Sunday, September 20, 2015

Never Again Apparently Never Was. Apparently, It Never Will Be

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but but by those who watch them without doing anything. 
- Albert Einstein

That is where we are now, yet again. The persecution being perpetrated by Islamist extremists (and it is difficult to refer to them as Extremists when they're truly simply Orthodox and Fundamentalist) against everyone who is not one of their kind has reached apocalyptic proportions while we watch. It is truly amazing that the actions taking place on the part of criminal entities such as ISIS and ISIl along with other extreme organizations continue to occur with greater frequency and without hesitation, or resistance, yet the remainder of the world squats and scratches to the sight of it.
What bothers me to the core is not that there are those seek solutions and demand justice yet fall short of those goals, but the fact that the remainder of the world offers very little concern and often looks at the issues as mere consequences of extremist and political strife. What bothers me is that we have to look at this and state- This is What We Are.
It is what we are and have been since the dawn of time. Insidious acts of violence have long been a crucial aspect of the Human Condition going back through the annals of recorded history and then through what's been discovered through archaeological means. But what's happened in the past was so bad that we recall it clearly, prompting one to theorize that we just might utilize these lessons to better the world we live in today. But, guess what? The world is, in so many ways, equally as evil and some ways certainly even worse. So, what are we doing about it? Basically, what I'm doing about it right now, which is sit next to a cup of coffee within an air-conditioned room while sitting in a comfortable chair and expressing my concerns through my keyboard.
I'm not expecting any major changes to occur. I'm not expecting this article to prompt world leaders and those who have the power to get up from their meetings in palatial chambers and make some positive changes. I don't anticipate these sorts of outreaching efforts will prompt humanity to improve its own kind and seek a halt to the madness. After all, recently Angelina Jolie, who has been very outspoken and has utilized her celebrity position to reach out in attempts to prompt leaders such as those at the UN, spoke against the organized Sex Slavery and continual rapes of children where ISIS has taken power. She has spent much of her life speaking on behalf of those victimized where war rages on, and bless her for it. But she, an internationally famous individual, achieved about as much as I'm achieving right here. 
My telling of this here isn't news. What is intended here (and I challenge anyone to offer another position on the matter) is for me to indicate this is what we are at our core. Look, we know we are basically a highly predatory species and boast how we're the Apex Predator on this planet. I'm not challenging such claims, but if we are not to be what I claim we are, then we must stop being what I claim we are. We know these atrocities occur yet we do not unite as a species, as a world, as a unified force of countries around the globe and move in to save our own kind.
Why? Because that isn't what we are. We don't do that. Our predatory instincts prompt us to allow predation to occur and we view it as normal and an aspect of humanity as a whole. One must suppose there would be some who would challenge this assertion and state this is not what we are, but these fantasies aren't based in reality. They can raise a fist and point at fundraisers and interview those who dared venture into those places where these atrocities occur, and state there are those who are doing something. I have to agree with those specific people, but I can point to the billions everywhere else and say, "Guess again."
And this is why these Holocausts will continue forward and relish in their successes. Because we have brave people going in (such as Kayla Mueller, who ended up a sex slave of the Islamic State and eventually killed while the most influential country's leaders looked on along with the rest of the world and did next to nothing) but they are inconsequential against the numbers populating the evil and the remaining billions who couldn't care less one way or another. In fact, my point is so easy to support that there is an organization here in the United States called Planned Parenthood. This organization is being paid literally millions of dollars by our government to literally farm our own kind through body parts of babies sold for profit and research, and motions to stop this threaten to shut down the entirety of that government. WTF...
If the world itself was rising up and moving in as a mass to stop ISIS and the rape rooms and sex slavery occurring online and within open markets (where a young girl's life might be worth $60) it would be so easy to claim this is what humanity does for humanity. But that is not happening and history demonstrates it never does. Sure, political leaders will go to war at times for certain egregious offences (Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, on and on) but these often prove a part of a bigger agenda and rarely demonstrate a move on humanitarian grounds unless other political leaders, colleagues, are at risk.
One of the reasons I was prompted to write this is because the widespread occurrences today shedding light on what we truly are as humans reminds of the first time I discovered the issue. I recall being perhaps twelve years of age when I first saw WWII footage of what was being done to the Jews and others during that time. The first time I had to confront what we truly are was when I saw grainy black and white footage of stories-high piles of emaciated bodies being bulldozed into open pits. But I knew that such occurrences took place well before I was born and I had heard claims the world stated such atrocities would happen never again. Well, evil equal to or worse indeed has happened again, and again, since that footage was filmed and is happening right now.
There are some doing something to fight these evils, but because our kind doesn't view these things as a big enough problem to rise in unity against it, it seems we must concede they'll continue on their merry way. After all, we have the potential of melting polar ice caps to worry about.

The picture at the top of the post shows piles of bodies, children. This picture is from the WWII era, and there's no denying the horror of it. But the pics directly above show an image of killed sex slaves disposed of by ISIS and of one woman's horrific end on the part of what ISIS thinks of Christians. While these images do not demonstrate stories-high piles of victims, the news coverage of what is occurring in the Middle East, particularly in Syria and Iraq, 
I found these images, along with scores more, on the internet with a minimum of difficulty. I gave a moment's thought to what I was looking for, punched in a few keywords and boom, there they were, quite similar to what my mind thought they would look like. Now, if my assertion that this is what we are as a species is so wrong, then why am I able to find these images and news reports in such volume that I'm not sure how to go them all, yet I cannot find much of anything in terms of what's being done to bring these tragedies to a halt? Sure, there are pockets of activists and brave people rising up in outrage, but there are literally and truthfully billions of people around the globe who are either not doing anything at all or are being prevented from doing anything by those who actually have the power to make a difference. 
I have no doubt there are plenty of able-bodied men around the world who would jump at the chance to join together and move into these hellholes in order to make a positive change. But we all know there are numerous legal and political entities that would (finally take some action, but for the wrong reasons and) prevent these groups from doing so, on numerous legal grounds. Further, these governmental entities are NOT gathering such men for these purposes. So, while humanity squats in front of coffee or pizza or whatever and some officials speak out against the horror with verbose language and cries of injustice, 
Meanwhile, things such as you see in the images next are going on full swing and with no resistance at all- 

The picture on top depicts a young girl on the auction block being auctioned off so she can enjoy a life of sex slavery and be raped more than a dozen times a day. The lower pic demonstrates a happy-go-lucky Islamist reporter showing off a new budding bride (she's seven years old) who is soon to enjoy all the accolades of being forced into a marriage with an Islamist. I'm sure she's ecstatic. The tears are surely from being camera shy. There are no proper words for the next picture. 

All the best to you, Imam Philips. 
I am not a fool so I recognize this troubled world is not soon to become a Utopian place where we all live in peace and there is no more evil. But apparently I am severely limited in my ability to perceive the world around me without prejudice, since my limited mental capacity wants the good to fight the evil, not recline next to the donuts and debate about it. My arrested development cries out to those who have the means, resources and manpower to go in and rescue the innocent, victimized and terrorized, but said arrested development carved a wide swath through my entire species and bound their tongues. My debilitated mental state finds incredible difficulty in comprehending how footage of these atrocities is televised for all to see but is merely brought to us by Pepsi and AT&T. 
When I first saw images, video, similar to what is depicted in the image at the top of the post, I sat there at that age and asked in a whisper, "What are we?" 
I am not just a few weeks shy of reaching fifty years old, asking in a whisper, "How many times do I have to keep asking that same question?"
Einstein was a rather smart fellow. It's such a shame that we cannot heed his statement and say, "Those who do nothing amount to nothing more than the number claimed by the media and public record is equal to those claimed to populate the number of extremists who perpetrate these atrocities." with a straight face and then point to the billions who are ready to combat the evil. 
It is truly a shame, indeed. 
Hey there, fellow humanity! Take a look at the next pic and tell me with a straight face that this is not what you are.

If this is not what you are, then stop being this. And before you get as indignant as Whoopi over climate change and spew from your head you would never do this, you must acknowledge that Silence Is Consent. My original premise is that out of the billions of us, only an insignificant number is raging against this while the remainder worry more about the price of gasoline. 
Because I do not foresee all of humanity, the billions of them, coming together to combat this evil, the next picture is my guess of what will be the final chapter of humanity as it willingly surrenders its existence to evil. 

Because I don't want this to be, let's work together and prove me wrong. 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Racism is Virtually Nonexistent

While I recognize this is a difficult thing for many to accept, given the state of racist issues in our country today, but I'm making the claim and I can back it up. In fact, if those of you who are honest with yourselves and choose to look at the world around through your own eyes and not the eyes of the media agenda, you'll be surprised to notice just how correct I am.

Racism is the big cry of today and everyone has a major thrill running up their leg over it. Just about everyone finds this outcry as luscious as the promise of a coming day. It's empowering and gives credence and excuse to all manner of violence and insidious attacks against innocent children. People are loving this like nothing else that's come along in a long, long time. People of color and various minorities lust over the chance to play the everlasting victim card and all whites are racist and terrorists simply because they're white and continually throw around their white privilege.

All of this is utter crap and just piles of false statements, and a heavy dose of down-and-out lies.

"What time is it?"

"It's 9:14."

"No, it isn't! It's 9:15! You're a racist!"

As I said, look at things through your own eyes for once and dismiss what Wolf asinine Blitzer or Al 'I hate crackers' Sharpton have to say. In fact, the recipe for proving that racism is virtually nonexistent today is simple. After all, the vast percentage of what is racism in America and most of the world today is comprised of media claims, Hollywood liberals fanning the flames, a despicable President and his even more despicable wife who stirred all of this up for their own gain, along with isolated incidences reconstituted by the media into race issues.

If you take away the media intervention that purports racism under every rock and behind every tree and within every shadow, there isn't much racism left. After all, we receive most of our racist hatred spoon-fed in from the media who churn it up where it wasn't before. Then, take away the racist power from disgusting fiends such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan and many morally bankrupt celebrities such as Ben Affleck and his vulgar sort, and just about the only racism left is cowards attacking children in city parks and apartment playgrounds. And the only reason they're doing that is they're actions are fueled by the above mentioned.

Take away that excrement and what do you have left? The inane ramblings of poorly bred fools and the 2-digit IQ Club. That's it. And as for them, why does anyone listen to those idiots over issues of race when we are smart enough to dismiss everything else spewed from between their poorly maintained pile of teeth they have left? The answer to that is their racist opinions fuel everything else above.

The entire racism agenda is fueled purely by the mentally flaccid. This weak fuel powers all the rest mentioned above. So, take away false agenda of those who wield racism only for the blood it spills and the ratings produced (the media spews racism from every orifice because the people watch it and boost the ratings as a result) and dismiss the fools for being fools, and the remainder of racism left for us to share isn't enough to flavor your coffee.

Thus, racism is virtually nonexistent. Now, I cannot say it is dead or gone, since there is racist elements in people here and there. We all may know people who are mistrustful of other races, but we have to be honest and state this mistrust is fueled by the above. One should agree with those who state racism is learned, and not inherent. Further, there are those who simply enjoy their place in the racist equation, either with dumbass white fools who buy into the false supremacy, or others who wear the victimization like a warm blanket.

A good example is, just take an honest look at the white privilege. Any moron with an honest bone in his body can recognize this is largely bullshit. Back in the days when slavery was at its height, the percentage of whites owning slaves was still relatively small. It wasn't everyone. it just wasn't. And then when it was abolished, vast amounts of whites were falsely lured in from Europe in order to dupe them into cheap labor. The slave labor was gone but something similar was required. Numerous people are today's descendants from those who came here with little and only gained in stature by degrees throughout a few generations. I am descended from this and my mother's generation were the first to graduate from high school without having to work day and night to get by.

Now, the white privilege is there in that whites didn't suffer the oppression blacks suffered, and that is the truth. Blacks were held down and marginalized up until the seventies, but since then there's been so much effort to turn that tide. The problem is that so few blacks are willing to shed the past and pursue the future. I understand the anger, but you have to understand- white people don't live for three hundred years. The white people of today were born into the same situation everyone else was, but on the other side of the coin. Get into an honest conversation with a few and you'll see why there's so much white guilt and disgust for what their prior generations stuck them with. The vast majority of white people hate that aspect of history and are continually bending over backwards to right the wrong. Thus, the continual bashing of whites and labeling them as monsters for doing nothing but being white. There's a good chunk of your actual racism in today's world. Take a look at a white toddler and then be honest with yourself. Did that kid really cause all of this?

A perfect example is the Ferguson case. Michael Brown was a fiend and got what he deserved. He was being a menace when he met that officer and then attacked that officer, according to the black witnesses there. He approached the car and hit the officer hard enough to break an eye socket and then tried to take his gun. That failed and the officer was able to stop the attack. None of this had anything to do with race until the media took hold of it for their own gain. Wolf Blitzer got in there and rallied from rooftops that there are two forms of justice and that all whites are allowed to commit crimes with impunity. Look back to his statements and words during the time and you'll find this true. There's no race issue with the episode in Baltimore since just about everyone involved on all sides are black.

The only racism existing in our society today is the racism nurtured for the sake of nurturing it. Those who benefit from it cannot allow it to go away. What would Al do without it? What would Oprah do without it, or Whoopie, or so many others? People just love rivalries, for one thing, and the powers in place conquer better when their quarry is divided.

So, racism is virtually nonexistent. Take away the intentional racism and the mentally feeble racism, and you have almost none left.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Liberal and Progressive Agendas are now a Threat to Our World, and They Must be Stopped

Okay, once the story about how Tylenol and similar brands and products have to be banned because the cotton ball in them (there to retard moisture and offer a cushion to protect the product) represents some aspect of racism, that was the last straw. This camel's back is now broken and there is no more room for this pathetic stupidity. Therefore, I call on all Americans (and anyone with a 3-digit IQ) to join together and actively seek the decimation of these social philosophies before they decimate the future of all mankind. The way I see it, you have a choice. Fight this or die under its boot heel. 

How the Hell can you people not see that there are insidious characters behind some curtain somewhere, pulling strings and turning us all against one another in their vulgar and evil attempt to destroy this country from the inside out? We ban the General Lee and the Dukes of Hazzard as well as the Confederate Flag but allow Farrakhan and Sharpton to continue in their racist rhetoric? Colleges are banning anything supporting American values and shutting down free speech whenever possible. How much more of this insanity has to go on before people recognize they're being led down a slaughter chute and towards the loss of all their freedoms to lunatics with megalomaniacal intentions? 

Whenever these pathetically stupid things come down the pike, everybody caves in to the rhetoric, claiming, "Now they say we can't fly our flags! Now they say that all white people are racist by default! Now we have to take seriously the spew that the American Flag offends Muslims! They say soft drinks are to be either banned or regulated, but risky sexual behavior will be taught, and IUD devices placed in children, regardless of who doesn't like it."

Who are 'they'? And how is it that every gripe and claim they have suddenly becomes law and the way it is? Rather than giving these people any validation, how about we claim some sense and say this:

"All rhetoric, claims for bans, and restrictions against rights will be immediately subject to intense scrutiny and dismissed outright unless ample evidence is presented for support. As for any speech against American values, traditions, and history, all speech is allowed and given voice, but no bans against America and American values will be validated in America- because that's fucking stupid and nobody cares if you don't like it." 

We need to recognize stupid bans and cries of various claims about racism and so-called health risks must be thought through and discussed at length or to be viewed as blithering foolishness and those spewing it are to be labeled as suffering from mysterious head trauma, delusions, and are ingenuous at best. All claims that America is bad and is offensive to those within it must be dismissed as plain dumb. 

For example:

Claim- We have to ban Tylenol because picking the cotton ball from the bottle is reminiscent of racism and the days of slavery. 

Response- You should be beaten with your own severed arm until you cry and then have that arm shoved up your ass in support of kinky sexual activity. Then you should be dragged behind a bus for the length of the baseball season. 

Now, wouldn't this be better? 

Further, racism must be recognized from all angles. Racism against whites must be recognized just as insidious as any other racist claims. This is obvious. 

Intent must be played out. Muslims must be held accountable for what occurs in their ranks, and they must be implored to help stop what's radical in their culture. They can claim a global caliphate and state they desire to turn the entire world to Islam, yet we must move our July 4th celebrations because these might offend Muslims? They claim Memorial Day offends them? Why would anyone give a shit? 

Nobody has a right to be free of being offended. Free speech virtually guarantees somebody will be offended. 

So, to sum things up, there are two points I implore everyone to consider-

1. It is inherently stupid to trust government on anything, without exception, so we should only allow them what is Constitutionally placed, and nothing more. Get the government out of your daughter's vajayjay. 

2. These various bans and offenses are to be consider mentally challenged by default. 

3. We need to recognize and run with the fact that racism is not rampant in this country, but virtually nonexistent. The only thing keeping it alive are those who benefit from it (Sharpton) and the occasional moron who can't think it through, and that's it. Beyond these two factors, there is no racism anywhere. 

Now, these are my points and positions, but we as a people must decide whether we're the sheep here or what. We were supposed to herd ourselves, but the wolves lured the shepherds away and filled their heads with agendas against the herd. So beat these intruders with their own rendered arm and send them running with their tucked tails. If you don't, we won't just be sheep, we'll eventually be extinct.