Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Writing of Roddy on FB- cont'd

Now that it has been a bit more than a month since I launched The Writing of Roddy on FB, I am beginning to find some satisfaction with it. Rather than being some pathetic and shallow page where one could shamelessly peddle stuff to those who just don't care anymore, it's taken on a sort of personality I see developing, growing, becoming, reaching out.

The page features several excerpts of novels and short stories, so this way people can gather a few examples  of the work before they commit. Between such excerpts one can find momentary thoughts on what's occurring during the moment of the day, some rants, and some of my clever and amusing observations. There is certainly a tinge of me in these posts, and one who is otherwise unaware can gain some insight into who this fellow, Roddy, really is.

They may not be entirely comfortable with that.

That is, in part, much of the point.

FB is pretty good at gathering some rather clever pictures and images hitherto unavailable to an unsuspecting public, and I feel good in sharing some of those I find suitably entertaining. Particularly the ones featuring something twisted. I just adore twisted. All things twisted provide such confirmation of life, don't you think?

This page is still a work in the making, and one still growing, maturing. Now little more than a month old, there is still so far to go. But I look forward to seeing it develop into something truly worthy of everything it purports and supports. Hopefully, it can be something worthy of growing into something worthy. In fact, because of the way things are changing in today's world, this just might be a part of the new norm for the writer of today.

I caught onto doing this through a couple of other writers doing the same thing. Lance Manion is a very imaginative and creative writer, creating mostly humor and somewhat odd perceptions. Jonas Samuelle writes some extraordinary literary fiction and is so recommended, but his writing page mostly consists of a few excerpts and daily observations. These fellows do enough to keep you in tune with their name and writing at least once or twice a day, and this keeps them fresh in the mind. So, I copied their lead and did what I did, capitalizing on the fact that my name, Roddy, is somewhat rare and easy to recall.

I didn't want to peddle the page far and wide during those first few formulative weeks, mainly because I desired to see it develop into something worth seeing. Sure, the page is still quite young and definitely needs some tweaking and growth, but we're at a point where the word needs to spread. So, I'm at a point where it's time to start inviting folks to the party.

I have been writing for quite some time, and I've seen a few changes along the way. Once upon a time, it seemed the way to go was continually submit unsolicited work to the myriad of literary magazines out there. Then, the self-publishing world continued in its growth and evolution, and the process keeps moving. There are wondrous places like smashwords for people to express their voice, and everyone is on the eBook bandwagon. Plus, FB is historically profound. So, I publish my blog (you are here) and several articles on the internet, and now I have this new page to start a new chapter.

For those reading this now, please check out my writing page and click that Like button. I will do what I can to make sure you're glad you did.

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