Sunday, October 20, 2013

Dogs- An Abominable Freak Requiring Immediate Annihilation from this Planet

Dogs- Shouldn’t this so-called pet become a thing of the past?
Because there is no other way to say this, I’ll just say it directly- the dog needs to go away as a pet.
These things have become as worthless as the day is long. And it isn’t the dog’s fault. It amazes me beyond comprehension how so many people in the world today still harbor such an enormous amount of ignorance when it comes to the dogs in our world. The simple fact of the matter is that the dog is a man-made creature. It has been brought to be through centuries of haphazard inbreeding in order to create some eventual animal specifically designed for a specific purpose. Perhaps this seemed like a good idea at one point in time, but that time has passed.
It seems like so many people are hard-wired into thinking that the dog has to be a part of life, but this ruse came about in much the same way that certain foods are most appropriate for breakfast. At one point in time in the scheme of things, someone came up with a grand idea on how to increase the sales of eggs and bacon, and someone else saw a capitalistic opportunity to make it big on selling dogs. Perhaps this was awesome long ago. There was surely a time when the dachshund made sense to somebody as an effective hunting dog for hole-dwelling prey. Today, they're just an object of ridicule. 
All breeds were created for some purpose. The Pit Bull was intentionally created to be a maniacal monster that would tear apart its own kind on command (which is why today’s geniuses just love to drop these things into the midst of their children) only for the amusement of pathetic cowards. Anyone who continues with the attitude that Pit Bull fighting is an aspect of culture needs to be castrated, by a Pit Bull. The Retrievers were designed to retrieve fallen prey, which were mainly birds such as ducks, but today so few are for this purpose and most just occupy the end of a chain. Many little breeds were designed to be companion animals, which makes one wonder how the Chihuahua ended up being such a miserable little monster.
The major problem is that dogs were created through severe and long-term inbreeding processes, and this continues to this very day. But the obvious issue that somehow ended up being the big gorilla in the room is that the human population (also severely inbred, it seems) has expanded to several times from what it was when the dog came on the scene of popularity. Thus, the continual inbreeding of dogs has continued to the point that the gene pool of the canine of today is about as shallow as a puddle.
I feel fine in stating that the Veterinary Industry of today should feel great shame for its role in aggravating what is an abominable practice. There is almost no breed of dog in existence today that is not a pure abomination of grand proportion. Every dog breed suffers immensely through a myriad of horrible afflictions attributed specifically to the problem of inbreeding. Some of these afflictions are relatively minor and can be treated, but others are so horrifying (such as insanity) that their proliferation is nothing less than evil. While the British Bulldog might seem endearing in its freakish nature, these poor things are born only through artificial means (they must be born via C-Section in order to not kill the mother because of their huge heads) and then must endure a lifetime of horrible afflictions that require constant treatment, and then still the things die much earlier than their counterparts because of the aggravated problem.
Poodles go deaf and crazy, so many breeds develop hip and skeletal issues that maim them early in life, and numerous breeds suffer skin afflictions so severe that modern veterinary medicine scrambles just to ease the torture. Furthermore, we have created monstrous issues by creating the perfect conditions to widely breed fleas and ticks, making them stronger and more resilient than ever before, thus creating an evil plague afflicting other species that were perfectly fine without humanity’s help.
How does it make sense to have every single county in the United States, let alone the rest of the world, harboring an uncountable number of abandoned animals who are entirely unwanted by anyone in a location that is an easy stroll from where one can buy just about any dog or puppy on demand? These no-kill shelters act as though they’re being humane by not putting these animals down (mercifully), but would rather crowd them into conditions so horrifying that those dogs not going crazy because of their barbaric inbreeding go crazy via the vulgar lives they must endure. Just look at the conditions of any so-called shelter and you’ll find a place of horror. These poor animals are kept in cages so small and they might have so much as some cushioning with some dirty blanket. They’re forced to endure their own filth at least a good portion of the day before some lackey comes along to minimize the mess. But yet it would be madness to stop this misery.
More and more people today are finding themselves living in conditions where they are no longer allowed to have a pet. The average apartment might allow room for some severely inbred Pug or Miniature Pinscher, but yet so many of these inbreeds want to fill these places with an overgrown and menacing Pit Bull, directly because they know the dog is a coward’s monster only good for attacking old ladies and little children.
I am endlessly appalled by these liberal suckasses who stick up for the Pit Bull with the attitude of, “Don’t judge the breed, but the breeder, or the owner. Give them a loving home and they’ll be wonderful.”
For those who have been residing on this planet for any length of time, I have a question. When one hears of a dog attack on the news, is the breed of the dog often in question? Do we continually hear of Pomeranians going mad and attacking a schoolyard full of Kindergartners? Do we hear of some Pug losing control and ripping the arm off some screeching senior citizen who was simply checking their mail? No, the breed in question is almost always the Pit Bull, and that is exactly why the breed is so popular to have as a pet or (I might be sick) a guard dog. What good is a so-called guard dog that attacks a toddler for no good reason? What are you inbreeds guarding, your VHS collection of Barney episodes? The home movies of all your uncles running a chain on you?
There has been exactly zero success in dealing with pet overpopulation despite the numerous efforts placed by well-meaning people. Veterinarians spay and neuter for small costs, but still most people won’t even entertain the option. This is particularly true with the so-called purebred dog (meaning the inbreeding is peaked) because the abominable freak has papers and therefore the freaks it spawns might be worth money. A Cabbage Patch doll has papers, asshole; go get one of those.
Your charming, effervescent author once adored the dogs of the world. When I was a boy, I had a retriever mix-breed I loved dearly. I looked forward to the time he and I spent together and even my friends thought of him as one of the guys. But after a few short years I reached adulthood and left home to pursue what this world had left to offer, and I had to leave this friend behind. Eventually, someone there found the dog dead in a snow bank. So much for caring for that nonhuman member of the family.
Some years later, I adopted a greyhound from one of the local racetracks (racing greyhounds- a very good reason why aliens from other planets won’t have anything to do with us). While I cared about the dog and the entire family indulged his peculiar ways with love and patience, this abominable sub-breed is such a wreck that the issue of racing these animals for momentary amusement is part of the definition of evil. I would go into the issue of the problem, but there’s nothing I could pass on that would be anything new and the popularity of this barbaric practice only continues to grow.
Just so you know, I don’t have a specific issue with the racing itself (other than the existence of dogs) because the things just love to run. I mean, they love to run. But the conditions these poor dogs endure specifically because humanity couldn't give a flying fuck are beyond the realm of normal evil. Sure, you have people stepping in to help, but they only aggravate the issue through alleviating the inconveniences suffered by those running the industry. If legislation came down stating that all racing dogs must have a home equal to the most pampered of pets and that they were afforded the benefits of any other professional athlete, I would be quieter in my rants. But because they are actually treated as the very lowest of the low in the dog world, the whole issue is pure evil. Hey, how do they create an inbreeding issue that leads to a phobia of stairs? That’s just meaner than mean, if you ask me. The Pug, as stupid as it is, is more than happy to tumble down any flight of stairs and find its feet with that perpetual smile on its knobby head. But greyhounds endure an evil world full of staircases that inspire terror in their hearts.
I cannot say for certain humanity would not miss what they like about dogs should all dogs go away, but the dogs would be better off. Perhaps Paris Hilton’s dog has it okay, but most dogs endure a life of misery via being of a species viciously polluted by humanity. Most dogs, should they not be born a commodity brought to be by what’s called a reputable breeder (there’s an oxymoron for you) are born literally worth less than zero, yet their being born is a condition proven unstoppable.
Just wander into any grocery store and consider what the fuck we feed these things. The foods available to the dog are widely considered a slow poison for dogs and are banned from consumption by anything else or anyone. Should a wayward child be discovered eating this shit and people go into a panic, assured the child might die any moment. For any of you who read this far, make an honest effort to look into the making of the average dog food and then come back to me with the slightest complaint of this blog post. I have every confidence to stand by my assertion that everything ‘dog’ is just wrong.

For you who support the way things are or have some practical idea on how to improve the situation, please step forward. But I close this post here, confident that I am right on this issue despite the whimpering. Oh, and Dogs is my all-time favorite Pink Floyd song.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Political Polarization Equates to Apathy and Therefore Significant Loss of Liberty

While one of these dynamics goes this way and the other goes that way, they come around on the other side to join hands, encircling an ever more constricted people in a tangle of electrified barbed wire. This is what I envision when thinking about the effects of both apathetic attitudes towards political issues along with staunch polarization affixed to one extreme point.
While it is easy to recognize an apathetic viewpoint regarding political issues is foolish, it seems less recognizable to see that polarized attitudes is often even more imprudent, making said polarization far more dangerous. It is more than fair to state that the extreme corruption afflicting our government today is largely fueled by their adeptness in wielding effective polarized rhetoric. Further, they are using this strategy against the American people, forcing us into camps supporting the systematic decimation of a Constitutional Republic or the supposed racist extremists who oppose the socialist attitudes of the Obama Administration and demand governmental responsibility and accountability while standing firm that the Bill of Rights is the basic foundation of American culture. That, dear reader, is nothing short of treason. It is treason because this government is wielding political polarization and extreme false correctness in order to dupe the people into thinking these Luciferian political officials are the last stand for what is best for the people when, in fact, they actively seek the destruction of the human spirit in order to model America after the slave race of the Chinese.
Those who will not be enslaved to this absolute despotism must resist the urge to remain polarized to the flagpole of freedom and liberty, and open their arms to those who have been hypnotized by the demonic attitudes of the far Left. We must be willing to embrace or at least acknowledge those liberal principles based within well-meaning while we also stop drawing lines in the stand and resolve to advance the flag of the United States of America over a land of free people who will not be seduced by a pat on the head.
The free and intelligent people of this wonderful nation have to pull away from their polarized positions and acknowledge the fact that this government has been sitting on our collective chests and dangling spit in our faces, making it clear that there is not one thing left that we can do about it. They make these claims with ease and confidence because they have us divided and therefore conquered by forcing us into these easily controlled camps. Camps of extremists who are tea baggers and then those who desire a better future for us all. But what is not said is that the extreme tea baggers demand free and independent people are liberated from governmental rule (particularly since this country’s principles were predicated on a system recognizing government must be limited and reduced to specific tasks while the people hold them in their place) and the Progressive agenda is forcing human beings into yokes of their making and benefit.
A perfect example of these extreme situations and how they are wielded against us is Common Core.
Common Core is a system put into place to reduce the minds and souls of human beings into a stupefied ape-like state of mind easily manipulated by those who seek the systematic enslavement and ownership of the human race as it stands on this planet. What Common Core seeks to accomplish is the educational and mental lobotomy of every child alive in order to create a slave race out of the human race, and nothing more. But because these political polarization techniques are so firmly in place and working with clockwork precision, we have a significant percentage of free people wholly supporting Common Core and its ability to ensure Humanity devolves to something less than the typical Tamarin. I, your writer of this, reside in Florida, where I have to endure the proliferation of Common Core and its brand of pure evil into the schools of my community and therefore into the mind of my daughter while those mesmerized by the Progressives and Socialist Utopians hide in the shadows of those who seek their annihilation with aplomb.
I have always been one who thought life offered its ups and downs but that, overall, we are improving as a people and our American way of life is secure. I was duped into thinking that when The Wall came down, we had vanquished Communism with free and independent minds. It hurt deeply to discover free and independent minds were duped by Communism through textbook strategies composed by enemies of God and Humanity. I have been at Checkpoint Charlie and where The Berlin Wall came down and I still possess a piece of that crumbled wall. I hold it dear because I have long felt that it represented the crumbling of the philosophies of those who are Communists and therefore the bastards of Satan’s whores, but today I fear I have been duped by those Luciferian demons, and that chunk of cement was little more than a lure akin to a worm on a hook. I feel this way because I now see the Progressives and Communists have reached a point of success so secure that they have left the shadows and subterfuge behind to operate openly, making it clear that humanity is now theirs to manipulate at every level at their disposal.

The United States of America is the last bastion of freedom and liberty against these evils, but if we continue failing in our ability to act with intelligence and maintain this pathway of polarized attitudes rather than unite as a nation of free people, the human race will be reduced to two separate breeds, with one tiny minority breed wielding all levels of influence over the minion majority for their evil desires and wants. If this should occur, than we should pray there really is truly intelligent life on other planets and that they will recognize Humanity for what it has become and eradicate it from existence before it can escape this planet and spread its evil beyond this world.