Is it not more than fair to assume that we are at a point in time when the future of all humanity is directly at stake? Not only the future of all humanity, but perhaps the life existing on this planet. Is it not fair to claim the existence of what might be the only life existing in the universe is in great peril? This writer claims we are right on that cusp.
To begin with where I am coming from with this, it needs to be indicated I believe there is no such thing as the unnatural or supernatural. Now, where I am going with that is not a claim there is nothing existing that is claimed to be of these categories; if there are truly such things as ghosts, goblins, Sasquatch, UFOs, Nessie, alternate realities, Martians, numerous dimensions, and so forth, then these things are entirely natural. If it exists, it is a natural occurrence, consequence, and aspect of nature. Okay, let's move on.
It is nothing except arrogance and ignorance to assume humanity is separate from the realities and actualities of Nature. It is also extraordinarily ignorant for anyone to assume we have a firm grasp on what is the nature of Nature or the Laws of the Universe. Sure, we're getting there and science has made discoveries and uncovered truths hitherto never imagined, but there's no way to assume how far along the spectrum of truth we've come along. There's no way to know how much there is to know, so how could we assume we're (insert progress here) along on the line.
Look, we just cannot do that. So, how does this affect the future of us as a species? If there's one amazing aspect of reality and Nature that humanity refuses to acknowledge, it is humanity's place in the mix. So, where are we then? We're still separated by cultures, religious lines, belief systems, aspects of prehistoric tendencies (bloodlust, aggression, control, slavery, conquest, power over those deemed lesser, etc.) and issues of economic demand, and that is far from all, so one must recognize our progress into an age and time when we can truly pursue the future of humanity is far beyond our reach.
Our religious beliefs alone just might drive us into the dust of extinction. Now, I am not saying religion is a factor of ignorance or off-thinking; I am quite a believer in the place and existence of a Supreme Consciousness. But I cannot claim any faith as to what this is, so those who do (the Islamic faiths are horribly guilty of this) believe their way is the only way and all others must be destroyed because your god demands it (have him take the podium, there buddy), I state you are impeding the future of life on this planet. Islamic Extremism is one of today's most significant threats to the future of Life in itself because they demand to see their vision of the truth exercised and no others, yet they refuse to explain the inherent ignorance of their faith. Hey, follower of the Muslim faith, could you explain to me why you believe your god wants you to commit heinous violence in his name (although he is of supreme power, right?) but he can't handle the job? Further, if you think he is all-perfect and right on with everything and your so-called prophets know all to be judged, then why is your god constantly screwing up and placing one clitoris after the next on your females, just so you have to go through the irritable trouble of cruelly hacking them off, each and every time? One would think your clever and all-knowing god would catch on and stop putting those there, huh? I mean, has there been even one case when one of those evil things has not shown up, right there in the crotch of the gender you despise?
Just saying, dude. Don't get all worked up.
No religion has all the answers to our future in the universe. But religion, all religion, has a place in the formulation of the moral and just thinking of the humanity pursuing a future, as long as it doesn't go haywire.
Perhaps there is the test.
Science is rather aware that just about 99% of all life that has existed on this planet has gone extinct. Life started way back when, about 3 billion years ago or so, and has changed quite a bit over time. We know these things because nature wants us to know them. We also know most of it has gone away, never to return. We know evolutionary processes rid existence of the old to make way for the new and improved. I know some do not believe in this process, but one must claim the evidence is there, even if we should claim we don't have an exact understanding of what it means, hence the theory of evolution.
We are facing a test (likely, we always have been) that is placing us before judgment to determine where we're going from here. Approximately 65 million years ago, nature created a significant paradigm shift on this planet; it brought forth the possibility for a particular species to develop a degree of sentience and curiosity of what is going on around it. Your author believes this occurred because the dynamic nature of this planet and, in fact, the universe, cannot be trusted to be calm enough not to annihilate everything on a regular basis. We know seasonal factors affect regions of the planet, so certain species must migrate and adapt in order to survive.
Well, because past mass extinctions have shown a near complete annihilation of all life, Nature compelled our species (out of choice or dumb luck) to develop a sense of intelligence and ability to offer the potential to migrate from this planet before it is destroyed, allowing life to flourish even when life can no longer flourish here on this planet. In short, I am saying we have evolved our intelligence and ability with technology as a natural thing, so the future of us and life of this planet can have a chance beyond just the viability of the planet.
But there are a few wrinkles.
Humanity isn't known to be the sweetest of creatures. We prey on our own kind so prolifically that even today, we enslave our own just for profit and pleasure. Today, more than 27 million people on an annual basis are victims of Human Trafficking, forced prostitution, organ farming, and other aspects of evil. If this isn't bad enough, these issues continue to flourish because our kind really just doesn't care enough to do anything about it. Well, there are those concerned, but one would think our species as a whole would want better. But because the existence of these issues is there, we cannot claim to want anything other than the status quo.
Further, we still sell our entire existence to our political leadership. It once looked as though humanity would view political leadership as a place of service for the common good, but no, this is not the case. Even today, so much of a modern world has made a demigod of Obama, who is nothing more than a clever manipulator of the common thought. He's nothing new, but a portent of what can be so dangerous. Further, it is not a feather in our cap to demonstrate our demand to allow one individual the determination of the fate of nations, particularly when we know they seek little more than conquest and mayhem. We have seen the power and destruction of dictators and...loved every second of it.
Today, we allow pathetic officials of government (people who can accomplish nothing more than widespread lies they don't intend to honor) to tell us we cannot handle our own lives because we didn't find our way to power through widespread lies. This is simply batshit (guano nutso, for the family friendly version) of epic proportions. Yes, we actually allow people to control the destiny and future of our world and kind solely through their prism of narcissism and personal satiation. Humanity witnessed incredible tragedy through these prisms, such as mass killings, war of unprecedented violence, starvation, genocide on broad scales, blatant theft on the part of despots only for their own benefit, yet we cannot stand to not continue to do this. We just cannot stand to not sell our species to someone we know lied to gain our favor.
So, where are we going? If we do not grasp a firm understanding of what it is we seek as a species for the future of, well, us and everything, then we are doomed. If we do not adapt and overcome the obstacles keeping us from achieving a high state of sentience and civilization, then these obstacles will hold us fast while the reaches of extinction creep up from behind us. If this happens, the reaches of extinction will escalate. If we cannot show our worthiness to move ahead and truly achieve a place in the scheme of things, then we will have to be dealt with, and we are seeing this. If we cannot move our kind forward, we will hold our kind back. We will do so through enslavement, control, domination, force, and culling until such a time comes that Nature will claim us as the next failure in a long line of failures, only to look to another species in the hope that one can carry the baton forward.
But we can see it, and that's the key. We are privy to a conscious course and decision, whereas the dinosaurs were not given a choice. The asteroids rained down and destroyed their world whether they liked it or not, but we can see ways to prevent such catastrophe. But the thing is, we evolved from a rather brutal and bloodthirsty thing, which means that if we want to be better, than we have to be better.
Earlier, I claimed all life on this planet is at stake, and it could be true. If we fail to achieve our potential, all life on this planet could be lost to natural catastrophe, while if we do achieve greatness, we could possibly save this planet. Is it not amazing that we speak of ways to deflect oncoming rocks from space that could devastate this world when the dinosaurs were utterly oblivious to the threat? That is progress, evolution, and a significant improvement. But we still have people who claim space exploration and such sciences are a waste of money. Money? Money is just a game of our kind, but too many claim our kind exists for the benefit of money. Right there is something requiring a significant upgrade if we're to achieve genuine greatness.
I could go on and on through this blog post, but I have written articles prior to this that support my position here. Just from a monetary concern along with our penchant for money worship, check this article out. But that isn't the only one of this sort of concern. This article also lends to why we must change our erroneous ways or face the obvious peril. And these ones are based solely on economic issues.
I wrote this article with the intent of shedding light on an issue few choose to recognize, but falls in line with the subject covered in this post. Now granted, much of what I am saying here is said in the article, but coming from a slightly different moment in time. The two posts support one another. But going back to our demand to rely solely on money, this article demonstrates why we need to rethink this. But all is not lost, as I have offered some food for thought in The Dryer Plan, which deserves contemplation.
Now, I am not placing my perspectives on the table as the ones surely to lead humanity to a secure future while all other ideas are hogwash. The lunatics are doing that, not me. But I offer my perspectives as something to chew on, to consider, to look at with a freshness rather than the old and worn out notions of listening to the politically corrupt.
Hey, humanity. I am just a guy and merely mortal. I have surely gone over the hill and likely have maybe twenty years left, give or take. If humanity survives or suffers extinction will not be known by me (at least I hope not, but I did survive 12/21/12), but I would hope to see it make it through. I have put in my two cents, and they don't demand you give up your liberty, intelligence, freedom, common sense, children, humanity, decency, compassion, and/or higher hopes for a better tomorrow. Can your political leaders (or freaks like Gore) make such claims?
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