It was recently I just completed and placed online my website. I think this is still a work in the making, as I have a few more things I would like to tweak there before I say it is all done. But then, it has just about everything I'm looking for in a website for me. Just go to click right here to see the website and you'll see what I mean.
I wanted to be able to include the books I have written (the four novels, including the short story collection) as well as links to a couple of places where I have placed online articles. There are more out there, but these links are good enough for where I am working now.
I placed a spot detailing why and how I write, but I am contemplating changing this to something else. What that might be, I haven't decided yet (thus, how this is a work in the making), but what's there is good enough for the moment. Then, there's a spot one can use to contact me, which is nice, I suppose.
This was free to create, done through I could upgrade sometime in the future so it doesn't read all over the site that this is a free site done through them, but we need to see if we can make this do what websites are supposed to do.
You see, the primary purpose of the website is to get the word out to the world that Roddy, this guy who does this writing, has a site one can access in order to access his writing. A website, they say, is sort of like a party invitation. If you throw a party and not tell anyone, it might get rather boring fast. So it is with writers. If they write this stuff and don't let anyone know, then nobody will read it.
You see how that works? Invite Nobody and Nobody shows up. Wow, but that's clever.
I have seen some other writers gain a good amount of attention through having a website, so I assumed it was about time I jumped on the bandwagon. I was going to do so a long time ago, but only recently has it became so inexpensive and simple to do so. It wasn't that long ago that a site could cost one a hundred bucks or more a month, or look a lot cheaper if they came cheaper. But now that everyone has one, the costs have come down and it's rather easy to put together something that looks quite nice. Sort of like this blog.
Hey, paying more than five bucks a month or so would have been money out the window. I haven't been making a mint at this, you know. Most of the people who know me won't even look at my writing, so, what's a guy to do?
But the site offers a way to get out of the neighborhood and to reach those who don't yet know me, which could be a blessing. If people just give the writing a chance and don't know the writer, the writing will actually have a chance. This would be particularly true if the site looks somewhat well done, and I think it looks okay compared to some I've seen.
So, for those who know me, check out the site just to see, and for those who don't, check out the writing for your benefit. I can say that at the time of this writing, there are only three works on this site that cost to see, and they're the three novels that, when in eBook, are only $1.99 each. That's under six bucks for four books and well over two hundred articles and blog posts, all of which are incredible in their own right. No, really, you'll be amazed!
So, go to Roddy's new website to get in on the fun.
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