Sunday, June 15, 2014

Atheists and Atheism- Calm Down and Try to Not Suck So Much

While we are all more than aware that everyone loves a good fight, it’s past the time for me to offer my perspective on the subject of atheism and their being so activist in their quest to disseminate their POV. Now, I don’t want to offend anyone and I certainly have no intention of offering language that incites or enflames, and I definitely do not want to minimize the opinions or beliefs of anyone. So, with that being said, please allow me to offer a hint to my perspective on the attitudes of those atheists who have managed to make themselves known.
Now, before you piles of meat get your panties in a twist, hear me out here.
I have absolutely no issue with anyone being nontheistic, atheist, monotheistic, polytheistic, or think that God is a monkey on a spiritual train who farts lollypops from his holy butt. I wholly support one’s spiritual and religious beliefs because we all have them. Further, freedom of religion is a major tenet of the US of A. But for atheists to state they hate religion and believe themselves intellectually superior for recognizing there is no God are as dumb as a rock. They remind me of people who stick their heads into the open mouths of alligators.
Oh, just so you know, I LOVE watching people do this, provided the scene ends with this idiot trying to pry their head from the clenched jaws of said reptile. Damn, but I just adore that.
Look, if you believe that being atheist somehow excuses or excludes you from having a religious conviction based on faith, you need to take a deep breath and think about it again. If you believe there is no God or higher consciousness or Universal Consciousness and simply believe we are meat that evolved from the random order of the universe, that is perfectly acceptable and you are likely right. Or at least as likely to be right as you are wrong. But you don’t truly know, so you base your assertion on the faith that you are correct. Furthermore, you’re position is of a religious nature. So, being atheist is a position of religious faith.
Then, to think your position of religious faith is so much more correct than anyone else’s and that everyone else is just moronically wrong, you are hereby placed into the same category as that of Muslim Extremists who strap bombs to babies and mutilate women for their own personal pleasure. But you are not in a category of those possessing of a three-digit IQ.
Now, to offer full disclosure, I am not atheist. But I am not Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Rastafarian, Scientologist, or Satanic. My beliefs stem from Metaphysical beliefs and tenets.
So, for me, the issues of both religion and science serve to further confirm my faith. I don’t see them as separate and conflicting. To me, one supports the other. But hey, that’s me. I only pass it on so you know. I don’t expect you to buy into my position or belief, and I certainly don’t intend to fucking sue the goddamned planet to ensure only my beliefs are the ones recognized and acknowledged. You assholes.
We need to revisit the simple explanation and definition behind the statement, Freedom of Religion. I know that several groups out there are doing whatever they can to ensure all aspects of anything other than atheism are seen or acknowledged, such as Freedom From Religion Foundation. These guys state they demand to ensure the separation of Church and State is enforced, but I honestly don’t know where it isn’t. In fact, anyone demonstrating any aspect of Christian faith in this country are treated like leprous child molesters who stomp on screaming puppies for the fun of it. Are you crying because there is ‘under God’ in the Pledge of Allegiance or the Ten Commandments at Courthouses? Perhaps you should pray to your non-god to help you in minimizing your being a whiny bitch.
I don’t think we have to attack one another over issues of spiritual and religious belief when we have so much more to worry about. Such as, the fact that human slavery is more widespread and prolific today than it has ever been, ever. I think that’s a nice one to join hands over. How about that our economic systems and methods of finance ensure that the vast majority of humanity remains in severe want? Is that not significant compared to someone who believes in Intelligent Design?

So, like I said, I didn’t want to assert any inflammatory positions or language, so I tried to keep it low and out of this blog as best I could. But we do need to recognize that each of us deserves to believe what we desire when it comes to religious and spiritual issues, because none of us have any clue as to who is right, or if any of us are.