Monday, January 7, 2013

Human Trafficking- Reinvigorate Your Vigilance

Ask yourself a simple question- What do you believe is the single most evil aspect of the world today? 

Might it be political corruption? That would be a good one, what with the influence possessed by corrupt politicians. Because they have the capacity to do so much good, they have even more capacity to do wrong and perpetuate wrong. 

But we have to ask ourselves just what is the nature of evil and what does it affect. In the way the world is right now, I must state that I believe the world's most pressing evil is Human Trafficking and this is why.

Only the evil would believe the act of rape is a good thing. Only the evil would support kidnapping or slavery. Only the evil would support the act of cannibalism. Only the evil would support murdering the disposed. Ergo, since Human Trafficking is all of these rolled up into one, Human Trafficking is our greatest evil.

This crime is more prevalent than ever before, despite the so-called efforts on the part of the government. You know what? To Hell with the supposed efforts on the part of government and law enforcement. This writer will, right here and right now, state that these organizations are directly responsible for the success and proliferation of these crimes, so it would be a supreme act of evil to believe they are in the fight to combat it. 

Now, why would I say they are in on it? Look, the statistics show there are more than 27 million people directly victimized by Human Trafficking around the globe. The crime affects people literally everywhere people exist. The reason it exists is because so many common, everyday people feed it with their patronage. Young girls and children are sold, easily, on the internet. Pimps are thought to be cool and funny. With the resources available to government and law enforcement, is one going to try to convince me they're stumped when the average Joe feeds this problem with a minimum of difficulty? That is just pure BS and there's no defense for it. 

It is obvious the government and law enforcement are perpetuating and supporting Human Trafficking and this is why. This crime exists everywhere with virtually no fear of being persecuted mainly because it feeds and stimulates the economy better than just about anything else out there. How widespread and rampant is the act of counterfeiting currency? Yeah, go ahead and get caught trying to buy some gas with a fake twenty. You'll be in a hot seat with a bright light in your face while surrounded by eighty secret service agents. 

But if you want to spend a few twenties on an hour with a nine year old little girl, just to know what it's like, you won't have to make much effort at all. 

If anyone wants to argue these points, please come at it. Be prepared to spend some time, because the information and statistics are overwhelming in volume. 

On a positive point, I still think that this crime is very much akin to a vampire. If the people of society have greater knowledge of what this crime truly is and knows what to look for, effectively exposing it to the light, then we can put a major dent into it. 

But we also have to recognize this crime is so prolific and widespread because this is what humanity is. Humanity is a predatory scavenger, speaking from a purely natural position, so there is no surprise humanity would cling to such a crime like wet plastic wrap. There is a defenseless victim to prey and scavenge on, so our natural instincts, along with our tendency to attract to wealth and power, all combine together to create the perfect recipe for human evil. Little girls are a cliche' of defenselessness, and they sell better than half-price pizza. 

It would be a better idea to perceive Human Trafficking like a classic human failure rather than a crime. Because Human Trafficking feeds our natural instincts so well, and apparently our natural instincts have it thriving, we must recognize how sentient and civilized we are NOT. Because we are so turned by these ancient instincts, we cannot look at ourselves and one another and state we are a smart and civilized creature. No, until Human Trafficking is broken, we can only claim to be the same knuckle-dragging freak we've always been. 

If you don't believe yourself to be a knuckle-dragging freak, then help to combat this. Get involved with Human Trafficking battling efforts through seeking as much educational information as you can find, and then pass that information to all you know. It boggles my mind how so many people hear about this more today than in the past, yet dismiss it largely as a non-issue. Is it because the little girls being raped forty times a day (just to meet the quota demanded by their owner) isn't directly related to them, then she just doesn't matter? Is that seven year old girl just a slut who asked for it? 

What is it about this, the most evil aspect of all of humanity, that is so easily dismissed as not important. 

The answer is easy. Because Human Trafficking slips so well into the realm of human instincts to prey and scavenge, its act seems as natural and obvious as enjoying a warm, sunny day. 

Shed your natural instincts and join civilization. Because until humanity rids itself of this scourge, no other scourge affecting our kind could ever be touched. This is a good place to start.

When I first wrote my novel, The Egocentric Predicament, I, being naive, thought I could prompt people into taking notice of the issue of Human Trafficking. But I literally could not motivate people to read it even when I freely placed it into their hands. The amount of people on this planet who have read that book likely are less than five. Maybe, through some stretch of the imagination, there might be ten. The effort fell flat. But if I can remain vigilant and spread the word via options such as this blog and by sharing information on FB, then maybe, just maybe, I can help make some difference. 

I ask you do the same. Never assume your law enforcement and government are doing anything other than feeding the monster. The best way to fight this monster is to expose it to the light. Click here for Florida information in order to have a better idea of what's going on right in your neighborhood (for those who know me personally here) and click here for New York information for those in NY who know me. Look, I am finding this information with a search engine search taking but seconds. The information is everywhere because the crime is everywhere. 

To start, all you have to do is care. 

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