cultural differences. Nevermind that Muslims globally have made it more than clear they have full intention on keeping the attacks going until we catch on that Sharia and the Koran is the only acceptable way to go, Dismiss the reality that either all Infidel and non-Islamic, well, every fucking thing, is evil, or Islam is evil. It's like toasted and untoasted. You can't have it both ways. Allowing females to retain their clitoris is evil, or forcibly hacking it off is evil. Kidnapping and retaining slaves because your god says you can is evil, or complaining about it is. Killing everyone who isn't exactly like you is the right thing to do, or tolerating differences is the right thing to do.
On and on.
We're not getting it and we aren't going to get it anytime soon. In a week or so, those not directly affected will largely forget about this little debacle and just move on, while the Islamists hold it dear as yet another conquest and success. Just like it was in New York, San Bernardino, Orlando, London, and all the other places where Islamists attack, people bend over backwards to find a way to show it wasn't Muslims this time, and non-Islamic culture crushes in on its own to ensure this never happens again.
I believe we reach out to the Islamic world and clearly inform them that all Muslims who desire peace and tolerance will be embraced with peace and tolerance. As for those who preach the Koran states they must wage Jihad against all Infidels until there are no more of them, let them know we now embrace your call for war and will respond accordingly. But I'm not a fool. I know this isn't going to happen. I realize I will have to watch my world spin out of control and watch all the innocent among us suffer because only true evil is met with acceptance.
Is this it? Is this what makes the space for the next species to rule this world?
The thing I like the most about dating a widower is that there is much information about every lady. Her portfolio is very rich, which is very helpful if you are looking for a soulmate. In my case, it help me to create a complete image of my potential match, and we turned out to be a perfect match. Our love story is moving on.