So, how does the government shutdown affect you directly? Well, you're not going to the park during it if that park is overseen by government. One should recognize that such a situation right there should ping the alarms, indicating these people are not suitable for the positions they hold, but oh, there is so much more. But it's also clear that so many people, regardless of their political affiliations and philosophies, would look at this as a sign someone from the other wing is at fault. Democrats are socialist dictators and Republicans are obstructionists. If the Democrats are genuinely socialist Dictators, shouldn't the Republicans be obstructing that?
But that is low hanging fruit that's gone overripe and, frankly, isn't the problem here. While I do believe with confidence that socialist philosophies and dictatorial attitudes have infiltrated this government on numerous facets (the fact that such a shutdown could cost the people well over two billion dollars is in itself inexcusable), the notion that there is a good guy side in this debacle resides on a level of naivete prompting tears in the eyes of die-hard Kardashian fans. In short, anyone buying into this as anything more than a stupid ploy perpetrated on the very people themselves is just plain stupid.
First of all, they're saying they need to shut down the government because we must reach a budget decision by midnight on 9/30/13 because the new fiscal year starts the next day and blah blah blah? Who conveniently forgot they haven't had a suitable budget in years upon years and that they've been swinging from the rafters with a deficit of more than 16 trillion dollars? So, anyone falling for this at that level is purely foolish and just an obedient serf and minion to their self-proclaimed superiors. After all, the higher ups causing this will all receive their overpay without interruption, but the parks are shut down and the low rent government employees are slapped to their knees and told they can suck a dick. Well, except for tax collectors; they'll be on the job in droves just like always. But as for military personnel, they'll get paid unless this stupidity runs into overtime (say, past two weeks or so) because they'll be paid on borrowed money.
Haven't they been paid on borrowed money for, say, decades?
But the bigger issue is simply this- About half of those polled, so, roughly half the people, will blame the Republicans for this, and the other half will blame the other half. They're the Democrats.
And there it is, ladies and gentlemen! There, right there, is the whole point. First of all, anyone who buys into the two-part system being so separated that we have two separate governments vying for power within what is the planet's greatest economy and the most influential country in the world is very much a part of the problem.
There just isn't two different governments operating under one collective roof. That right there is one of the greatest lies perpetrated on the people. I believe it is wholly fair to call this two-party system a good cop/bad cop ploy on the part of government to keep the people running the expected cattle chutes and psychologically categorized into some form of manageable minion. Now, there are more and more people of today who aren't happy with the D v. R BS (because good Americans are bad minions) but they just don't know what to do about it. That isn't new, since the average American has been stumped by this government since before Lincoln was born. After all, this is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic operated by elected representatives supporting the will of the people...and it isn't.
No, this is not North Korea, but you can see it from here. They're not gathering up our daughters and placing them into the hands of corrupt politicians (depending on who you talk to), but they clearly see the citizenry of this country as their pawns to place in harm's way for the sole benefit of those moving the pieces. And there, it is fair to say, is the crux of the matter, since the only governmental body of significant size on the planet (Luxembourg likely doesn't count in this regard) that is supposed to be the government run by and for the people itself is ours. But that must be seen as a sucky slight by the Obamas, Clintons, and Bush bunch, and all the rest of those monomaniacal egomaniacs. Wouldn't it be better to own the citizenry just like all the other big shots?
It's just that these big shots traditionally appease the people (that trend is fading fast) rather than crunch skulls in the streets to maintain desired behavior.
But you know what? To Hell with them all. The United States of America is the last hope of freedom and, honestly, able people, on this planet. Whether one is a pickup-driving blue collar redneck or a Prius-driving urbane yuppie, we should unite as Americans and inform this government that we are not your pawns to shove in front of the train. But through cheap ploys such as a contrived government shutdown, they keep these odd demographics broadly divided and at continual odds. So, for as long as we allow this pedestrian game to divide us, we cannot unite on the fast track to freedom. It's really just a matter of what we think we deserve and whether we can see through the political games.
When we see the government as the problem (all of it), we'll be on the road to a better country. But for as long as we buy into the government shutdown is their fault, we're going to get what we deserve.
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