Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Declaration of Independence- Please Read and Review. Also, Consider the Contemporary Importance

These days, there are plenty out there who are more than happy to jump into the fray and happily speak out for the 2nd Amendment, and rest assured that, from this guy, this is applauded. But this is mainly because this amendment is so attacked. Well, one has to give understanding to the notion that gun violence is out of control (but one should give all three IQ digits to the fact that the guns are not truly the problem) and this subject is among the lower hanging fruit.

Another that's brought up (but not enough, according to my last blog entry as well as a lot of smart people) is the 4th Amendment, since our rights are so important to consider. It amazes me at times how hard it is for some to recognize that we are NOT FUCKING MINIONS to the government and that it does not own us. It reports to us, not the other way around (or, that is how it was supposed to be) and it is supposed to exist for the sake of the people, not the other way around. But there they are, plenty of people who believe the government is the end-all and be-all of authority.

Hey, Comrade; move to a place offering tyrannical dictatorships. There are plenty to choose from. Just check the brochures and get lost, leaving the free (and smart people) to their own lives and destinies. Oh, and if this indicator offends you, keep in mind that you can suck my ass.

Now, the Declaration of Independence is not coming up as much as a subject of patriotic information and as a subject of a free people, but it should be reconsidered and thought of more by those of us who resist an encroaching loss of freedoms as well as the principles that support these freedoms. So, I ask that anyone who reads this post to again read their Declaration of Independence. My friends, there are reasons we celebrate July 4th as a holiday.

As one can see, the first two paragraphs list and explain why this was an important act, but also our inalienable rights along with what is self-evident. The government derives its rights from the governed, and that is an important point. The governed should not be the subjects and minions of the government in a nation claiming to be free. Duh.

It does claim we are to suffer the issues of difficulty and not just change our processes with every little inconvenience. But when things are truly out of hand, and this is listed in the Declaration for all to read (based on what was endured at the time) then it's time to make some changes. Now, we don't have to rewrite the list here, but examine the document and see why they were fed up, and then bring the spirit of disgust to today and consider the parallels. While we don't have the Indian Savages after us, but we have an immigration system that's run out of control.

The problem at the time was the colonies were just that, reporting to a higher authority in government and not truly a free nation. Today, this is an independent nation reporting to its own government, but therein lies the present issue. This is because it's fair to see this government as something perceiving itself as an entity over the people (although it will not openly state this opinion) based on so much of what's occurring. This could list countless infractions and wrongs, but we mainly know them after just a few minutes of consideration. The bigger point is to consider whether these difficulties are really troubles that are necessary to impose.

For example, there is no necessary reason to assume the government and its members should live like royalty and in the lap of ultimate luxury at the expense of a population suffering the government's sequester actions.

It's our money, asshole, not yours.

I ask you consider this line from the document: We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their Legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. 

Then, that was directed to the British Empire. But today, we the people need to redirect this statement to Washington, and for good reason. If this imposition was worthy of concern when it comes to another country's corrupt government, then it should be even more important when directed to one's own government.

They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and consanguinity. They have, people. And for those not knowing, consanguinity merely means by blood or family relationship. To our political leaders, you came from our ranks! How do you suddenly believe your place above us merely because you won an election based on lies and false promises never intended to be kept. Political campaigns are pillow talk and should never be seen as anything else until AFTER said politicians time in office.

Overall, I ask we reconsider the spirit behind the creation of this document. The people desired to be free from a tyrant, not just one from another nation. The people wanted to dictate their own destiny, not have their destiny chosen by a Common Core dictator.

We are Americans and the United States of America is a country populated by a free people. That will be defended against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

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