Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Gifts

Here we are again, at the heart of another Christmas and holiday season. While there are those screaming about the loss of the meaning of Christmas, there are plenty of people out there holding onto it for dear life. There are those out there who are finding the pliability in the true meaning and molding it into something they can find real in their situation. Perhaps they’re not genuine fundamentalist Christians, but they still find meaning and comfort in a brotherhood of Man, and find something real in doing for others just for the sake of it.
That’s more than fine, if you ask me.
More and more, I am seeing humanity bend to the will of Nature; allowing the course of instinct to bend us from the course of Sentience and Civilization in the primary desire to cull the herd. What do I mean by that, you might ask? Look, it’s about time we recognize, as a species, that it is in our nature to manage our own numbers through warfare and bloodshed. Do any of you really find genuine importance in this feud between Phil Robertson and A&E, as well as those rattling sabers on either side?
It surprises me endlessly to see my own kind fail to recognize the force of Nature upon us and harbor the naïve belief that we control our own destinies. Sure, there are those who have found this ability, but to believe it is a widespread mindset is a sign people simply aren’t paying attention. I find it subtly amusing to see nobody ever pursuing the genuine cause of war within our own kind, what with their easy blaming falling on oil, sovereignty and the national security. Thoreau once said, “There are a thousand people hacking at the branches of evil for every one hacking at the root.”
I am confident our kind battles on and on because if we didn’t, we would starve out just about everything. If we made love only and never war, the chaos and utter want would demand action. We are at the top of the food chain. Rank has its privileges, but, as they say, with great power comes great responsibility.
We could find a way to resist it and will eventually, but the chaos churning all around us demands the tectonic shift must give in eventually, and the use of tectonics is a fitting metaphor. The pressure mankind has felt in the past demanding of blood was often answered quickly, but we’ve reached a point where our higher minds are resisting. While this is a positive sign, the signs are also there that we likely need at least one more good lesson. The pressure of two tectonic plates grabbing at one another builds over time, so if the pressure is released somewhat quickly and before it becomes momentous, the drama is lessened. But allow the pressure to reach gargantuan proportions and the quakes coming once the edges crumble are truly fantastic.
The pressure we are feeling is about as immense as it has ever been in the history of our kind. Our numbers are way beyond anything ever seen before, and our technological prowess arms us in way hitherto unimaginable. So, once this thing blows, get ready for an apocalypse quite different from the one on 12/21/12. This next one, the real one, won’t be such a laugh.
Because of this, we must find a way to harbor the spirit of the Christmas season and cherish the love we have for peace and tranquility, the little and important things, and for what is wonderful and beautiful. We must find great value in the laughter of children, and we must educate our kind that our most innocent and vulnerable are being hunted in record numbers. We need to find tolerance and a recognition in the value of diversity in this shrinking world, and we need to reassess our priorities. It’s okay for the secular to question the verity of dogma and religion, and it needs to be okay for the faithful to demand some level of accountability from their God. We no longer allow blind faith and the power of our royal and political leadership to go unchecked, so why would it be wrong to humbly ask that God take a more active role in our plain sight and stop being quite so mysterious? Hey, we have grown.
One does not need to believe that Christ walked on water and turned water into wine, and then rose from death after three days. But would it hurt to accept his advice that we love one another and treat our own kind with peace and acceptance. He was fair and right in asking who has the genuine right to cast that first stone. Christmas and all the holidays of the time can bring us together in order to find the higher mind of humanity before we are forced to succumb to the needs and demands of Gaia. Then, after the smoke settles and the blood has seeped away from the tremendous world war soon to come, we’ll have more to aspire to and seek as a greater goal for our kind for the long term future. Perhaps we will no longer roll our eyes to the farming of our own kind in that new world, and we will accept humanity for what it is and can be.
So, give those well-meant gifts and savor their smiles as they enjoy the happiness of the moment. Open those gifts coming your way and show your appreciation. Then, after the turn of the year is a day behind us, give earnest effort to the hope of a renewed future and join hands with those who are like-minded. Maybe, just maybe, when that dime drops and all swords are unsheathed, there will be more of us wanting peace over madness. So, once the madness ends, the peace might reign unimpeded.

But keep in mind that the hardest lessons are the ones best learned, so the more horrible the war is while it rages just might sweep the pendulum towards greater and longer peace when the calls for a truce are heard. Then, the Christmas seasons to follow will surely be magical.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Protecting Children and the Vulnerable Through Concerted Efforts

There is no other way to put this; our society is breaking up to the point that our innocent, our children, our young women and our morals are in constant danger from harm, attack, persecution, and even forced slavery in a time when slavery in human history is at its most prolific and successful. More than 2,000 people in this country are reported missing, each and every single day.
We have to recognize there is no law enforcement anymore; just goons in blue doing the bidding of communist heathens or insulated wealthy who benefit from innocent persecution. The incidences of attacks on the innocent are continual while they continually seek to disarm and yank all individual power from the people. The Progressive rhetoric is that protecting yourself is the act of crazy people, yet the Progressive agenda benefits from Human Trafficking and the persecution of the innocent more than any other group.
We cannot afford to make any assumptions anymore. We cannot assume those around us are decent; we should always assume exactly the opposite. In fact, to assume humanity is anything less than pure evil is beyond irresponsible. Further, to assume humanity is anything less than pure evil ought to be considered an active setup to harm an innocent person. Now, this writer is not stating there are no exceptions, just that there are no ways to securely recognize the exceptions.
Some might say we must change our laws in order to make the punishment fit the crime. So, if a child is raped, the perpetrator and those involved must endure a heinous punishment. If a man beats a woman or child to death, he must be beaten to death. While I understand the passion behind these notions, we must recognize they are not the answer. They are not the answer because giving law enforcement (a continual part of any problem) and lawmakers that sort of power would soon lead to torture for something as simple as a speeding ticket.
Instead, we have to recognize the problem for what it is, which is a human failing. And because (I do hate to admit this) law enforcement, lawmakers and politicians are human (barely), they cannot properly protect anyone while operating in those roles. They would only serve to fuel the problem. So, we must be vigilant and protect our own from humanity through humane and intelligent means.
It does seem daunting to think this is where we are, but it is where we are. To complicate matters, not all humans are evil (but I think you already knew that). But because of the state of the world, it would be egregious to assume anyone is not evil unless proven otherwise, or if you know them that well. Even then, innumerable people have been shocked to horror. How often do we hear of a step-parent or boyfriend beating a child to death, or raping a child? Daily, that’s how often.
It's just that with human trafficking, drug trafficking and all the violence associated with it, weapons trafficking and all its drama (and these are the three largest organized crime industries out there), the saccharin-sweet attitude that humanity offers more good than evil is little more than naive. Sure, there are plenty of wonderful people out there, but this offers the same old story- the world will be destroyed not by those who do evil, but by those who witness the evil and do nothing. And the fact is that too few people desire to act against evil. But they'll donate to causes and carry the occasional picket signs, though.
So, we live in a world where there are innumerable amounts of bloodthirsty predators seeking the blood of your vulnerable and the only one who is going to care or take action is you (and other like-minded people). And if you don't, nobody will and that's exactly what those predators desire.
But you alone is not enough, so there must be a resurgence in protecting our own through concerted efforts operating at local levels. We must join as communities, with knowledge, conviction, and a significant lack of political correctness in order to protect what and who is most precious to us. The law won't allow us to destroy the predators, but there's no law against starving the predators from what they seek. If we stop allowing them to prey on ours, they'll have to either move on or stop, and allowing them to move on is just as wrong.
Those who prey on the innocent must be prevented from gaining the innocent.
How could there be an option to that sentence?
By simplifying the philosophy to simply starving the predators from their intended prey, that predatory aspect will either have to diminish or become so ravenous that it must expose itself in order to quell the hunger. In easier terms, we must determine to protect our innocent (and our kind) from what seeks harm. We have to dismiss all assumptions (of the benefit of the doubt) and protect our children and vulnerable as though we are confident they are being hunted by monsters emerging from every shadow.
Should neighborhoods and communities do this, these numbers of missing and abducted people as well as victims of HT and other crimes will diminish. But we have to make these endeavors if we truly care. If we do not, then we can fairly assume that a predatory consumer of our own kind’s weak and vulnerable is what we are.
Make a choice.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Pay Per Mile Taxes- An Unadulterated and Purely Contrived Lie of Arrogant Proportions, Posed by Corruption's Finest

In short, the entire story around the issue regarding the Pay per Mile Taxes, other than this is a genuine agenda by the government, is a complete crock.
The argument as I understand it is that the government’s present methods of obtaining funds in order to maintain the roads and various types of infrastructure, which is mainly the gas tax of nearly nineteen cents a gallon, is just not nearly enough tax income for the government to do these jobs. This is so unsupportable as an argument that it’s just laughable. This is a government that literally throws away billions upon billions of tax dollars, from scams such as global support to the never ending need for more luxuriant lifestyles for government to, well, there is no stop to government waste. The simple and honest truth is that this is the government’s way of continuing its abuse of power in order to pinpoint the location and activity of every single American citizen and, frankly, anyone doing anything in this country they despise. But because this is a monster of such enormous proportion that, if it is not brought to a stop quickly, could turn into a monster coming that closer to completing the government’s circle of absolute control over the people.
Sure, some would say that this is a paranoid attitude and that the government has its valid reasons, but for how much longer do we give the obvious and entire BS story of the government’s actions verity when it is becoming ever clearer that this is the most corrupt government this planet has ever witnessed? Furthermore, who in their right mind would assume the government would settle for tracking the mileage driven by an automobile (an ability already in place, since every act of maintenance on a car or any vehicle includes annotating the odometer reading) and follow through on the promise that the technology wouldn’t be used to GPS track an automobile and the individuals within it? Who is this naïve?
Those who know of me are aware that I make my living as a professional truck driver. I, and my colleagues, trace the roadways of this country at every moment of every day. If there’s anyone who knows road construction is about as difficult to avoid as avoiding McDonald’s arches, it would be the truck drivers of America. But that doesn’t support the argument that the money isn’t there. However, seeing one unnecessary widening and creation of superhighways through some small rural neighborhood after another when a simple two-lane road would more than suffice is an indication that some fool doesn’t know what they are doing…or plenty know exactly what they are doing.
Yes, there are numerous projects going on everywhere, where entire intersections are being rebuilt and simple, two-lane roads are being widened into six-lane divided highways when there is little more than local traffic and a few farm tractors. Furthermore, what’s paying for these useless high-speed rail systems that are sure to go the way of Amtrak?
But it simply seems obvious these arguments are redundant to those recognizing this is simple another effort on the part of a Luciferian government to continue its pursuit of absolute control, corruption and despotism. Beyond that, it’s yet another example of how easy it is to convince the idiotic Liberal that we have to throw yet more of your virgin daughters into the mouth of the volcano in order to appease the Rain Gods. They are claiming they would never pursue placing GPS tracking devices in vehicles because that would be a violation of privacy and an example of government overreach? To buy into that would require a special kind of stupid.
This is not mere government corruption and overreach anymore; this is in-your-face and sitting-on-your-chest-while-dangling-spit-over-your-face corruption and heavy-handedness on the part of an entity that believes you and everything else in existence belongs to them. You don’t have to like it, bitch, but giving in and tucking your tail to where it belongs would make things a whole lot easier on you and that pretty little seven year old girl of yours, now huh? Big Brother is large and in charge and you had better board the serf train and learn to love it. But because we like to show off the smiles you serfs paid for, we’ll call this a pay-per-mile tax rather than what it is, which is a leash law.
Beyond these obvious points, let’s take a look at how this would have to be enabled? All new vehicles from here forward would require the technology (if it isn’t already activated, such as through OnStar) and all commercial vehicles would require it by a specified date. There would simply be no choices until such a time came that some American felt the gumption to disable the thing on their vehicle. That would merely be seen as criminal intent and coped with as such, placing such acts under that umbrella. Toe the line and play nice or you’ll be branded.

That is simply Big Brother getting arrogant, and who could offer evidence that this is not where all of this is going?

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Dogs- An Abominable Freak Requiring Immediate Annihilation from this Planet

Dogs- Shouldn’t this so-called pet become a thing of the past?
Because there is no other way to say this, I’ll just say it directly- the dog needs to go away as a pet.
These things have become as worthless as the day is long. And it isn’t the dog’s fault. It amazes me beyond comprehension how so many people in the world today still harbor such an enormous amount of ignorance when it comes to the dogs in our world. The simple fact of the matter is that the dog is a man-made creature. It has been brought to be through centuries of haphazard inbreeding in order to create some eventual animal specifically designed for a specific purpose. Perhaps this seemed like a good idea at one point in time, but that time has passed.
It seems like so many people are hard-wired into thinking that the dog has to be a part of life, but this ruse came about in much the same way that certain foods are most appropriate for breakfast. At one point in time in the scheme of things, someone came up with a grand idea on how to increase the sales of eggs and bacon, and someone else saw a capitalistic opportunity to make it big on selling dogs. Perhaps this was awesome long ago. There was surely a time when the dachshund made sense to somebody as an effective hunting dog for hole-dwelling prey. Today, they're just an object of ridicule. 
All breeds were created for some purpose. The Pit Bull was intentionally created to be a maniacal monster that would tear apart its own kind on command (which is why today’s geniuses just love to drop these things into the midst of their children) only for the amusement of pathetic cowards. Anyone who continues with the attitude that Pit Bull fighting is an aspect of culture needs to be castrated, by a Pit Bull. The Retrievers were designed to retrieve fallen prey, which were mainly birds such as ducks, but today so few are for this purpose and most just occupy the end of a chain. Many little breeds were designed to be companion animals, which makes one wonder how the Chihuahua ended up being such a miserable little monster.
The major problem is that dogs were created through severe and long-term inbreeding processes, and this continues to this very day. But the obvious issue that somehow ended up being the big gorilla in the room is that the human population (also severely inbred, it seems) has expanded to several times from what it was when the dog came on the scene of popularity. Thus, the continual inbreeding of dogs has continued to the point that the gene pool of the canine of today is about as shallow as a puddle.
I feel fine in stating that the Veterinary Industry of today should feel great shame for its role in aggravating what is an abominable practice. There is almost no breed of dog in existence today that is not a pure abomination of grand proportion. Every dog breed suffers immensely through a myriad of horrible afflictions attributed specifically to the problem of inbreeding. Some of these afflictions are relatively minor and can be treated, but others are so horrifying (such as insanity) that their proliferation is nothing less than evil. While the British Bulldog might seem endearing in its freakish nature, these poor things are born only through artificial means (they must be born via C-Section in order to not kill the mother because of their huge heads) and then must endure a lifetime of horrible afflictions that require constant treatment, and then still the things die much earlier than their counterparts because of the aggravated problem.
Poodles go deaf and crazy, so many breeds develop hip and skeletal issues that maim them early in life, and numerous breeds suffer skin afflictions so severe that modern veterinary medicine scrambles just to ease the torture. Furthermore, we have created monstrous issues by creating the perfect conditions to widely breed fleas and ticks, making them stronger and more resilient than ever before, thus creating an evil plague afflicting other species that were perfectly fine without humanity’s help.
How does it make sense to have every single county in the United States, let alone the rest of the world, harboring an uncountable number of abandoned animals who are entirely unwanted by anyone in a location that is an easy stroll from where one can buy just about any dog or puppy on demand? These no-kill shelters act as though they’re being humane by not putting these animals down (mercifully), but would rather crowd them into conditions so horrifying that those dogs not going crazy because of their barbaric inbreeding go crazy via the vulgar lives they must endure. Just look at the conditions of any so-called shelter and you’ll find a place of horror. These poor animals are kept in cages so small and they might have so much as some cushioning with some dirty blanket. They’re forced to endure their own filth at least a good portion of the day before some lackey comes along to minimize the mess. But yet it would be madness to stop this misery.
More and more people today are finding themselves living in conditions where they are no longer allowed to have a pet. The average apartment might allow room for some severely inbred Pug or Miniature Pinscher, but yet so many of these inbreeds want to fill these places with an overgrown and menacing Pit Bull, directly because they know the dog is a coward’s monster only good for attacking old ladies and little children.
I am endlessly appalled by these liberal suckasses who stick up for the Pit Bull with the attitude of, “Don’t judge the breed, but the breeder, or the owner. Give them a loving home and they’ll be wonderful.”
For those who have been residing on this planet for any length of time, I have a question. When one hears of a dog attack on the news, is the breed of the dog often in question? Do we continually hear of Pomeranians going mad and attacking a schoolyard full of Kindergartners? Do we hear of some Pug losing control and ripping the arm off some screeching senior citizen who was simply checking their mail? No, the breed in question is almost always the Pit Bull, and that is exactly why the breed is so popular to have as a pet or (I might be sick) a guard dog. What good is a so-called guard dog that attacks a toddler for no good reason? What are you inbreeds guarding, your VHS collection of Barney episodes? The home movies of all your uncles running a chain on you?
There has been exactly zero success in dealing with pet overpopulation despite the numerous efforts placed by well-meaning people. Veterinarians spay and neuter for small costs, but still most people won’t even entertain the option. This is particularly true with the so-called purebred dog (meaning the inbreeding is peaked) because the abominable freak has papers and therefore the freaks it spawns might be worth money. A Cabbage Patch doll has papers, asshole; go get one of those.
Your charming, effervescent author once adored the dogs of the world. When I was a boy, I had a retriever mix-breed I loved dearly. I looked forward to the time he and I spent together and even my friends thought of him as one of the guys. But after a few short years I reached adulthood and left home to pursue what this world had left to offer, and I had to leave this friend behind. Eventually, someone there found the dog dead in a snow bank. So much for caring for that nonhuman member of the family.
Some years later, I adopted a greyhound from one of the local racetracks (racing greyhounds- a very good reason why aliens from other planets won’t have anything to do with us). While I cared about the dog and the entire family indulged his peculiar ways with love and patience, this abominable sub-breed is such a wreck that the issue of racing these animals for momentary amusement is part of the definition of evil. I would go into the issue of the problem, but there’s nothing I could pass on that would be anything new and the popularity of this barbaric practice only continues to grow.
Just so you know, I don’t have a specific issue with the racing itself (other than the existence of dogs) because the things just love to run. I mean, they love to run. But the conditions these poor dogs endure specifically because humanity couldn't give a flying fuck are beyond the realm of normal evil. Sure, you have people stepping in to help, but they only aggravate the issue through alleviating the inconveniences suffered by those running the industry. If legislation came down stating that all racing dogs must have a home equal to the most pampered of pets and that they were afforded the benefits of any other professional athlete, I would be quieter in my rants. But because they are actually treated as the very lowest of the low in the dog world, the whole issue is pure evil. Hey, how do they create an inbreeding issue that leads to a phobia of stairs? That’s just meaner than mean, if you ask me. The Pug, as stupid as it is, is more than happy to tumble down any flight of stairs and find its feet with that perpetual smile on its knobby head. But greyhounds endure an evil world full of staircases that inspire terror in their hearts.
I cannot say for certain humanity would not miss what they like about dogs should all dogs go away, but the dogs would be better off. Perhaps Paris Hilton’s dog has it okay, but most dogs endure a life of misery via being of a species viciously polluted by humanity. Most dogs, should they not be born a commodity brought to be by what’s called a reputable breeder (there’s an oxymoron for you) are born literally worth less than zero, yet their being born is a condition proven unstoppable.
Just wander into any grocery store and consider what the fuck we feed these things. The foods available to the dog are widely considered a slow poison for dogs and are banned from consumption by anything else or anyone. Should a wayward child be discovered eating this shit and people go into a panic, assured the child might die any moment. For any of you who read this far, make an honest effort to look into the making of the average dog food and then come back to me with the slightest complaint of this blog post. I have every confidence to stand by my assertion that everything ‘dog’ is just wrong.

For you who support the way things are or have some practical idea on how to improve the situation, please step forward. But I close this post here, confident that I am right on this issue despite the whimpering. Oh, and Dogs is my all-time favorite Pink Floyd song.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Political Polarization Equates to Apathy and Therefore Significant Loss of Liberty

While one of these dynamics goes this way and the other goes that way, they come around on the other side to join hands, encircling an ever more constricted people in a tangle of electrified barbed wire. This is what I envision when thinking about the effects of both apathetic attitudes towards political issues along with staunch polarization affixed to one extreme point.
While it is easy to recognize an apathetic viewpoint regarding political issues is foolish, it seems less recognizable to see that polarized attitudes is often even more imprudent, making said polarization far more dangerous. It is more than fair to state that the extreme corruption afflicting our government today is largely fueled by their adeptness in wielding effective polarized rhetoric. Further, they are using this strategy against the American people, forcing us into camps supporting the systematic decimation of a Constitutional Republic or the supposed racist extremists who oppose the socialist attitudes of the Obama Administration and demand governmental responsibility and accountability while standing firm that the Bill of Rights is the basic foundation of American culture. That, dear reader, is nothing short of treason. It is treason because this government is wielding political polarization and extreme false correctness in order to dupe the people into thinking these Luciferian political officials are the last stand for what is best for the people when, in fact, they actively seek the destruction of the human spirit in order to model America after the slave race of the Chinese.
Those who will not be enslaved to this absolute despotism must resist the urge to remain polarized to the flagpole of freedom and liberty, and open their arms to those who have been hypnotized by the demonic attitudes of the far Left. We must be willing to embrace or at least acknowledge those liberal principles based within well-meaning while we also stop drawing lines in the stand and resolve to advance the flag of the United States of America over a land of free people who will not be seduced by a pat on the head.
The free and intelligent people of this wonderful nation have to pull away from their polarized positions and acknowledge the fact that this government has been sitting on our collective chests and dangling spit in our faces, making it clear that there is not one thing left that we can do about it. They make these claims with ease and confidence because they have us divided and therefore conquered by forcing us into these easily controlled camps. Camps of extremists who are tea baggers and then those who desire a better future for us all. But what is not said is that the extreme tea baggers demand free and independent people are liberated from governmental rule (particularly since this country’s principles were predicated on a system recognizing government must be limited and reduced to specific tasks while the people hold them in their place) and the Progressive agenda is forcing human beings into yokes of their making and benefit.
A perfect example of these extreme situations and how they are wielded against us is Common Core.
Common Core is a system put into place to reduce the minds and souls of human beings into a stupefied ape-like state of mind easily manipulated by those who seek the systematic enslavement and ownership of the human race as it stands on this planet. What Common Core seeks to accomplish is the educational and mental lobotomy of every child alive in order to create a slave race out of the human race, and nothing more. But because these political polarization techniques are so firmly in place and working with clockwork precision, we have a significant percentage of free people wholly supporting Common Core and its ability to ensure Humanity devolves to something less than the typical Tamarin. I, your writer of this, reside in Florida, where I have to endure the proliferation of Common Core and its brand of pure evil into the schools of my community and therefore into the mind of my daughter while those mesmerized by the Progressives and Socialist Utopians hide in the shadows of those who seek their annihilation with aplomb.
I have always been one who thought life offered its ups and downs but that, overall, we are improving as a people and our American way of life is secure. I was duped into thinking that when The Wall came down, we had vanquished Communism with free and independent minds. It hurt deeply to discover free and independent minds were duped by Communism through textbook strategies composed by enemies of God and Humanity. I have been at Checkpoint Charlie and where The Berlin Wall came down and I still possess a piece of that crumbled wall. I hold it dear because I have long felt that it represented the crumbling of the philosophies of those who are Communists and therefore the bastards of Satan’s whores, but today I fear I have been duped by those Luciferian demons, and that chunk of cement was little more than a lure akin to a worm on a hook. I feel this way because I now see the Progressives and Communists have reached a point of success so secure that they have left the shadows and subterfuge behind to operate openly, making it clear that humanity is now theirs to manipulate at every level at their disposal.

The United States of America is the last bastion of freedom and liberty against these evils, but if we continue failing in our ability to act with intelligence and maintain this pathway of polarized attitudes rather than unite as a nation of free people, the human race will be reduced to two separate breeds, with one tiny minority breed wielding all levels of influence over the minion majority for their evil desires and wants. If this should occur, than we should pray there really is truly intelligent life on other planets and that they will recognize Humanity for what it has become and eradicate it from existence before it can escape this planet and spread its evil beyond this world.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Government Shutdown is a Clear Sign of Dictatorial Overreach and Representative Incompetence

So, how does the government shutdown affect you directly? Well, you're not going to the park during it if that park is overseen by government. One should recognize that such a situation right there should ping the alarms, indicating these people are not suitable for the positions they hold, but oh, there is so much more. But it's also clear that so many people, regardless of their political affiliations and philosophies, would look at this as a sign someone from the other wing is at fault. Democrats are socialist dictators and Republicans are obstructionists. If the Democrats are genuinely socialist Dictators, shouldn't the Republicans be obstructing that?

But that is low hanging fruit that's gone overripe and, frankly, isn't the problem here. While I do believe with confidence that socialist philosophies and dictatorial attitudes have infiltrated this government on numerous facets (the fact that such a shutdown could cost the people well over two billion dollars is in itself inexcusable), the notion that there is a good guy side in this debacle resides on a level of naivete prompting tears in the eyes of die-hard Kardashian fans. In short, anyone buying into this as anything more than a stupid ploy perpetrated on the very people themselves is just plain stupid.

First of all, they're saying they need to shut down the government because we must reach a budget decision by midnight on 9/30/13 because the new fiscal year starts the next day and blah blah blah? Who conveniently forgot they haven't had a suitable budget in years upon years and that they've been swinging from the rafters with a deficit of more than 16 trillion dollars? So, anyone falling for this at that level is purely foolish and just an obedient serf and minion to their self-proclaimed superiors. After all, the higher ups causing this will all receive their overpay without interruption, but the parks are shut down and the low rent government employees are slapped to their knees and told they can suck a dick. Well, except for tax collectors; they'll be on the job in droves just like always. But as for military personnel, they'll get paid unless this stupidity runs into overtime (say, past two weeks or so) because they'll be paid on borrowed money.

Haven't they been paid on borrowed money for, say, decades?

But the bigger issue is simply this- About half of those polled, so, roughly half the people, will blame the Republicans for this, and the other half will blame the other half. They're the Democrats.

And there it is, ladies and gentlemen! There, right there, is the whole point. First of all, anyone who buys into the two-part system being so separated that we have two separate governments vying for power within what is the planet's greatest economy and the most influential country in the world is very much a part of the problem.

There just isn't two different governments operating under one collective roof. That right there is one of the greatest lies perpetrated on the people. I believe it is wholly fair to call this two-party system a good cop/bad cop ploy on the part of government to keep the people running the expected cattle chutes and psychologically categorized into some form of manageable minion. Now, there are more and more people of today who aren't happy with the D v. R BS (because good Americans are bad minions) but they just don't know what to do about it. That isn't new, since the average American has been stumped by this government since before Lincoln was born. After all, this is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic operated by elected representatives supporting the will of the people...and it isn't.

No, this is not North Korea, but you can see it from here. They're not gathering up our daughters and placing them into the hands of corrupt politicians (depending on who you talk to), but they clearly see the citizenry of this country as their pawns to place in harm's way for the sole benefit of those moving the pieces. And there, it is fair to say, is the crux of the matter, since the only governmental body of significant size on the planet (Luxembourg likely doesn't count in this regard) that is supposed to be the government run by and for the people itself is ours. But that must be seen as a sucky slight by the Obamas, Clintons, and Bush bunch, and all the rest of those monomaniacal egomaniacs. Wouldn't it be better to own the citizenry just like all the other big shots?

It's just that these big shots traditionally appease the people (that trend is fading fast) rather than crunch skulls in the streets to maintain desired behavior.

But you know what? To Hell with them all. The United States of America is the last hope of freedom and, honestly, able people, on this planet. Whether one is a pickup-driving blue collar redneck or a Prius-driving urbane yuppie, we should unite as Americans and inform this government that we are not your pawns to shove in front of the train. But through cheap ploys such as a contrived government shutdown, they keep these odd demographics broadly divided and at continual odds. So, for as long as we allow this pedestrian game to divide us, we cannot unite on the fast track to freedom. It's really just a matter of what we think we deserve and whether we can see through the political games.

When we see the government as the problem (all of it), we'll be on the road to a better country. But for as long as we buy into the government shutdown is their fault, we're going to get what we deserve.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Civil Disobedience Revisited- The Essay of Thoreau Brought to the Relevance of Today

Henry David Thoreau, an incredible essayist who lived his life during many of the struggles of the early nineteenth century, lives forever through the immortal state of one of his most tremendous essays, Civil Disobedience, which was first published in 1849. Most who know of this diatribe are fully aware of Thoreau’s opinion of government and overreaching authority, while keeping in mind his denunciation of said government was fueled by what occurred during the Mexican War and the U.S. treatment of Mexico, and also fueled by the very existence of slavery. One particular line most famous from the essay came early within it- The government is best which governs least. If you have not read this recently or at all, I suggest you do so at your earliest convenience.
It would seem difficult for any American who appreciates the Constitution and the spirit it contains to see his assertion as anything but quite worthy, even in the present day. But in this present day, could we develop any assumption as to where Thoreau might be regarding the state of the country today? Slavery based on racial divides is, of course, long gone, but slavery as an industry is more prevalent today than it has ever been. Further, the function of government (particularly a Republic of elected representatives) has drifted dramatically from where it once was. So, if Thoreau suggests we disobey laws considered hypocritical (deemed so by what we know this country is supposed to be, which is a free and self-governing nation), one would wonder where, these days, we would even start. And could we start this disobeying? Thanks to those such as Thoreau, the government has taken every step and precaution to ensure civil disobedience would be most complicated and intimidating to so much as contemplate. And this is quite the case since there is almost no way anyone could resist through tax evasion, as he suggested, but the technology of today does allow us to communicate our perception of the facts unlike ever before.
Thoreau mentioned how weak our government truly is when it can be bent under the will of but one man, and take a look at how this shines bright here, about five years into the Obama Administration. I am not a historian or a Constitutional expert, but I am amazed by how correct Glenn Beck is when he said it wouldn’t be long and we would no longer recognize this country. What I see today reminds me of what I was told of the USSR back in the seventies, and I thought it was so much scare talk at the time. Our government was always supposed to be a representing government of us taking care of our own business through elected officials who do their jobs and leave us to ours. But that is clearly not the case when government feels the pluck to interfere in all aspects of our lives, with almost no exception (and the people largely seem okay with that) to how deep they interfere. Elected officials speak like demagogues and act just like benevolent dictators (but the benevolence is increasingly rare) and it is perfectly fair to say that the United States of America of today is EXACTLY what it was never supposed to be, despite the fact that thousands and thousands of Americans fought and died, and virtually every family of this great nation saw loved ones offer the ultimate sacrifices to ensure this place did not end up like this.
My fellow Americans, I say right here and now that we cannot let their actions and sacrifices be for naught, and it is not too late. Sure, we have lost our place in this endeavor and have faltered, apparently since before the time of Thoreau, but if our Founding Fathers had the ability to right this wrong, then we surely do, as well. But we must learn to recognize that anything deviating from the original intent and spirit of the Constitution is a deviant and potentially criminal act. And there must be enough of us Americans caring that this is the case. Because this government is so weak as to bend under the will of clear and present dangers wielded by those who haughtily admit they are here to fundamentally transform this country, there must be enough of us to see that the Constitution still stands strong in viability and potential, and shines bright like a lighthouse in the darkness.
Today, we see numerous servicemen hiding behind handwritten signs indicating they did not sign up to fight in defense of those who fight to hasten our destruction. There are plenty of people out there arguing they are so wrong because they signed up to serve their country regardless of their opinions and views. While this is so true to a point, they signed up to follow the lawful orders of their chain of command, but swore an oath to protect their Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And as Americans, we should always retain the position of speaking our minds and conscience rather than submitting to the cowardice of just doing the job and following orders. Those just doing their job all too often strap bombs to children and operate bulldozers pushing piles of emaciated bodies into vast pits dug as mass graves. They also arrest concerned parents speaking out in defense of their children against evils such as Common Core.
A good American could never be a good subject, I contend along with Thoreau, and should never submit to the will of government corruption, but this is easier assumed than pursued, what with even politely questioning the overreach of government is met with being wrestled to the ground. Now, Thoreau contended that all machines have their friction, saying government is going to experience the efficiency it possesses and the lack of it, but the friction must not pursue the machine, with friction being intentional corruption and manipulation of our law. The government of today thrives on creating egregious bureaucracy and excessive regulation, knowing with confidence that it is exactly that and looks at the American people with an attitude saying, “What are you going to do about it, bitch?”
It is not American to stand there with a doubtful expression and remain silent, lost in thought as to how to respond. But according to Civil Disobedience, this silent doubt is an American tradition dating further back than baseball. But we must recognize that slavery was viewed in such a way then, and this was abolished by the strength of our Constitution. However, keeping the people at bay with bullying has long, long been the way of the government, mainly for the sake of it. What’s more is that a significant percentage of the people so overwhelmingly welcome it. The Liberals and Progressives of the day shun free thinking and Constitutional law for the vestigial attitudes of political leaders are demigods who own our existence and wield them according to their momentary amusement. While that sounds horrific, what fuels the horror is that, in a democratic society, it can become all too real.
Just take a look around you.
Thoreau was smart enough to recognize our election system and the act of voting is but a manipulative arm of this corruption, with what you get to vote on is limited and your choices of candidates is but thus. Moreover, most are content to allow their vote, cast once in a great while, to speak their mind for them, stating confidently they took part in the process while the chips fall as they may. But yet, Americans are more than happy and willing to stand nose-to-nose against virtually everything they find disagreeable BUT government overreach! This, I contend, is the lending of human superiority to a sociopathic liar who easily suspends any moral behavior in order to manipulate their way to an elected position through deception, and if they should succeed (Pelosi, Feinstein, and Obama) they are, therefore, superior human beings. I, to be honest, doubt their humanity down to a genetic level. People will screech at anything but government corruption (including a limited and controllable government), and it fair to state this is because the said dictatorship wields all the power and the weaponry and the goon squads to back it up. It might be fair to state we instinctively feel compelled to acquiesce to this power.
Thoreau contended that if a corrupt government imprisons citizens unjustly, then maybe a place for a just individual is in prison, because that is where free thinkers can feel so honored, and that to think one no longer has a voice against the real enemy must experience the injustice firsthand. But, dear Henry, prison these days is not what it was then. But he goes on to say that one must not just cast their vote on a ballot but also through their entire influence. I, your author of this writing, cannot do everything and I cannot don cape and cowl and save the world, but I can do this treatise here and leave it where the world can see it. And Thoreau was correct in stating they can’t throw all the just people in prison and function as a nation, so we can all do our part to influence the majority. We do not have to rise to arms or commit heinous drama to bring rise to the country of our Founding Fathers; I have laid out a potential model of what we can do to ensure positive influence and a peaceful revolution in a prior blog post called, How to Take This Country Back. You could find it with a minimum of difficulty.
But the people of today tremble to the thought of disobedience of any degree, particularly if it places their future, even the most short-term future (such as this week’s paycheck) at risk. To be arrested for the most shallow of reasons (and the goons of this government, whom often refer to themselves as law enforcement officers, which disgusts me to no end, can arrest anyone for anything) places many of one’s rights in jeopardy. Your second amendment rights dangle from a thread in a hail storm as it is, so just one tiny incident can break it. The tenth amendment is practically suspended and gone, as is the fourth. You have the first, but what is it worth when it falls on an entity that states that it will use everything you say against you. Oh, bravo to the manipulation of that.
The corrupt government that has denied the will of the Founding Fathers has been in place and well secured since well before the onset of Lincoln. It has been so confident in its place that those such as Lincoln serve well their scheme while wholeheartedly believing they do quite the opposite. Presently, we saw this with the administration of Reagan. These wonderful men led the best of us to believe that the government over us was the one placed there by the colleagues of Washington, Jefferson and Franklin, mainly because they likely believed it. Thus, we willingly fed the monster that held its scaly thumb on the neck of the government we thought we had, and we made it stronger. We looked the other way to the action of this beast because we thought it was the contender vanquished when the Berlin Wall came down. The bear dressed as the eagle did so well and fooled us completely.
The government of today, which is nothing like what our Founding Fathers wanted and has not been since long before anyone who could read this was born, has been exquisite in creating a country it desires, which is a country of lobotomized fools who freely accept the ruse they are free and active when the fact is they are fitted with collar and chain well before puberty sets in. We quietly do what we are told even when we rally and cry out next to those who speak for freedom and a limited government with enumerated powers. Alex Jones thrives under a government he claims is out to destroy him and his world, with his bestselling books and gobs of websites, mainly because that government is so well established that it sees Jones, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Wilkow, and so many others as mere yappy dogs who appease the people while the true arm of power leads the way. This bizarre dictatorship is so good at what it does that it verily greases the wheels of its slave ships with the hopes and dreams of those who rattle their battery-operated light sabers and claim they are getting off if this next line is crossed, just you wait and see. But to step off this grand and pretty ship is to step into a dark abyss and disappear into something quite unknown, and everyone knows it.
But underdogs have come back from some rather daunting odds, so there is no reason to assume this fight is lost. Sure, the dictatorship that owns us today is doing quite well and has all the pretty and cool people on its side, but there is still not one single reason to assume humanity is lost to pursuing the future as a slave race. The day can still come when the burly guards at the gate of government stand there to ensure the government does not pull taut the chains that bind it. Today, nearly all law enforcement officers are nothing more than goons licking the pubic hairs from their chins placed there by those who believe They are the Law, but there are still good people who want better. Truly intelligent people recognize a proper government is the one operating only under the will and consent of the people and that government only does what it is told. They recognize a free nation of laws protects the future of all citizens better than a hierarchy that believes itself genetically superior.
That we can so much as know of Thoreau and other like-minded men gives us grand hope through recognizing that there are brave men and women who find their way into this dictatorship (Rand Paul) and help keep it at bay, because the truth of the matter is that those who wield the dictatorship are rarely purely evil. Instead, they have been convinced that the people must be held down for their own good and their futures must be queued along single-file corridors so they do not get lost. Many of these people think they are doing the right thing. I cannot rightly call Barack Obama a Luciferian monster (although I am often tempted to) when it is fair to assume he believes he is doing what is best. Now, does he believe his personal interests deserve the best and everyone else is allowed the table scraps? I do truly believe that is the case. But I cannot say with confidence he desires the crushing of humanity and to force God to His knees before him. It’s just that he believes humanity is similar to dumb sheep that must be shepherded or else it will stumble off the cliffs. So, the fight is not one of pure good and evil, but a matter of what we believe humanity truly is. Is humanity a dumb beast that must be ruled by those proven superior because those who attain superior positions are thereby superior, or is humanity a superior species that found its way there through the will of a Superior power who recognized the potential of humanity as a custodian of freedom and intelligence?
I believe we are smarter than what the reigning psychopaths suppose. But I am smart enough to recognize that, for right now, the psychopaths reign superior over all of us. But if good Americans become bad serfs, the self-proclaimed lords who believe they own those serfs will eventually become exhausted, particularly if the serfs outnumber them by millions to one. We know that those who disobey alone will feel the fall of the axe and swiftly, but we have to recognize that if we disobey together because we know the laws and rules we disobey are themselves illegal and false, then these axes will dull to the point of becoming useless, and eventually those wielding the axes will turn to face the trembling lords. So, because my crystal ball reflects only my own hopeful gaze, I have to turn to others in my hope that humanity eventually recognizes it does not have to succumb to the dictators.
But, for those few who have read this far, let us not just wait and see. Please join me in the continual quest to demonstrate that good Americans are bad serfs.

With me, be a bad serf. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Human Trafficking- Third Most Prolific Criminal Organization in the World

Many of those who have heard me rant and carry on about the issue of Human Trafficking have heard me sling the statistic that HT is the second most prolific organized crime in the world, behind drug trafficking. Well, I'm not one who desires to sling numbers and assertions without having a good base from where I can operate and assert such claims, as doing so only to be proven wrong lessens the impact and severity of the matter. To be clear, I was not pushing this statistic without some grasp on facts I've obtained from various sources; I have heard the crime reported as such, being the second most common behind drugs. Well, I looked into it and discovered that, at least according to some, including the FBI, I was off by one.

It turns out that HT is the third most common criminal activity, not the second.

Yeah, I know. Hold the press.

The thing is, because these numbers and issues aren't exactly reported and collected with the accuracy of, say, car sales, it can be hard to substantiate a lot of what is claimed. Some claim the numbers are far less and that the ballooned claim only serves to weaken the endeavor to help stop the problem. But maybe we're at a point where value judgment based on such statistics is a distraction from the bigger problem, which is the fact that such a crime exists so commonly.

Around the globe, poorer and lesser developed countries are losing their daughters and children at rapid rates to traffickers who sell the victims to those who want them. More than half of these victims are forced into prostitution, which has a market demand everywhere, particularly in developed and wealthier countries (like this one). Forced labor is a significant problem, too, with sweat shops and other menial labors being forced via threats and beatings. To add to the horror, HT is occurring at a remarkable and tragic rate (despite the rankings of numbers) in order to add to the growing pile of black market organs for sale.

Rank the numbers where one desires, but the fact remains that these crimes are global, affecting everyone, threatening everyone (in Russia, poor women aren't the only targets, but also well educated and more sophisticated women lured into victimization via more sophisticated methods) and so widespread that their existence places a pock on humanity nobody can deny with pie graphs and Power Point presentations. Most people will call these things whatever they want to, but the truth is that these crimes place a mark of evil on humanity so obvious that for humanity to allow claims to the contrary would be daunting to support.

The fact remains that the numbers of victims are in seven figures, not two or three, so minimizing the issue through pedestrian arguments such as where the crime ranks compared to drugs or weapons trafficking (yes, there is your #2 crime, precious) or even criminal acts like assault and larceny (two of the most common crimes committed by people) is more dangerous than skewed statistics. Honestly, the fact that this sort of criminal activity is more common than nuclear arms smuggling (which would garner more attention with increased statistics, if I can dare a guess) should ping on the radar of a global society calling itself civilized. Because it is fair to say statistics demonstrate these sorts of crimes are not nearly as prolific or widespread with any other species we know. Bears don't do it, sharks don't do this, whales aren't in on it, and neither are kangaroos. This is a human crime of vast, vast proportions that is not receiving the attention it requires, but is only being fed and supported by human shortcomings and failures.

So, what can we do about this? It is reasonable to support the opinion of those who claim HT and related crimes operate much in the same way as do vampires. They operate well in the dark and away from the awareness of those around them. But expose them to the light by actively seeking them out and forcing that exposure (because what other option is there other than allowing vampires to prey on us because, hey, it isn't as though there are so many of them that they outnumber drug runners), they die off quickly and are rendered harmless to those they seek to harm. This is what we need to do regarding Human Traffickers and modern-day slave drivers; the civilized world needs to view this as a crime against our species and treat it as a clear and present danger to the future of Human Civilization. If bears were pouring out of the forests and hills at a rate that they were preying on humans at a rate of a million per year, it seems reasonable to support the assumption that something would be done about that. It seems likely that there would be a significant drop in bear populations and a rise in cheap bear meat and hide.

So, why does humanity choose to ignore this crime as something abnormal and isolated? Perhaps it has to do with the crime seeming so horrifying that it is difficult to accept as truth when it seems too horrible to contemplate. Moreover, the media simply does not cover it as being this widespread, but instead chooses to cherry-pick the incidences most comforting to the aspect of the issue covered by that particular reporter or team of investigators. Now, the awareness level is rising and people are doing more to help (through watching for signs and reporting incidences as they occur with more organized groups out there), but it still remains that HT crimes are considered quite easy to get away with and certainly worth the risk. The average so-called pimp can make a dazzling annual wage, tax free, through forcing just six victimized, strung out, beaten and starved, addicted, frightened kidnapping victims to turn ten tricks a day while he chills out in his customized car, watching the easy money pour in with very little effort or resistance. Because groups such a Truckers Against Trafficking exist, he can't peddle them at the truck stops so easily anymore, but code words uttered over the CB help some, and there is always Craigslist and Back Page.

The truth of the matter is that this is not just a test of the ability of law enforcement and political leadership, but a test for all of humanity. Humanity would not be happy with an extraterrestrial entity coming to us and labeling us evil because of how we operate and prey upon our own kind, but it would be difficult to argue. If we were placed on some sort of intergalactic criminal list and faced potential prosecution, we could not claim ignorance of the law or existence of any life beyond our own planet, because we adore every opportunity to sling the assertion that ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Of course it is ridiculous to concern ourselves with facing this InterGalactic Tribunal from the Realm of Zenu, but it is not ridiculous to ponder the notion that we would be found most guilty if such a dramatic moment arrived. Moreover, there is no good reason to continue with this heinous criminal activity just because we don't face potential prosecution from beyond our own kind. The fact remains that this is a great and horrible evil and should be brought to a halt simply for that reason alone.

The outcome of this crime and how it affects our kind into the future will easily inform us, and every other intelligent species, exactly of what we are.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Extinction, We're On Our Way!

It was Darwin who once pointed out that success in existence doesn’t go to the strongest or fastest creatures, but those capable of adapting to the continual changes. Humanity was once the shining star in this category, but these days it is fair to wonder if we haven’t lost our touch. Perhaps it’s just momentary and humanity is enduring an evolutionary challenge designed to reach for a greater purpose, but it’s fair to fear the situation.
The lull we’re suffering hasn’t exactly been momentary. Through our quest for a more advanced society and better civilization, we’ve endure ups and downs originating from vestigial instincts and prehistoric behaviors to an endless support of megalomaniacal and sociopathic tendencies emanating from authoritative positions. From Caligula to Obama to Kim Jong Un to Putin and so forth, the people at large constantly allow extreme trouncing by those in positions of power. Why this bizarre paradigm of the human condition has come into existence within the framework of human evolution isn’t immediately recognized or even acknowledged, there has to be some element of benefit, at least from the start. Perhaps operating from a single focal point is beneficial, and if this point becomes polluted, recognizing such pollution is easier to see and therefore easier to expel.
But only after outrageous acts and threat of doom are such entities expelled. Look at the damage done by Hitler before he was finally handled. Look at was done by Caligula. Look at what is occurring in our world right now by lunatics such as the leader of North Korea and the mass of sociopaths focusing on the madness of Syria. The fact that the world (and humanity) allows these monsters to remain in power is a testament to how far into a sense of sentience humanity has NOT made it.
There are factors we must consider on a broad scale if humanity is going to survive beyond the common statistic. The statistic: More than 99% of all species that have existed on this planet have gone extinct.
A failure on the part of most of those species was the failure to adapt to the changes and then become stronger in the process. Now, it’s fair to say that those species lost (within the dinosaur era) during the time when the asteroid or comet struck just north of the Yucatan Peninsula didn’t get a proper chance. Those species that survived through that did so because they just happened to be adaptable to what occurred. The crocodile lived in conditions allowing it to slip through the cracks, so it is still here. Our ancient ancestors somehow pulled through.
It is reasonable to assume that Nature (and the conscious Entity ruling it) recognized that, if life is going to survive calamities such as that occurrence, the ability to function beyond the realm of commonality all other creatures exist upon must be explored. Through the last 65 million years, Nature recognized that various species functioned and thrived via migration, hibernation, broad-scale adaptation, or location-specific isolation. Some species move around, some adapt to the seasonal conditions, some are finely tuned to specific conditions only, and some just shut down when conditions prompt that. But nothing was prepared to cope with such external influences as a comet, asteroid or meteor.
Nature, in its infinite wisdom and endless ability, found a way to cope.
Humanity rose from the anonymity of being just another species to somehow rising over all others, developing conscious and discerning thought, self awareness, and eventually technology. So, running on the idea that some species flee harsh winters by migrating to other locations, let’s develop a species capable of migrating to a completely different planet, thereby developing a higher means of ensured survival. Thus, even planetary destruction is survivable and survival is the primary function of life.
But, as far as we know, humanity is the first species to undertake this extraordinary evolutionary event, particularly on this planet. And, statistics demonstrate that the first runs are rarely the surviving entity for long.
Nature began with humanity by developing a strong, adaptable and vivacious predator from it. From there, humanity learned to cope with and then master many aspects of the dynamic conditions of this world through methods largely unique to the stage- rather than adapt to the paradigms of nature alone, humanity learned how to adapt many aspects of nature to accommodate its needs.
But then we ended up stuck in a few ruts.
The predatory creature eventually ending up on the top of the food chain and found it had to adapt to natural principles (and their consequent checks and balances) by having to check its own numbers since nothing else could. It’s reasonable to assume war is humanity’s way of adapting to the continual threat to overpopulation. There is the good with the bad. Since nothing takes us out, we have to do it ourselves. But we ended up getting too good at this, thus developing a human trait of unmanageable cruelty. Slavery resulted and, even though we acknowledge it and state we do not desire it, is more prolific and widespread through the human condition today than it has ever been in history.
A marked lack of intelligent thought and sentience developed a heightened state of territoriality within the human condition, so much so that we’ve split our kind up into nations and states so deliberately marked and isolated that we ended up developing sub-species amongst ourselves, and these thus far have failed to integrate successfully. Then, one of the worst things we could have done is fail in carrying through with our creation of the monetary and economic systems, which started as an evolutionary marvel. Sure, we created a system allowing for trade and commerce in order to develop our societies and civilization in ways hitherto unavailable, but we ended up selling our entire species to it so completely that today we are willing to place human existence on the table in order to ensure the survival and comfort of a nonliving entity of our own design (an evolutionary backwash). In fact, our lack of ability to cope with our species-wide voluntary slavery to a procedure demonstrates a marked lack of ability to adapt to such a dramatic degree that it’s fair to assume Nature sees this as a way to facilitate extinction.
Because, after all, it doesn’t make sense to assume Nature failed somehow in its attempt to maintain the survivability of those species gone extinct; it seems most appropriate to suggest Nature expedited the process to eliminate what wasn’t working. To assume Nature goofed more than 99% of the time is more than difficult to accept. On a microcosmic scale, we find it easy to recognize a self-destructive behavior pattern within those who just can’t seem to cope or fit in. The same thing could be said for those species destined to extinction. If the stated species just isn’t coping properly, it might as well facilitate its final solution.
So, look at the state of humanity today. We have entirely enslaved our species to money, the body politic (thereby monitoring and governing the process towards extinction via the whim and design of the megalomaniac, with only chosen sociopaths at the helm) and polarized spiritual beliefs. Humanity actually sits back and voluntarily listens to various branches of humanity plot and devise the complete obliteration of other branches of the species, and without so much as a bat of the eye. During the Black Plague, ruling entities roamed the land in search of others they could annihilate through blame for what’s occurred, and in the present day humanity threatens this over religion and the presumption that global dynamics should stagnate on demand.
But mostly, we are not adapting to anything. Instead, we have become so adamant in our attitude of superiority over all else that we demand even the function of the very planet succumb to our wants rather than continue with our penchant for an eye to the stars, where Nature intended us to reach for the most likely survival. This has become such a problem that many people openly state that space exploration and discovery is just a waste of time and money, choosing instead to blame others for the failure of the planet to bend to their desire. Anyone with any sense would recognize this as a macrocosmic slitting of the wrist, drug addiction of the worst order, and a prepared noose dangling from every closet in the global house. To deny our primary function as a technological species is akin to all moth species actively seeking every available fire to fly into at every available opportunity.
So, humanity is on the brink of a major paradigm shift, or it is on the brink of extinction. It does seem Nature has provided the option for us to choose, what with humanity harboring some small level of self awareness and sentient ability. It does stand to reason that humanity shifted from becoming the custodian and final hope for all life on this rare planet to becoming the single most obvious threat to it. To assume Nature would sit idle and allow this would demonstrate a complete misjudgment of the scope and ability of Nature. Judging from historical relevance, Nature would recognize the sheer sweeping power of global annihilation and utilize technological prowess to ensure the process could be repeated on demand, thus bringing to light Nuclear Holocaust as a method of, yet again, wiping the slate clean in order to start over.
And why not? It isn’t as though Nature has anything better to do, and It has all the time It wants.
So, where are we in this situation? Are we, as suggested above, coming up on a new era in order to alleviate failed methods to make way for a resurgence in evolution, or are we being shuffled out of the way so another species can come in take over where we failed? The answer might be ours to choose, but then, thinking so might be a symptom of why we need to go. After all, humanity adores the notion that it is sentient and civilized, but there’s very little evidence to support this seriously. Rather, we have long been enslaved to our emotions and desires, and they have guided us to this brink of extermination. Now, before anyone suggests I am stating emotional responses equate to pre-critical action would be off the mark. Instead, I believe our emotional methods led us from the best course of action and therefore towards extinction, but that doesn’t mean they should not have been there. No, I believe humanity’s emotional spectrum should have recognized a stronger desire for sentience and civilization as opposed to multifaceted predation and begrudged consumption. Or, we should have found a greater capacity for love instead of hate.
Unfortunately, humanity fostered hatred, gluttony and cruelty more than it did love, charity and kindness. Sure, there are plenty of kind, caring people, but how many of them don’t possess some manner of polarized thought justifying the dismissal of others based on ideology? Albert Einstein is considered one of our greatest minds, and he stated that the world would not be destroyed by the actions of evil, but by the inaction of those who are not evil. Or, those who are evil will not succeed because of their evil, but because those who are not evil will do nothing to stop that evil. Today, we have hoards of people standing up to combat the evil overpowering our world, but they don’t come close to the hoards bent on complete destruction. Sorry, but they just don’t. Unfortunately, the majority population is the one sitting back, idly watching to see how it all turns out.
So, the world has become one big Roman Auditorium, where the evil are more than happy to do anything to win and the good only abide by a limited set of polite rules, and everyone else populates the stands, ready to cheer for the winner.

Extinction, we’re on our way.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

How To Take This Country Back!

There’s little doubt in the minds of most intelligent people that our beloved USA is under attack from an internal enemy desiring the systematic destruction of what this country is supposed to be in order to clear the way for a sort of country generations of Americans fought against and died to prevent. The situation is more than a little bizarre, particularly since there are so many of us witnessing this unfold right before our eyes, knowing it is wrong and that something must be done about it. We know someone should do something, but we don’t know what it is.
If there’s anything more frustrating than hearing our beloved talk show hosts such as Glenn Beck and Clyde Lewis tell us how we need to step up and take action before it’s too late, it’s how there isn’t one single one of these people, let alone anyone else, who can tell us exactly what it is we can do to turn this tide. But if there’s one thing we really, really need to recognize is not going to work, it is demanding our federal political leadership recognize we’re not happy with what they’re doing to our country and that they’re doing it with our money, our children’s money, and their children’s money. Furthermore, it gets downright ridiculous to hear how WE (the people) are screwing up by allowing this to continue. If these politicians and Progressives decimate our country and Constitution, then we’re getting exactly what we deserve because we didn’t do anything to prevent it.
Perhaps I run in too tight a series of circles, but the gist of the situation I see is that these politicians know precisely what they are doing, whether we like it or not. The accusation that everyone is asleep and not doing something to stop these veritable acts of treason and that meeting these Luciferian actions with no weighty actions causing these people to stop and then reverse their actions simply means we’re a bunch of pussies who are about to get what we have coming is beyond egregious in both substance and intent.
Yeah, I cry total bullshit on the continual accusations that we’re somehow not doing what we’re supposed to do to take our country back. We’re not taking the steps necessary to exercise our freedoms and rights, so it looks like we just don’t deserve them. In case you guys sitting at your microphones haven’t noticed yet, those people destroying our country are not stupid, and they’re not doing what they think we want them to do, and they are not acting as though they are representing our wants and needs. Therefore, all the banner waving and sign toting and saber rattling and phone calling and email writing and whatever else anyone might have in mind to suddenly convince Obama or Pelosi or Feinstein or Graham or whoever the Hell else is up there in Washington that we don’t like this shit, doesn’t matter to them. They are going to do what they are going to do and they don’t care who is opposed.
Why don’t they care? What are you going to do about it? Let them know what you think about them once the next Election Day rolls around? Look at various issues on Facebook and click Like when you think we should tell our elected representatives to defund ObamaCare? Go to some site and electronically sign the petition in order to make it clear we’re unsatisfied? They are doing what they are doing, and doing it right in our face, and I have yet to hear one single practical suggestion from any of these people telling us we are fucking up because we’re not taking a stand. For the love of all that’s good in the world, there are people everywhere taking a stand, holding their rallies and writing their emails, calling their senators and congressmen, and there are huge amounts of people prepping for the day when it all is going to come down. But if there is something they cannot do, they cannot get right to where they are toe-to-toe with these cowards and destroyers of freedom and expect to do something effective…
…because if they so much as blink wrong or offend or seem a threat, they are going to be arrested, tazed, beaten, and likely even shot. Then, should they survive, they are going to be arrested and treated like criminals or worse. Everything they would have hoped to accomplish would not happen, and more than likely their entire futures would be in serious jeopardy. Furthermore, these traitors have an entire army of media manipulators on their side, so all actions deemed inconvenient on the part of those who are dismantling the finest country ever placed on Earth by God are labeled as extremist and racist (because that somehow ended up making perfect sense) and their actions are protected through political correctness and the Left/Right & Democrat/Republican paradigm. Further, and this is extremely important to recognize and confront, these criminals who are out to destroy what all Americans hold dear are supported by an enormous force called today’s law enforcement.
Police and all manner of law enforcement officers and officials are more than happy to step way beyond their authority and legal procedures in order to thunk the heads of anyone who gets in the way of our country’s destruction and pisses off those politicians who believe this is theirs to reinvent. The cops have become yet another one of history’s cowardly goon squads doing the bidding of a pack of monsters who found a way to exact their sociopathic desires and goals. Because nothing sucks more than losing our freedoms and rights…unless you get to be a uniformed officer and get to wield fun toys that harm, maim and kill citizens who seek to have the country’s most important laws enforced.
Now that I’ve ranted for nearly a thousand words about how it seems we don’t have a way to turn this tide and actually take this country back, making it clear that *Beck and others get to gloat about how they told you so while those politicians take turns wiping their asses on our Founding Fathers’ most important documents and you deserve to have them wipe their asses with your face because you didn’t have the courage to stand up, well, there really might actually be a method to accomplish the goals we once saw as too daunting, and we should be able to do it with laws and legislation already in existence as well as elected and law enforcement personnel at the helm.
We should be mature enough to recognize these political freaks don’t care about rallies and protest signs and threats to vote for someone else; they have long ago developed contingency plans designed to thwart such pedestrian tactics.
So, we need to recognize our Founding Fathers and True Americans came up with contingency plans of their own, and none of them have anything to do with uprising or calls to arms or violence, or, for the love of Pete, tweeting our discontent. Instead, they long ago built into our methods of government and law enforcement methods that Americans of good character and faith can turn to in order to support and defend what our Founding Fathers built. But we have to recognize that ours is in so many ways a Democratic society even while this country is a Republic, so we need to be prepared to accept that Americans no longer want to be strong and free, but would rather be sheep and cowards held under the thumbs of a benevolent dictatorship (until it decides benevolence is boring). The point is that the pathway to regaining the strength of our freedom and Constitution are right there before us; but success will depend on convincing the people of this land that freedom is a good thing despite all the promises from politicians that we should not have to take responsibility for our lives. On this point, Glenn, Clyde, Sean, Rush and so many others are exquisite at what they do, but we have to recognize there are those who strip their effectiveness with lies from the Progressive Left.
So, from here forward I will lay out what I believe is the path already paved that we can traverse together in order to make this country the shining beacon of light and freedom the remainder of the world has come to expect from The United States of America. The truth of the matter is that, no, most of America and her freedom loving people are not asleep. There are so many people supporting great organizations such as Freedom Works, the Tea Party, the NRA, and numerous other organizations in place primarily for the purpose of crying out to the world that they believe in their rule of law and United States Constitution and the spirit within it. They believe in the Bill of Rights and have tremendous reason to support the philosophy of a small, limited government with enumerated powers. They shine forth and shout loudly that political corruption is not welcome within the country God himself brought to this world to show humanity need not be a slave race to its self-proclaimed demigods. Furthermore, their country is not led by but one authoritive political entity, but is a country made up of fifty separate states (along with commonwealths and territories), with each harboring their own laws and methods of governance, and within each of those states, there are several governmental officials working at local and county levels.
It is a fact that one of the most powerful elected officials anywhere in the country, particularly when it comes to the rule of law, is the County Sheriff. That individual is among the most influential law enforcement officials in this great land. Plus, these individuals have taken an oath to support and defend the United States Constitution**. There is no reason to assume it would be daunting for the American groups mentioned above to reach out to their County Sheriffs and ask they demand their subordinate officers support their oaths. After all, it seems that through these frontline officers we find the first-line contact with governmental bullying. So, should a significant percentage of County Sheriffs across this great land harbor the conscious will of the people in their counties and then join hands to reach out to their state’s governor, coupled with a police force supporting the will of the people and the spirit of the nation, there would be an enormous amount of people standing out to reach towards the next level of this goal- The State Governor.
Because of the power of the Bill of Rights and the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, there is already a significant amount of legislative and legal precedence in place not only encouraging Constitutional support but demanding it. Above, I pointed out how a vast amount of Americans could reach out to their local government and legal authorities and express their will to support Constitutional authority and the spirit of our Founding Fathers. After all, if all of these people could join hands with their county sheriffs in mass across the nation, there is a significant portion of the battle won right there. But there is more to be done.
Should we actually succeed in reaching towards a good percentage of County Sheriffs and see to it that they will act upon their authority and oaths, then all of us within each of those states, commonwealths and territories could reach higher towards the state government and the Governors.
Just think about the scope of that for a moment. Grassroots operations vying for the return of the spirit of our Constitution are virtually everywhere, and operating in large numbers. But it seems so many of them are daunted by how to make their voices heard. I believe the problem is that everyone has been shouting in the wrong direction. Everyone has been pleading towards the Federal Government, demanding they check their corruption and abuse of power. But why would anyone plead to them when anyone with any sense recognizes those people are the very source of the problem and therefore those pleas are falling on deaf ears. I say, completely dismiss the Federal Government for the time being, virtually ignoring their lies until the will of the people is strengthened from the bottom up.
So, once we see the various sovereign states propped by a massive amount of people joined together and standing for the country while doing so aside their County Sheriffs and then doing so with the support of the police officers on the ground, those Governors will have little choice but to take notice. To be honest, their oaths of office and vows to support and defend the Constitution of the United States will force them to stand and take notice. So imagine, from that point, with an astounding percentage of the people of the country along with their legal and political entities from local and state levels standing together and pointing to Washington, D.C., informing those people that this is where the country is and that is where you are, then they just might finally feel the need to gulp and take pause.
This is particularly true when one considers the power of the Governors themselves. With a significant percentage of the Governors harboring this sort of solidarity behind them (and why this wouldn’t be 100% would be a mystery; a mystery prompting talk of impeachment), the Federal Government would be faced with an entire country looking their way with angry eyes and demands of immediate change. THIS is where and when we turn to the Federal Government with our pleas for less corruption, balanced budgets, the will of the people, the best for the United States of America, and that shining light that the remainder of the world saw when they looked this way.
The Governor, depending on the individual rights and powers within each state according to their State Constitutions and traditions, holds a significant degree of power. The Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution alone grants these people significant power. But they have the ability to appropriate state budgets, approve and appoint state judicial positions and oversee executive actions. So, they could legally create legislative positions within their state openly expressing the enforcement and demand of clear recognition of the limits of power from the Federal direction. In short, they could implement law to show the Feds saying, no, you don’t get to do that.
This would be similar to the entirety of the United States v. Washington, D.C. But it wouldn’t really, since all the teeth of that shark would be in our corner, turning that I-495 beltway into a tank full of pointless, smelly fish.
Now, of course there are challenges to all of these assertions. First of all, the powers above us have been extraordinary in their ability to get us to turn on one another over some of the most contrived issues. I could go on with a list of what many of these are, but there isn’t much point to that. All one needs to do is listen to the news or talk radio to discover what has us at each other’s throats. So, another challenge would be to dismiss the severe polarization driving wedges between the various facets of the American people and to get them to accept that, no, we are not all going to agree on every single, little issue that comes down the pike. Our Declaration of Independence asks that we suffer that which is sufferable, so we should do this with good grace and proper intent. What we need to do is understand why the genuine and desired Constitutional spirit of our country with our primary tradition being the honoring of the Bill of Rights is so important, regardless of D or R, or Liberal or Conservative or Libertarian.
The issue here is that we’re not going to get there first. We are simply not going to be able to reach those who have allowed themselves to be convinced that our Constitution is something other than what it is (yes, there are those who still assert that it is some sort of slavery documentation, which is one of the most inexcusable accusations in the history of accusations) and that the original spirit of this country is something that must be destroyed and stricken from history before we can proceed as a nation. There is simply nothing that can be further from the truth. Instead, we have to recognize that the written hopes and ideals for this country have yet to be realized, but are still within our grasp should we all work together in order to realize it. In fact, we should recognize that now is a time when we, as a people, have finally overcome our vestigial attitudes about those different from us and that now is when we can finally begin our trek towards a free and united country of self-governing people, working together towards an ever-brightly shining light and beacon of freedom and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
So, the process must start first, leaving aside those who are suspicious and reticent due to the rumors and lies they’ve been fed. Those of a Constitutional and Founding Father mindset must first garner the attention of their sheriff, and then once hopes and plans are in place and understood as a workable effort and attainable goal, then reach to those who have resisted. Demonstrate that we truly are all in the same boat and that we must be rowing together. The ones drilling the holes in the boat when we’re looking the other way are not here with us now; they reside in Washington and they’re the ones forcing this wedge between us.
Sure, there are challenges. The Tea Party has gained a reputation of being a bunch of extremist, white supremacist, Nazi, gun-toting hicks who want nothing but the eradication of American diversity and the crushing of so-called minorities. The fact that Progressive agendas have pushed this lie demonstrates their level of reach, which is so effective that many people who might support the idea of the Tea Party don’t want involvement because of the negative light. This is both a shame and a daunting challenge. But, as said before, those who are in support must start the process, as stated legally and already within law (and within the spirit of the Founding Fathers) and open the door to those who are doubtful.
If we can reach the majority of Americans with this plan, we can succeed in taking this country back through the outline above. The greatest challenge is within the timeline. Are we too late? Could we not reach enough people to see this to fruition? Are there not enough people left to make this the gargantuan force it would have to be in order to prevent the Progressives from crushing it? Could this withstand the counter attacks surely to be launched almost immediately?
The entire process has already been laid out, long ago. But if the process laid out here cannot be achieved, then taking this country back turns to forcing this country into a descent into suffering that almost the rest of the world has succumbed to through ages-old power and the tendency to cower to perceived superiority on the part of the rulers.
But know this, my fellow humanity! If we cannot take back the United States of America, the entirety of the human race will surely be lost to being nothing more than a slave race controlled by the eventual conquest enjoyed by a surge of sociopathic megalomaniacs who want nothing more than to rule the world and fancy themselves gods. If we allow this, only extinction itself will be the resulting reward.

* Just to be clear, I dearly love and respect Glenn and Clyde, as well as so many others who have turned their lives to fighting this good fight. But I have to say that, as a listener and fan who really wants to accomplish the same things they do, it gets old to hear the wants and not the ways. To hear Andrew Wilkow (a guy I find amazing and so incredibly smart) tell us that one of our few recourses is our vote even while he lashes against the continual onslaught of our Supreme Law just starts to sound like fuzzy math.
** Just so you know, I am not aware of anyone in a position of government who has not given this oath. And while we’re on the subject, just about everyone out there within the borders of this country has recited the Pledge of Allegiance, which means they have pledged their allegiance to the flag and to the Republic for which it stands. This, to help out anyone confused, means they have pledged their allegiance to the United States of America. The word allegiance means one has dedicated themselves to their country and has bound their loyalty to the course of action it has promised to support in benefit of its citizens and borders.