Sunday, October 6, 2013

Political Polarization Equates to Apathy and Therefore Significant Loss of Liberty

While one of these dynamics goes this way and the other goes that way, they come around on the other side to join hands, encircling an ever more constricted people in a tangle of electrified barbed wire. This is what I envision when thinking about the effects of both apathetic attitudes towards political issues along with staunch polarization affixed to one extreme point.
While it is easy to recognize an apathetic viewpoint regarding political issues is foolish, it seems less recognizable to see that polarized attitudes is often even more imprudent, making said polarization far more dangerous. It is more than fair to state that the extreme corruption afflicting our government today is largely fueled by their adeptness in wielding effective polarized rhetoric. Further, they are using this strategy against the American people, forcing us into camps supporting the systematic decimation of a Constitutional Republic or the supposed racist extremists who oppose the socialist attitudes of the Obama Administration and demand governmental responsibility and accountability while standing firm that the Bill of Rights is the basic foundation of American culture. That, dear reader, is nothing short of treason. It is treason because this government is wielding political polarization and extreme false correctness in order to dupe the people into thinking these Luciferian political officials are the last stand for what is best for the people when, in fact, they actively seek the destruction of the human spirit in order to model America after the slave race of the Chinese.
Those who will not be enslaved to this absolute despotism must resist the urge to remain polarized to the flagpole of freedom and liberty, and open their arms to those who have been hypnotized by the demonic attitudes of the far Left. We must be willing to embrace or at least acknowledge those liberal principles based within well-meaning while we also stop drawing lines in the stand and resolve to advance the flag of the United States of America over a land of free people who will not be seduced by a pat on the head.
The free and intelligent people of this wonderful nation have to pull away from their polarized positions and acknowledge the fact that this government has been sitting on our collective chests and dangling spit in our faces, making it clear that there is not one thing left that we can do about it. They make these claims with ease and confidence because they have us divided and therefore conquered by forcing us into these easily controlled camps. Camps of extremists who are tea baggers and then those who desire a better future for us all. But what is not said is that the extreme tea baggers demand free and independent people are liberated from governmental rule (particularly since this country’s principles were predicated on a system recognizing government must be limited and reduced to specific tasks while the people hold them in their place) and the Progressive agenda is forcing human beings into yokes of their making and benefit.
A perfect example of these extreme situations and how they are wielded against us is Common Core.
Common Core is a system put into place to reduce the minds and souls of human beings into a stupefied ape-like state of mind easily manipulated by those who seek the systematic enslavement and ownership of the human race as it stands on this planet. What Common Core seeks to accomplish is the educational and mental lobotomy of every child alive in order to create a slave race out of the human race, and nothing more. But because these political polarization techniques are so firmly in place and working with clockwork precision, we have a significant percentage of free people wholly supporting Common Core and its ability to ensure Humanity devolves to something less than the typical Tamarin. I, your writer of this, reside in Florida, where I have to endure the proliferation of Common Core and its brand of pure evil into the schools of my community and therefore into the mind of my daughter while those mesmerized by the Progressives and Socialist Utopians hide in the shadows of those who seek their annihilation with aplomb.
I have always been one who thought life offered its ups and downs but that, overall, we are improving as a people and our American way of life is secure. I was duped into thinking that when The Wall came down, we had vanquished Communism with free and independent minds. It hurt deeply to discover free and independent minds were duped by Communism through textbook strategies composed by enemies of God and Humanity. I have been at Checkpoint Charlie and where The Berlin Wall came down and I still possess a piece of that crumbled wall. I hold it dear because I have long felt that it represented the crumbling of the philosophies of those who are Communists and therefore the bastards of Satan’s whores, but today I fear I have been duped by those Luciferian demons, and that chunk of cement was little more than a lure akin to a worm on a hook. I feel this way because I now see the Progressives and Communists have reached a point of success so secure that they have left the shadows and subterfuge behind to operate openly, making it clear that humanity is now theirs to manipulate at every level at their disposal.

The United States of America is the last bastion of freedom and liberty against these evils, but if we continue failing in our ability to act with intelligence and maintain this pathway of polarized attitudes rather than unite as a nation of free people, the human race will be reduced to two separate breeds, with one tiny minority breed wielding all levels of influence over the minion majority for their evil desires and wants. If this should occur, than we should pray there really is truly intelligent life on other planets and that they will recognize Humanity for what it has become and eradicate it from existence before it can escape this planet and spread its evil beyond this world.

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